Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1357: :Slightly Shi Xiaojier


Located in the northwest corner of the north-west corner of the city folk.

There are no rich and powerful officials here, but there are some poor people, making Tianxianglou empty and famous, but they are getting into the cold.

At this time, in a wing room of Tianxiang Building, an old man was looking at the calligraphy and painting spread out on the table, his old eyes were full of doubts.

In front of him, a black-clothed man was equally puzzled. He looked at the picture on the table and shook his head slowly: "Elder Zuo, what do you say is this celestial picture is true or false? Why is the picture on it messy? Where is Juluzhou!"

Hearing this, the old man squinted sharply: "Don't worry, what I obtained from the Tianxu League is absolutely impossible to be false. According to the record of this painting, it should be the Beiju 10,000 years ago. At that time, the Beiju must be harmonious. It’s different now."

"Then, how do we start? There are many signs here that are unheard of. Except for the Dragon King Mansion and the Heavenly Master Mansion, it should be difficult for anyone to understand these."

When the man in black said this, the corners of his mouth were a little bitter.

Back then, under the leadership of the Zhaotian Temple, the three pillars of the imperial family resolutely maintained a neutral attitude, neither leaning toward their Tianxu alliance nor the Tianwu alliance.

So over the years, the two leagues have maintained restraint and comity when facing the three pillars of the royal family.

Although the Dragon King Mansion and the Heavenly Master Mansion are nothing, but the Zhaotian Temple sheltering the imperial imperial family forever, still has some foundation.

But now, if they can't get the help of the Northern Powers, it will be difficult to find that treasure.

"Hey, if I can, I really want to break this peace. Now our Sky Void Alliance is fully capable of starting a war with the Sky Martial Alliance. The only thing left is courage!"

"Yeah, after the little fox came, our odds of winning are a little bit better."

"And that little mongoose is not easy!"

Just as the two were talking, there was a sudden sound of gentle footsteps outside the hallway.

"Quickly, put away the secret map!"

The old man screamed, and the black-clothed man quickly put the picture away and hid it in his sleeve.


The closed door was suddenly pushed open.

The old man stared at the man in blue with a jealous face and couldn't help but smiled lightly: "Who are you?"

The person here is Zhang Wenyuan who wants to win Fengqiuhuang first!

Glancing at this somewhat wary old man, Zhang Wenyuan folded his fan and sneered: "Old man, you are not qualified to hear my name. Today, I must get the picture in your hand. !"


How could he know such a secret secret map!

Is it a member of the Tianwu League? !

When the old man's face was gloomy, Zhang Wenyuan waved his hand, and the six guards suddenly broke into the door, with fierce faces, all rushing towards the old man.


Dragon King Mansion.

Long Xueting was laughing and playing with Han Miaomiao, when suddenly there was the sound of rapid footsteps outside.

Upon seeing this, Long Xueting looked at Bai Chen and Xiao You with a smile, and said naturally: "I'll be with you first."


Bai Chen smiled calmly and continued to chat with Han Miaomiao.

Long Xueting came to the outside of the courtyard and faced the hidden guard, and said sharply, "How is it, what happened to Tianxianglou?"

"The princess, Zhang Wenyuan led people into the Tianxiang Tower, and then heard a loud noise, and the window of a house was suddenly stained with red paper. Then, a man in black carried Zhang Wenyuan with a swollen nose and a swollen nose, all the way to Tianxiang Upstairs, I got onto a carriage. By the way, there was an old man in black robes behind, which seemed very difficult!"

"You mean, Zhang Wenyuan was beaten?"

Long Xueting couldn't help but startled. Could it be that the old man in black robe was also from Bai Chen?

At this moment, Long Ao with a gloomy face also hurriedly came from a distance.

He first glanced at Long Xueting with a complicated expression, and then took her into the Bieyuan.

"Mr. Bai!" Long Ao Dun was not far in front of Bai Chen. This time, there was no prince's posture. Instead, he held his fists with respectful hands and bowed and said: "Sir, can you tell me what you are? What to do?"

Long Ao's actions stunned Long Xueting and Han Miaomiao at once.

The prince of the dignified Dragon Palace, bowed to a guest?

Facing the surprise of all eyes, Bai Chen slowly raised his eyes. At this moment, a domineering domineering attitude emerged from the eyes!

Such a domineering, like a king's arrival, made De Longao's heart frightened: He is really not easy!

He tapped his fingers on the table lightly, and Bai Chen smiled faintly: "Master, what do you mean by this? I don't understand."

"No! It's my clumsy eyes, my fault! Mr. Bai, dare you to ask if you are the rumored Tianzhixing?"

As soon as he said this, the heartless Han Miaomiao almost bit his finger while nibbling on melon seeds.


Tianzhixing? !

The corner of Bai Chen's mouth twitched, and he picked up the teacup and took a sip. He smiled and looked up at Long Ao with a stiff face: "I really don't know what you mean by this."

"This..." Long Ao's old face twitched, and his eyes were full of horror: "Yesterday you deceived Zhang Wenyuan into the Tianxiang Tower by Feng Qiuhuang, and he accidentally hit and bumped, and actually offended the Tianxu Alliance. , Elder Zuo of the Tianxu League has already gone to the Heavenly Master's Mansion! I really want to know, sir, what is this?"

The step-by-step plan made Long Ao unable to see through at first, but now thinking of Bai Chen, this person is a bit clever and terrifying.

In strategizing, and decisively winning thousands of miles away, can the famous lines in this book really be realized on the Starland Continent where the strong are respected?

Bai Chen also knew that Long Ao was a person with ideas, and since he had said everything to this point, he must have settled his conjecture.

With a smile in his heart, Bai Chen said faintly: "After today, the Heavenly Master's Mansion will be a force of the Heavenly Void Alliance."


Long Ao couldn't help but tremble.

Long Xueting and Han Miaomiao were even more struck by lightning.

The three powers of Zhaotian Temple, Dragon King Mansion, and Tianshi Mansion have never participated in the battle between the two leagues. Just because Bai Chen came here and did a little bit of work, this balance will be broken?

If the balance is broken, doesn't it mean that the Heavenly Void Alliance will dominate the world? !

Long Ao, with complicated eyes, was silent for a long time before raising his eyes: "Sir, have you already thought about assisting Emperor Xu?"

Xudi, the name may sound a little imaginary, but in fact, it is extremely loud in this Aolai Empire and the entire Northern Territory Continent.

Because he is the leader of the Heavenly Void Alliance, one of the two peak powers of the Aolai Empire!

Tianzhixing is about to be born, and the world will eventually be unified. Bai Chen's casual plan will send the Tianshi Mansion to the hands of the Tianxu League, which is undoubtedly strengthening the power of the Tianxu League.

If Feihong Palace’s prediction is true, then whoever he helps will definitely win!

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