Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1366: : It really is a good thing!


The main hall of the Dragon King's Mansion.

Long Xueting saw Xiao You walking in carrying Han Miaomiao, and ran over quickly: "Miaomiao! What happened to Miaomiao!"

"Wounded by the miasma, let the pharmacist of your palace show her, there shouldn't be any major problems." Bai Chen said calmly.

"Really, that's good."

Long Xueting took Han Miaomiao who was lethargic, and then arranged for someone to send her out of the hall, and said to Bai Chen, "Sir, is this trip going well?"

"Fortunately, it is very interesting to witness the battle between the Tianwu League and the strongmen of the Tianxu League with my own eyes." Bai Chen sat in a chair and said calmly.

Hearing that, Long Xueting's pretty face stiffened, and he had said such a dangerous thing so easily.

At this moment, Long Nao also walked quickly from outside. As soon as he entered the hall, he hurriedly came to Bai Chen. He looked at Bai Chen carefully, and then said with a worried expression: " Sir, are you okay?"

Seeing that the two father and daughter, who can behave in a pretentious manner, are actually better at playing than one, Xiao You couldn't help nausea, while Bai Chen remained calm, and said indifferently: "It's okay, Huo Linjing got his hands. ."


The unbelievable figure trembled, and Long Bo jumped his eyebrows: "Really got the hand?"

Looking at this Long Yao, he still didn't believe it, Bai Chen narrowed his eyes with a smile: "Xiao You, let the prince see."


Xiao You put down the stove easily, and then reached out to touch her waist. Under the shocking stare of the Long Yao father and daughter, her little hand flashed past, and Huo Linjing returned to her waist again.

From taking it out to putting it back, the whole process was not instantaneous, even if Long Yao had been paying attention, he could only see a little red light and shadow.

While marveling at Xiao You's swiftness, Long Yao couldn't help but flushed his old face: "That, that, I didn't see clearly."

"I'm stupid, who do you rely on!" Xiao You snorted coldly, making Long Nao's face flushed.

Upon seeing this, Bai Chen shook his head helplessly and sighed: "Xiao You, be obedient, let the prince have a look."

"Yes, son."

Xiao You reluctantly took out the Huo Lin Jing again.

Seeing the red spar in her palm, it faintly exudes a strong energies of heaven and earth. After Long Yao saw it clearly, his eyelids couldn't help but violently jump: "What a pure fire attribute energy, no wonder the Tianwu League and the Tianxu League We must strive for this thing, but what use is it for us to get this thing?"

"Xiao You's Scarlet Flame Turtle is just a fire attribute, you can use this to cultivate, and..." After the conversation turned, Bai Chen looked directly at Long Yao: "I let Xiao You **** the Fire Lin Jing, the main purpose is still I want to attract the attention of Tianxu League and Tianwu League."

"Uh... Then the Heavenly Master Mansion has already returned to the Tianxu League. According to Mr., are we going to take refuge in the Tianwu League and contend with it?"

"No, it's not the time yet."

"Dare to ask sir, when is the time?"

Long Yao and Long Xueting really admire Bai Chen now.

Facing the doubts of the two, Bai Chen gradually got up and walked out.

"When the time is right, the prince will naturally know. It is not early, I will go back to rest first."

A faint voice came from Bai Chen's mouth. Long Yao and his daughter watched Bai Chen and Xiao You leave.

Seeing the figure of Bai Chen's master servant leave the yard, Long Xueting gradually put away the welcoming smile, and looked at Long Yao with horror: "Father, I didn't expect that he actually took Huo Lin Jing Get it!"

With his old eyes condensed, Long Yao took a deep breath and sighed, "Yes, it seems that Feihong Palace's prophecy is true. This day, Mr. Zhi, really has extraordinary resourcefulness."

In just a few days, Long Nao witnessed Bai Chen's step-by-step ingenious arrangement. He was able to use the Tianxu and Tianwu Leagues as chess pieces without using force.

Don't mention how happy he is now, getting Mr. Tianzhi is like a treasure.

"Father, there is a saying that the daughter still wants to say, although Mr. Tianzhi is very powerful, but after all, he is ill. Yao Yao also said that he will not live for two years, so if we want to win this world, we still have to let Mr. Tianzhi earlier Arrange for the next action!"

"Oh, why don't you understand this truth? It's just that Mr. Zhi has a weird temperament this day. Although he is a prince, he dare not urge him. Since he said the opportunity is here, let's wait patiently."

Long Nao now has Bai Chen to advise him, and he has ignited the emperor's heart. Now the only thing he fears is Bai Chen's body and bones, which will not last long.

What's ridiculous is that Bai Chen's body is far more healthy and powerful than he thought!

Back in the room, Bai Chen asked Xiao You to stay outside the door, and then sat cross-legged on the bed alone, placed Huo Linjing between his palms, and gradually closed his eyes.

With the help of Huo Lin Jing, when Bai Chen used his spiritual power, he found that the spiritual power in his body was significantly accelerated.

Not only that, even the Chaos Saint Flame and Vermillion Bird Saint Flame showed signs of gradually becoming stronger due to the heaven and earth energy of the Fire Lin Jing.

After practicing for a whole night, Bai Chen suddenly opened his eyes and felt the strengthening of the two flames in his body. He couldn't help but squinted his eyes: "As expected, it is the cub companion source of the fire unicorn. It is a good thing!"

As long as the two flames continue to strengthen, Bai Chen will have the confidence to use Benji Flame as a guide to drive him to obtain greater gains in the spiritual source.

Maybe, in one month, you can be promoted to the three-star celestial realm...

Bai Chen sighed in his heart, so casual and so natural.

As for ordinary people, it would take thousands of years to increase their strength in the star realm!


Half a month later.

Beiji, Tianxu League.

In the majestic hall, black stone pillars are inlaid with luminous beads, illuminating the entire hall with a green light.

On the red carpet stone steps at the top of the main hall, a man in a splendid robe stands with his hands in his hands.

This man has a pale complexion, a touch of handsomeness in his delicate features, and a touch of tenderness in his handsomeness!

The temperament that exudes from him is so complicated, gentle and handsome, and at the same time has his own unique ethereal and handsome.

This man who is beyond comprehension is the night **** of the Tianxu League, Dongfang Lan!

In the main hall, Zuo Lengyan stood with his eyes down, telling all about what happened in Beiju.

Of course, what he said did not include the event that the strongman of the Tianwu League was taken away from Huo Linjing, because at that time he and Qin Xuan had already escaped.

"Zuo Lengyan, your excuse is very boring." Dongfang Lan's face was extremely gloomy after listening to him.

Upon seeing this, Zuo Lengyan trembled and clasped his fists quickly, his eyes daring not to look up: "Master Night God, your subordinates will never lie to you, the newcomer of the Tianwu League really used the power of the underworld!"

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