Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1372: : Another big boost

Seeing Su Wei crying so sad, Bai Chen suddenly felt a little sore.

Now, every time he sees familiar people and things, certain memories of his past life will unknowingly come to mind.

Just like this Su Wei, Bai Chen thought of Yang Wenqing when he saw him.

The old friends, now they meet, are extremely happy.

Bai Chen lifted his palm, and a gentle force instantly dragged Su Wei up.

Upon seeing this, Xiao You quickly said: "Master, you..."

"It's okay, he is from his own family, and there is no need to beware."

Bai Chen's words not only surprised Xiao You, but Su Wei was also taken aback.

Your own family?

"Su Wei, since you are a disciple of Emperor Jian Bao, you have naturally taken the blood of Eudemons, right?"

"Yes... I only have the strength of the three-star reincarnation realm. Thanks to the blood of the phantom beast gifted by the master, I can live to this day. Mr. Bai, who are you, you know so much?"

"Me?" Bai Chen looked at Su Wei with his hands under his hand, and the long-lost Jieyu appeared in his eyes: "Your master Jian Baodi, who followed me back then."


Su Wei's old face trembled, he obviously stepped back, and was full of vigilance at Bai Chen: "You liar, don't you draft lie? Do you know who my master's boss was back then!"

Su Wei thought that Bai Chen really knew his master, so he risked a try and talked to him, but he didn't expect him to say such a thing.

Such remarks, in Su Wei's view, are simply absurd.

Because, the person his master followed back then was the first power and the **** of destruction recognized by the five major regions of the Star Lan Continent!

"I didn't protect him back then. It was my negligence. I was ashamed to call me the boss for so long..."

What happened back then, like a tide, broke through the shackles of the depths of Bai Chen's Consciousness Sea, and clearly came to his mind.

Ignoring Su Wei’s suspicion, Bai Chen’s eyes became more fierce: "At the beginning, I was deceived by my lover and deceived to a place by him. This evil animal took this opportunity to sneak attack with the Dragon Slaying Formation and destroy my keel. , So that I was seriously injured and my strength was not as good as the peak period. After I hurried back, I found that my Dragon Temple had also been destroyed. Wen Qing, he died in the collapsed ruins..."

With the regaining of memories, Bai Chen finally recalled the scene of Luoxi sneak attacking him. At that time, it was indeed this evil animal. In conjunction with several other people, when he was defenseless, it was the most feared slaughter of the Dragon Clan. Long Dazhen attacked him!

However, he couldn't remember the appearance of those other people.

"Dragon Temple...that is the palace of the Destroyer God, you, you really are the Destroyer God Lord?!" Su Wei's eyes were filled with tears, staring in surprise.

Wasn't the **** of destruction dead? The Jianbao Emperor Yang Wenqing and Ke Xin beside the Destroyer God are all dead...

As a disciple of Yang Wenqing, Su Wei knew all this, but he didn't know the specific truth.

Because he hadn't learned much about the master at that time, the master did not recommend him to Lord Destruction.

"Suvi, you can recognize my eyes."

The pupils of Bai Chen's eyes suddenly changed, suddenly turning into a weird dark red.

At this moment, Su Wei's old body trembled violently, his old face gradually distorted, and finally he knelt on the ground again: "Chaos ghost pupil! The strongest pupil power in the world! You are really the **** of destruction, the master of the master! Master! , Have you seen it in Tianyouling, Lord Destroyer is not dead, not dead, hahahaha!"

With tears breaking into a smile, Su Wei's tears flowed down his old face to the goatee, so excited, watching Xiao You stayed aside.

"Master, it turns out that he is really his own." Bingxue's clever Xiao You, now finally understood, he couldn't help but relax his guard.

"Yes. If there was no Wenqing back then, I wouldn't get Zhanyue..." Thinking of Yang Wenqing's grinning old face, Bai Chen's eyes instantly moistened.

No wonder he felt very kind when he first saw Xia Daotian, because Yang Wenqing was like Lao Xia.

"Su Wei, your master was like brothers with me back then. They are true brothers in life and death, but we were all framed to death by treacherous men. Would you like to avenge me together?"

"Report! Of course I have to report! I survived, just to find a chance to avenge my master! But who is the enemy?"

"The **** king of Wanchao Pavilion, Luoxi!"

The cold words came from Bai Chen, and Su Wei was startled.

Wanchao Pavilion?

"Master Mad, I know Wanchao Pavilion, in our proud empire, the power behind the Tianxu League is Wanchao Pavilion!"

"Well, I already knew this."

"So, when you are here, do you intend to beat them? When do you start, I will go with you!"

Seeing Su Wei's hateful look, Bai Chen shook his head sadly.

Next, he briefly recounted his rebirth experience.

Hearing these words, Su Wei raised his eyes in surprise, tears in his old eyes: "Mad master, you are such a powerful person, and you have become like this. If the master is alive in the sky, he will not die, oh."

"Okay, don't cry. Now the Southern Territories and Western Regions have settled down. As long as I can calm down, it will not be impossible to return to the top, and you will continue to help me hide my identity in the future. Don't call me crazy , Just call me son with Xiao You."

"Yes, the old man understands! Son, then this Dragon King Mansion..."

"Heh~" With a tick at the corner of his mouth, Bai Chen sneered coldly: "Since you are already mine, Dragon King's Mansion naturally dare not treat you, but I have one more thing to ask you."

"My son, please say that I, Suvi, must inherit the will of the master and follow you all my life, without a second heart!"

"Okay. Now I am a human being after all. If I want to take revenge on Wanchao Pavilion, I still need to cultivate my power. I want to know if you can recognize the rumored twenty-three artifact list!"

This incident has always been Bai Chen’s expectation. He and Mengyao have the Wind God Sword and Qihuang Candle Yang, and Chu Junran also has the Zhutian Burning Flame Sword, but no one else in the sect has a decent artifact yet. .

Think of the unintentional god-destroying glove, and then think about the celestial ball in the hands of Xu Kun. It is conceivable that if a few of the treasures can be found in the twenty-three artifact list, then their Chenyao Jianzong's strength, But it's soaring!

However, after Bai Chen's words were over, Su Wei squinted his old eyes, and a touch of fear emerged: "The twenty-three artifact list, among them, there are six kinds of illustrated books I know! But son, if you want to treat this artifact Bang Rongzhi, then our danger is very terrifying."

[PS: Lying on the hospital bed can only use mobile phone codewords. I have never used mobile phone codewords before. I am not used to it. I really can't do 10,000 words a day. Please bear with me. . The archive is really gone. 】

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