Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1378: : Angry Zhang Tianshi

There was a lot of discussion in the venue of the University of Nuovo.

Although the auction was over, this last storm still attracted countless people to stay.

Gold coins, and still four million... ten thousand!

Zhang Wenyuan's stupid move is bound to pit the Tianshi's mansion miserably.

Zhang Tianshi now has only two choices, either to keep his family business and lose face, or to keep his dignity and become a mortal.

Obviously, people with normal brains will choose the former.

An unavoidable decisive battle between the Dragon King's Mansion and the Heavenly Master's Mansion is about to be staged. The one who contributed to the flames was the young man in white who deliberately raised the price with Zhang Wenyuan!

Zhang Wenyuan sat weakly on the chair at this time, just like a lamb to be slaughtered, shivering under Long Ao's momentum.

He regrets, he hates, but his eyes filled with endless bitterness can only make the smile on Bai Chen's face become stronger and stronger.

"My son, if the Heavenly Master really comes in a while, I'm afraid it won't end, right?" Su Wei raised his hand and pushed the lens in front of him upwards, if he said deeply.

Although Bai Chen is a strong star in the Star Realm, in order to hide the gazes of the two giants, Tianxu and Tianwu, he cannot show his strength in front of people. In this way, all the pressure will be placed on Xiao You.

This is also Su Wei's worry at the moment. He has never seen Xiao You's strength, and it is difficult to imagine that a young girl at such a young age can be the opponent of the teacher of the day.

In response to this, Bai Chen flicked the folding fan lightly and smiled casually: "Don't worry too much, we just have to wait to collect the money."

"Waiting to collect the money?!"

Su Wei was startled slightly: "My son, you don't know Zhang Tianshi, that person is cruel, not so easy to deal with!"

"Cruel cruel? How do you compare with me?"


Thinking of the legend about the **** of destruction, Su Wei was speechless.

Well, no matter how fierce the **** is, if you meet the **** of destruction, then you can only cry!

After a long wait, the atmosphere in the venue became quieter and quieter. Zhang Wenyuan no longer had his previous arrogance. At this moment, he was like a clown who was paying attention as a monkey.

At a certain moment, a group of people suddenly walked into a tunnel, and Zhang Wenyuan was overjoyed. He shouted at the man in white robe headed by the pedestrian like he was reborn: "Father! I'm here, save me!"

Zhang Tianshi...!

Seeing the visitor clearly, Long Ao's palm hidden in his sleeve was unconsciously pinched into a fist shape, and even faintly trembled.

"That's Master Zhang?" Bai Chen looked curiously, and saw that the man was wearing a white robe, his face was like a young man, and there was a touch of vigor between his eyebrows, very young.

"Well, he is Heavenly Master Zhang, the strongest in Luzhou in Northern Ju, he is highly regarded by his Majesty with the strength of the two-star heavenly realm, and he is regarded as a heavenly master. There are even rumors that his strength has reached the level of the five gods. High level!" Long Xueting came from behind and sat beside Han Miaomiao.

Facing Zhang Tianshi's pressure, she knew that her father couldn't fight each other at all, so she came here and hoped that Bai Chen could make a move at the critical moment.

Zhang Tianshi led the people from the Heavenly Master's Mansion, hurriedly, and quickly came to Long Ao under the awe of the audience.

"Zhang Tianshi, today's matter is also made by the son, and it has nothing to do with my Dragon King Mansion. Now the auctioneer is waiting to get the money, and then I have to invite you." Long Ao was also polite, because he was I'm really afraid that Bai Chen will be unreliable, and once the time comes, he will be beaten.

"Father, you finally came, I..."


Before Zhang Wenyuan finished speaking, he saw Zhang Tianshi slapped and slammed away, immediately resounding in the venue.

"You... Nizi!" Zhang Tianshi's veteran hands trembled, and his slightly gloomy face was already a bit ferocious because of anger.

"Father, I..." Zhang Wenyuan wanted to cry without tears, pointing his finger at Bai Chen, who was smiling in the distance: "It was him, deliberately raising the price with me. I was caught in the trap. The last time I was in the restaurant was also because he!"

As soon as the conversation turned, Zhang Tianshi Ling Mu coldly swept Bai Chen's direction, with a pair of cold eyes that could not hide the killing intent.

Regarding this, as an ordinary person, I was afraid that he would have been scared long ago, but Bai Chen smiled calmly, just like watching a child making a temper, smiling at Zhang Tianshi.

Being so calm and calm, Zhang Tianshi couldn't help but startled, he was not Zhang Wenyuan, he suddenly felt that this white-clothed youth was not as easy to deal with as it seemed.

"My nephew, the bidding at the auction was originally a normal rule. How can you say that it is a trap of others? This is too undaunted." Long Aopi smiled.

Hearing this, Zhang Tianshi turned around coldly, and his old face smiled hideously: "Long Lord, I really don’t know where you are a strange person. You can actually use your resourcefulness alone to easily get the old man out of his life’s hard work. air!"

"Hahaha, Zhang Tianshi, you just joked, he is just a friend that the little girl met by chance, and he is only temporarily living in my house."

"Really, that's really enviable~ Such a resourceful person is really an eye-opener for the old man, but I don't know if he is among the rumors of Feihong Palace..."

"Do you think he looks like?"

"Isn't it?"

The two faced each other tit-for-tat, and Long Ao's fist hidden in his sleeve was also tightened.

Bai Chen is the greatest treasure to him, but if the matter about him being Mr. Tianzhi was passed on by this dog god, it would be bad.

"Long prince, the child is not sensible, and today I have said, I am a father, naturally there is nothing to say." Zhang Tianshi waved his palm, and a group of people wearing Tianshi's costume appeared in the corridor.

These people carried the heavy red box along the way. When the box was carried beside Zhang Tianshi, as his palm lifted, a strange stream of light instantly opened the ten mahogany boxes, the golden inside. The gold bars made all the guests stand up in horror.

Unexpectedly, this celestial master really brought four million gold coins as agreed.

Staring coldly at these golden bars, Zhang Tianshi couldn't help trembling for a long time, and finally said in a deep voice, "Master, send someone to count and see if it's four million!"

"Hehe, Zhang Tianshi said nothing, naturally there will be no difference, and there is no need to count." Long Ao waved casually and said indifferently.

With four eyes facing each other, Zhang Tianshi's eyes were cold, and his killing intent became more and more solemn: "Long Ao, I must remember what happened today!"

With a wave of his sleeve robe, Zhang Tianshi was very decisive, and directly led the crowd, rushing away angrily.

When he passed by Bai Chen and the others, his eyes fell on Bai Chen's faintly smiling face, and a somewhat low voice came from the air.

"Mr. Tianzhi, compared with you, the old man’s wealth is nothing at all. Three days later, the old man will set up a banquet at the mansion and wait for you. You are here!"

The seemingly young face, the voice that he said was very old, and one mouthful of an "old man" also made Han Miaomiao and Long Xueting both cold.

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