Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1382: : Expectations for Xiao You

"Anyway, no matter what, you have to return the Northern Wilderness Judgment to me!" Chen Sanfeng's arms crossed his chest, and he looked immortal.

By now, Bai Chen understood that the crazy uncle in front of him, although he looked very strong, actually had a very low IQ, and he was obviously a person with intellectual disability.

Such a person, if he encounters someone with an unhealthy mind, it is very likely that he will be playing with him.

"Hey..." Bai Chen sighed helplessly, and said with a faint smile: "It is not difficult to return this Northern Wilderness Decision to you."

"Really? Hey! You're such a good person!" Chen Sancrazy suddenly grinned.

"But~ you must promise me one thing before I can hand over the Northern Wilderness to you!"

Hearing Bai Chen's words, Chen San was stunned, and immediately said sincerely: "Okay, as long as you give it to me, I will promise you whatever you want me to do!"


This guy is really easy to be used by bad guys!

Shaking his head helplessly, Bai Chen took out the quaint book from his waist and handed it forward: "You have to promise me that you will return to Guangdao immediately from now on, and you can't talk to anyone along the way. You can do it. ?"

"Ah? Then I can't go out to play!"

"No? Then I won't give it to you."

"Don't don't don't, I want! I can't do what I listen to you!" Chen San frantically snatched the book and saw the three characters of Beihuang Jue above, he was relieved instantly, and laughed stupidly. : "Hey, so the eldest sister won't beat me!"

"It seems that you are still very afraid of your big sister."

"That is, my eldest sister is the scariest person in the world! Don't say it, I'm going back, thank you, kindhearted person!" Chen San madly collected the books, and a stomped on his feet, instantly burst out like a meteor. Skyrim.

Looking at the figure of Feiyuan, Xiao You smiled helplessly: "This Uncle Chen is so funny. If Xiaoya and Grandpa Xia meet him, they will definitely like him."


Bai Chen narrowed his eyes with a smile, and suddenly became interested in this streamer island in his heart.

Beichen Empire’s famous star-level technique was actually just a junk from the owner of Liuguang Island, and this Liuguang Island could avoid Han Ling's sight and lurking in Aolai Empire. It seemed really not easy.

In any case, I hope that they will not be enemies with themselves. After all, if Bai Chen wants to conquer the Beichen Empire, Bai Chen must take the Aolai Empire and then recruit all his companions.


On the way, Bai Chen always kept the soul circle open, but still did not feel any powerful spirits appearing around him. It seems that this Heavenly Master Mansion is still a bit conceited and wants to wait for him to be in front of him the day after tomorrow. Go to the appointment?

Bai Chen returned to the Dragon King's Mansion and waited for Long Ao, who was in front of the door, to quickly step forward to greet him. He was relieved to find that Bai Chen was fine.

For Long Ao's "concern", Bai Chen naturally responded with a false smile, and then returned to the residence with Xiao You early.

Closing the door, before Bai Chen achieved the bronze mirror, he could not help but shook his head and sighed while looking at himself in the mirror.

"What's the matter, master?" Xiao You was a little curious when he saw this, and Bai Chen didn't usually look in the mirror.

Staring into his own eyes, full of human warmth, Bai Chen couldn't help but sigh: "Back then, there was only loneliness standing at the pinnacle in my eyes. Now, I actually become a human being."

Unexpectedly, he was feeling this, Xiao You couldn't help but smile.

According to books, dragons in ancient times were the most arrogant existence in the world. This race has two characteristics that are widely circulated. One is respect for the teacher and the other is the almost invincible arrogance.

And dragons with indifferent temperament usually have no sympathy.

But when Bai Chen saw Chen Sancrazy so innocent today, he not only told him to let him go home early, but also prevented him from talking to anyone along the way. This was to prevent him from encountering unpredictable people and being deceived.

The current Bai Chen, while pursuing strength, also has a true chivalrous heart. The way to govern the evil with evil is what makes him the most unique as the evil emperor, and it is also the basis for him to attract countless companions to swear to death.

"Master, is it really good for you to return the Northern Wilderness Judgment like this? Neither Sister Tang nor Big Brother Ling Can have changed their exercises yet!"

Hearing this, Bai Chen smiled calmly: "Stupid disciple, I have already remembered the content of the Northern Wilderness Judgment. Let's not talk about this. After the teacher changed the exercise method for you, how did you feel different?"

"Is it different? I can't tell you, because I am a beast trainer. The spiritual source of cultivation is the spiritual source that envelops the power of the soul. So after changing to this star-level technique, the soul power cannot be achieved in a short time. It becomes stronger, but I feel that my spiritual source and veins have changed, and the movement of soul power is much smoother than before, and it’s a bit strange..."

"Oh? What is strange to you, is it that every time the soul power enters the movement of the spirit veins, a part of it will radiate into the blood vein?"

"Wow, master, you are so amazing, you even know this!"

"Stupid apprentice, it seems that you did not disappoint me!" Bai Chen came to the table under the window and sat down, slowly looking at Xiao You who was sitting opposite him with a curious look: "Xiao You, you also understand. The cultivation of human beings is divided into two types: spiritual power and soul power. The spiritual power practitioners are called spiritual beings, that is, most practitioners in the world. As for soul power practitioners, they are extremely rare. Some people became spiritual masters, and some others became beast trainers."

"I know what you said. Master, what are you going to say?"

Looking directly at the puzzled Xiao You, Bai Chen’s deep eyes suddenly showed a touch of excitement and anticipation: "Xiao You, since the first time I saw you showing your potential, I have had a bold Imagine that you might become one of the most powerful people in the world in the future~ Would you like to believe me?"

"I believe what Master said, but I don't understand what you are saying..." Xiao You was confused.

Bai Chen held his chin lightly, and the smile on his face became stronger and stronger: "Xiao You, because your talented physique is at the heaven-defying physique, the same as the fat man, and the potential of the power of the soul is a god-level rare in ten thousand years , So I was thinking, would it be fun if you become a beastmaster and a spiritualist at the same time?"

"Become an animal trainer, and a spiritualist again?" Xiao You beautiful eyes widened, unbelievable, but a moment later, she shook her head suddenly: "No, I don't have two spiritual sources like you, the master. How can it be……"

"Fool~ Whether a beast trainer or a spiritualist is the power of cultivating soul, as long as your spiritual source is the direction of soul cultivation, you can definitely cultivate in both directions! Because you are my apprentice!"

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