Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1424: : Go to Yundu

Bai Qilin now made it clear that he regarded death as home, but he was not reconciled. His own death was actually not killed in battle, but was killed by an incompetent leader.

There are thousands of ways to die, and being cheated to death is undoubtedly the worst kind.

Seeing Bai Qilin's desperate look, Liang Zhou frowned and comforted: "Actually, you don't have to worry too much. I always feel that our Mr. Bai may really be a strange person!"

"You better don't think so, or you will die worse than me!"

"Oh, it's meaningless for us to argue about these now. After all, the results haven't come out yet, and with Mr. Bai's knowledge, he shouldn't be a brainless person..."

Hearing this, Bai Qilin remembered what happened last night again, and Bai Chen's ability to explain his origin in one word really surprised him.

Therefore, even if he was not happy with Bai Chen, after listening to Emperor Yang's advice, he mustered up the courage to choose to believe him once.

But Bai Chen's actions this time really chilled him. They just went to the enemy camp so blatantly, what's the difference between giving away their heads?

"Brother Qilin, don't think too much about it. According to the current behavior of the Temple of Heaven, we can't conclude that if you can make the Temple of Heaven join our camp this time, it will be considered a miracle. "Liang Zhou is an optimist, so he always hopes to think better when he encounters problems.

But Bai Qilin is not so optimistic.

He raised his sad gaze slightly, and Bai Qilin twisted his eyebrows, and said in a deep voice: "Don't forget, the son of Xueyun Guanzhu died at the hands of Nie Feiyan. As long as Nie Feiyan appears in Yundu, the blood cloud Guan will definitely find ways to chase us down, and Li Yinyao and Wang Xiaoyu’s childhood sweethearts are affectionate and will definitely help her deal with us. This time we went to Yundu to join the trap and promote the marriage of Blood Cloud Guan and Zhaotian Temple. Besides, there is no other possibility!"

"Oh, my brain is stupid. I don't have the ability for you to analyze so many things. Anyway, don't worry. If you really die in Yundu, I will avenge you!" Liang Zhou scratched his head and got up. With these last words, Bai Qilin almost vomited blood.

Looking at Liang Zhou walking away, Bai Qilin gritted his teeth unwillingly: "Brother Liang, the future Tianwu League will depend on you!"


A few days later.

Tianxu League Hall.

Dongfang Lan stood with his hand in his hand, looking at Nangong Xiuze, who was hanging down in the hall, and said in a deep voice: "The news from Tianwu is probably like this."

Nangong Xiuze raised an eyebrow in surprise: "In other words, that Bai Chen wants to go to Yundu to disrupt the situation?"

"Yes, although he only brought Bai Qilin and Nie Feiyan with him on this trip, we have to guard against them. These two people are now cultivated, and there are few rivals under the stars. Therefore, we must send the strong to meet the blood cloud. Observation is the subject."

Eyelids trembled slightly, and Nangong Xiuze stared in shock: "Master Ye God, would you just send me there?"

The last time he fought with Nie Feiyan, Nangong Xiuze's fear of her had already reached the point where his heart trembles when he heard it. With a stronger white unicorn, how dare he go.

Dongfang Lan sneered and said: "Don't be afraid, this time I will let Xiao Tianhu and Xiao Huan act together with you, because they first came here proudly and don't know the situation in Yundu, so this action, You are under your full authority. As for how to do it, I think you should be clear."

Hearing the two of them walking together, Nangong Xiuze was instantly refreshed, and said in a hearty words: "Master Ye Shen, please rest assured, this time I will bring Bai Chen's head to see you!"

"Okay, I hope you won't let me down again."

With a wave of Dongfang Lan's sleeve robe, his figure disappeared in the hall instantly.

For Xiao Tianhu and Xiao Huan, although Nangong Xiuze has not seen their true strength, he has heard Dongfang Lan praise many times. He believes that as long as they go out, they will be able to deal with the Tianwu four small strong!


Yundu, an ancient capital known for its view of blood and clouds, has a large flow of people, developed commerce, like carts and horses, and a forest of shops.

And all this splendor is due to the Blood Cloud View, which is a stronger existence in the Aolai Empire than the Zhaotian Temple!

The Blood Cloud View and Feihong Palace have always been called two mysterious and powerful hidden powers, the reason being that both powers are strong in the star realm.

But the hidden world of the Blood Cloud View was rooted in the Tianwu League.

Back then, Xueyun Guan wanted to share three parts of the world with Tianxu and Tianwu, approaching and arrogantly slaughtering the martial arts.

Later, the prosperous Xueyun Guan, the source of the king, died tragically by the hands of Nie Feiyan. For the sake of his son's desire to avenge the Xueyun Guanzhu, he was then defeated by Emperor Yang. Shijianghu, to put it bluntly, is just swallowing his breath.

During the period, the Tianxu League sent people to Yundu many times, and they wanted to join forces with the Blood Cloud View to fight the Tianwu League, but they were all rejected. Now they suddenly appeared again, and they have long been the focus of attention on the rivers and lakes.


In an inn, Bai Chen sat at a table with Bai Qilin and Nie Feiyan. The table was full of delicacies. Bai Chen ate with relish, while the other two were not thinking about tea and rice.

"Mr. Bai, why do we have to wear the costumes of the Tianwu League when we come to Yundu this time? I am afraid that we have already exposed our whereabouts." Nie Feiyan said with a solemn expression.

Bai Chen picked up a piece of fresh meat, chewed it in his mouth, and said nonchalantly, "Isn't it better to let them know that we are here?"

"Good?" Nie Feiyan was speechless.

"Yeah, aren't you invincible in the world, don't care who they are, come and kill one, come and kill two, I don't panic if you are there."

Hearing this, Nie Feiyan blushed and said embarrassingly: "I am invincible, but I am only limited to the stars. The watcher of blood clouds, but the real star realm powerhouse..."


Bai Chen lifted his eyelids and put down his bowls and chopsticks: "That's not right, how do I remember you said that even Xu Di was afraid of you three points?"

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