Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1456: : The Wrath of Shoji Temple

After drinking for three rounds, the third prince suddenly said: "Cheng Wei, you go back first, we have people from the Tianwu League here, there will be no danger."

The implication of this was that he had something to say, and he didn't want the guard of the Zhaotian Temple to hear it.

Cheng Wei was not stupid either, he immediately arched his hands and then exited the door.

Seeing, the third prince gave another wink at the personal guard next to him. The guard was born in the royal family since childhood, followed the third prince, naturally understood, and walked out.

The meaning of the third prince was very clear. He didn't want Cheng Wei, who had seen everything, to return to the Zhaotian Temple alive, nor did he want Long Aotian to know about his meeting with the deputy leader of the Tianwu League.

Therefore, he had to let his personal guards to kill people.


On the quiet road, Cheng Wei looked hurriedly, and the target direction was the direction of Zhaotian Temple.

He needs to report Bai Chen's appearance to the hall master in time.

At a certain moment, the personal guards of the three princes, like a shadow, approached quickly from behind the darkness.

However, just as he was about to kill Cheng Wei, a red ape wind suddenly passed by, and his head fell directly on the ground.

The red wind flew into an alley and turned into a human being. The cool and domineering face was exactly the cruel of Chenyao Jianzong!

Looking directly at Cheng Wei, who was leaving An Ran, Ling Can couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and left here again.

He also knew Bai Chen's mind, so he would take action to stop the three princes and allow Cheng Wei to bring the news back to the Zhaotian Temple.


However, one night half a month ago.

Beiju Luzhou direction.

Inside the Dragon King's Mansion, the figures were scattered, and there was a smell of blood everywhere.

The corpses that can be seen everywhere are all assassins sent by the Tianxu League, but they have all died tragically before the main hall at this time, and they have no life.

Long Ao stared at the corpses all over the ground, and couldn't help but raise his eyes to look at the white-clothed man in the Yushu Linfeng. He bowed his hands and said, "Thank you, Lord Palace Master, for helping me!"

The "Master of the Palace" in his mouth, he is the Palace Master of Feihong Palace, the strongest of eight stars, Han Ling!

Han Ling listened to Long Ao's words, and then narrowed his eyes and laughed: "Haha, Lord Long is polite, I won't let anyone hurt Xue Ting!"

"Thank you, Brother Han." Long Xueting's beautiful eyes were filled with intoxicating gentleness, and she looked at Han Ling with a brilliant golden light. In her eyes now, Han Ling was so handsome, so cool!

It is her great happiness to be lucky enough to be favored by such a man.

But she didn't know that she was just a piece of Bai Chen's chess piece, and now that Han Ling appeared here to guard the Dragon King's Mansion, Bai Chen had arranged it before.

Bai Chen is thousands of miles away, still able to plan tactics, and decide to beat the strong, this kind of ability is not unbelievable!

When the shadows disappeared, Han Ling bid farewell to Long Ao, and disappeared without a trace.

Long Ao looked up at the disappearing figure like a star, and couldn't help but admire again, and was also fortunate that he could have such a powerful and capable son-in-law in the future.


When Long Xueting returned to her boudoir, Han Ling was already sitting in it.

Upon seeing this, Long Xueting quickly glanced at the outside of the courtyard with a nervous expression, then hurriedly closed the door, and came to Han Ling with joy and shame: "Brother Han, it's so late, you show up in my room. Ok?"

Hearing that, Han Ling's slanted eyes showed a faint soft light: "How could it be bad? Isn't this what you expected~"

As he said, he picked up Long Xueting, then walked towards the bed with a big smile.

The candlelight went out and the spring nights continued.


Outside the imperial city, there is a towering temple like a giant. In the temple, Long Aotian looked down at the black-clothed man in the temple with cold eyes, and sternly shouted: "You mean, we sent out to cooperate with the Tianxu League to strangle the Dragon Palace. Are all dead?"

"Return to the Palace Master, yes!"

The man in black is the intelligence leader who is responsible for the Luzhou generation of Beiju, so his words are naturally true.

Hearing his reply, Long Aotian's thick eyebrows suddenly erected, and his surprised voice was a bit sharp: "I don't understand. Hasn't Bai Chen already left the Longwang Mansion, and the rest of the mans Qiang is also Long Ao at the peak of the Star Sea Realm, but on our side, the four elders of the Star Sea Realm with the Sky Void Alliance, how can we lose?"

"This, the villain doesn't know... the villain only knows that they are not only defeated, but they are defeated extremely quickly and extremely easily."


Long Aotian stood up in shock, his eyes burst into anger: "What a Bai Chen, even if he leaves Beiju, there is still a way to protect Long Ao Zhouquan. It seems that I still have to start with Bai Chen!"

At this moment, outside the hall, Cheng Wei, who looked nervous, also walked in hastily.

Seeing Cheng Wei, Long Aotian couldn't help but be surprised: "You don't follow the third prince, what are you doing here?"

Cheng Wei was the eyeliner he placed next to the third prince, because although Long Aotian was loyal to the royal family on the surface, he was actually cultivating his own power in secret.

His Majesty now has a weak body, so he is fully supporting the Prince.

Each emperor was pulled up by Long Aotian with one hand, and then he would ignore his seniority and become a brother with the emperor. This is why the Zhaotian Temple can stand outside the imperial city and remain unchanged forever.

However, Cheng Wei paused in a panic, then raised his eyes and looked at Long Aotian respectfully: "Return to the palace lord, Bai Chen, the deputy lord of the Tianwu League, is now having a private meeting with the three princes in the Zhoushan restaurant. in……"

"what did you say--"

Long Aotian's roar suddenly shook the entire Zhaotian Temple, shaking violently.

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