Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1467: : The amazing dragon fist

"So, what is that!" The soldiers looked at the huge sky-shaking giants in the imperial city, all of them shocked.

Even your Majesty, under the guard of the personal guard, fled to the coat bureau.

Tang Qin alone fought alone to Zhaotian Temple, and the agitation caused by him has already put the entire imperial city in jeopardy.

Obviously, Wang Xiaoyu didn't expect this gentle and beautiful beauty to be so powerful.

Long Aotian raised his head, looking at the giant who could see through the sky, his palms unconsciously pinched into a fist shape.

what happened……

At this moment, Bai Chen suddenly felt an unusual energy fluctuation.

"Long Aotian, now, do you dare to look down upon me!"

Tang Qin looked cold, stepped on the void, and slowly raised his feet.

At the same time, the purple thunder and lightning giant also lifted its huge soles.

As Tang Qin stepped on it, Wang Xiaoyu quickly grabbed Bai Chen and galloped all the way, hiding outside the queen's palace.


As the purple giant fell, the entire Villa instantly collapsed.

But when Bai Chen and Wang Xiaoyu fell in front of the group of soldiers in the distance, those people were obviously frightened and raised their long swords, shaking back.

Ignoring the fearful gazes of these people, Bai Chen still held the bamboo stool in his hand, and then put the stool on the ground for a while, and he sat on the stool again.

This guy is too calm, right?

Wang Xiaoyu frowned slightly, and she suddenly felt that Bai Chen was a little weird.

Up to now, the four Tianwu Xiaoqiangs are not by their side. Tang Qin is the only one who can't deal with Long Aotian. How can he be a mortal without fear?

He can show this, there must be some hole cards.

definitely is! !

Turning his eyes slightly, Wang Xiaoyu suddenly showed the appearance of a loyal guardian: "Even if I die, I will definitely protect you!"

Doesn't it seem obtrusive to be so loyal suddenly?

Bai Chen sighed helplessly in his heart, still with an unpredictable smile on his face.

A person always has a faint smile, which will make others unable to understand what emotional changes you have.

Therefore, most of the old predecessors who concealed themselves are mostly of this virtue.


Since Tang Qin used the Heavenly Thunder God Armor, its combat power has been no different from the peak of the Heavenly Dao Realm, but under the high-altitude fight against Long Aotian, she found that she was still suppressed by Long Aotian.

How could this guy be so strong!

Biting his lip, Tang Qinyu probed his hand, and a purple javelin appeared in the purple giant's hand.

This is the most powerful attacking move of the Sky Thunder God Armor!

After feeling the faintly dangerous message from the purple spear with unusually violent energy fluctuations, Long Aotian also began to gradually clenched his fists.

At this moment, Bai Chen finally felt the strange energy hidden in the heart of that fellow's fist.

Tang Qin!

Bai Chen couldn't help but want to speak.

However, it is too late!

"Dragon Fist!"

Long Aotian suddenly laughed and blasted a fist, and then the javelin in Tang Qin's hand also emitted a dazzling purple light, illuminating the night sky.

A flame fist, and a purple gun shadow, finally collided fiercely in the sky.

At this moment, the seemingly penetrating purple javelin was actually shattered to pieces, while the mark of Long Aotian's fist slammed into the Heavenly Thunder God's armor.


The shadow of the fist flashed, directly blasting the half-face of the purple giant to pieces. As the Thunder God's armor exploded into the sky, Tang Qin's face turned white with incredible blood, and the whole person was sprayed out. Like a broken kite, it flies backwards.

"Tang Qin!!"

Seeing this scene, Bai Chen was finally shocked.

Bai Chen, are you finally showing your trump card?

Wang Xiaoyu coldly looked at Bai Chen with an anxious look, knowing that if his beloved person hurts his hand, he will definitely be in chaos.

However, what Wang Xiaoyu expected did not appear.

In the distance, a white shadow flashed quickly, and instantly caught Tang Qin who was flying backwards.

It's Bai Qilin!

"He, why did he come back!" Wang Xiaoyu couldn't help being shocked when he saw the indifferent face like an iceberg.

Even though the night clothes had been spread, Bai Qilin's air-conditioning was still easy to tell.

Hugging Tang Qin, looking at her pale face and the red color in her veil, Bai Qilin's sharp eyes condensed slightly: "Girl Tang, I'm sorry, I'm late."

"It's okay, it's fine if you can come."

Tang Qin forcibly broke away from his embrace, and then wiped the blood stains on the corners of his mouth, looking at Long Aotian in the distance with some fear, and found that there was a deep color of fear in Long Aotian's eyes.

Long Aotian, is he actually afraid of Bai Qilin...?

After seeing all this, Tang Qin said solemnly: "Bai Qilin, you have to be careful. When that guy punches, he is very powerful."

After speaking, her figure flashed and flew towards Bai Chen's direction.

Watching Tang Qin land safely, Bai Qilin slowly withdrew the saber around his waist, with indifferent eyes, looking directly at Long Aotian in the distance: "Hall of Long, I have heard of the name for a long time, and I have the honor to discuss with you today Now, I'm not in vain for this trip!"

As he said, white Qilin gradually emitted a white light.

This white light was very soft at first.

However, with the passing of time, the soft white glow became more and more intense. In the end, the white unicorn glowed like a round of sun, emitting a powerful glow, illuminating the sky of the entire imperial capital more than the day. Bright.

The intense rays of light like the sun caused everyone in the imperial capital to quickly close their eyes.

This strong glow lasted for a long time, and when the light dissipated, Bai Qilin's hair had turned silvery white.

Moreover, his whole body, the dense white energy, like a flame, rushed up and down, looking extremely strange.

Of course, these are not the most important.

The most important thing is that Bai Qilin's spiritual power fluctuations at this moment have faintly overwhelmed Long Aotian's head, almost the same as a star realm!

With a touch of horror in his old eyes, Long Aotian stared at the cold and arrogant man who was among the white light, and then rolled his throat with difficulty: " this the second-ranked Bai Qilin among the Tianwu four small tops! "

Liang Zhou, the weakest of Tianwu's four small teams, is actually not well-known.

On the contrary, it is the top three, one more than one makes people feel palpitating.

Nie Feiyan, Yu Beiju defeated the four evils of the sky with a flying knife, and it was already shocking the world.

And now, the energy displayed by Bai Qilin can actually suppress Long Aotian, the lord of the Zhaotian Temple! You know, this Long Aotian is a formidable enemy that Tang Qin can't defeat with all his best!

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