Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1510: : Just calm down

At this moment, Wang Xiaoyu's face changed drastically, and just about to escape, two big hands hugged her directly from behind.

! !

"let me go!"

Wang Xiaoyu screamed, and she, who was hurt, couldn't afford her spiritual power.

"Xiaoyu, it's so hard for me to find it..."

A familiar voice sounded from behind Wu's own body, and Wang Xiaoyu, who was struggling desperately, was startled on the spot: "Li Yinyao?!"

Holding her tightly and keeping her from moving, Li Yinyao leaned to her ear with a dark smile on his face: "You should call me... Brother Yinyao?"

"Do not!"

Wang Xiaoyu's face turned pale suddenly, and she hurriedly shouted: "You and I are dead, and now I am married to Bai Qilin, we are all strangers!"

"It's a stranger? How can you make the final decision alone!"

Li Yinyao was furious, and directly pressed her arm, and finally pressed it to the bed.

"Li Yinyao, listen to me. We have known each other since we were young. Even if we can't be a husband and wife, we are friends anyway. You can't bully me!"

"Bulling you? Hahahaha, you have been mine for a long time, what pretend to be here!"

Li Yinyao's breathing was gradually rapid because of anger.

Recalling the previous battle of the imperial city, Wang Xiaoyu pondered: "Li Yinyao, listen to me, you don't have that function now, so don't humiliate me and humiliate yourself at the same time, okay?"

"Heh...I'm so sorry, Lord God has already given me a miraculous pill. Now I am not only recovering, but also thousands of times stronger than ordinary people. Today I will let you feel it, what is fear!"

As Li Yinyao laughed wildly, Wang Xiaoyu finally felt something. She immediately trembled and her eyes were filled with deep fear.

"Weird, are no longer human, you let me go! Let go—"



At this time, on the eaves of the inn, Xiao Huan stood with her hands behind her, hearing the cry of the woman under her feet, her eyes filled with faint sadness.

"Little fantasy, those who make big things don't stick to the trivial, you should take this opportunity to hone your mind, otherwise, you will never be the opponent who sacrifices to Xukun~" Little Tianhu lay on the eaves, listening carefully The dialogue below, as if I really enjoyed it, the exquisite and pretty face showed a faint blush.

Sacrifice Xukun...!

Hearing this name, Xiao Huan clenched a fist fiercely, and the monstrous anger burst into his eyes, which instantly swallowed all of her reason.

At this moment, a figure suddenly descended from the sky, not caring about Xiao Huan and Xiao Tianhu at all, but directly smashed through the eaves, breaking through Xiao Huan's illusion space.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, Xiao Huan's face immediately paled, and Xiao Tianhu was even more shocked, bouncing from the eaves: "Who is that!"

"This person is very dangerous, we are definitely not the enemy of you and me, go!"

Xiao Huan wiped the blood stains on the corners of her mouth, her figure flashed suddenly, flew to the sky, seeing this, Xiao Tianhu gritted her teeth unwillingly, and had to rush out.


The endless sea once again returned to the wall of the past. Wang Xiaoyu hid beside the bed and was surprised that the man who appeared suddenly smashed Li Yinyao's head with a palm, and he couldn't help showing endless fear: "What are you? people!"

She could feel that this man was extremely scary and extremely dangerous.

The man glanced at Li Yinyao's corpse with cold eyes, and then at Wang Xiaoyu. Leng Jun, mixed with a lazy face, gradually showed a faint smile: "Fortunately, you came fast enough to prevent you from being bullied, you Shouldn't you thank me?"

"Um..." Wang Xiaoyu's heart was pounding, but there was no need to question what the man said. He saved her, and the rescue was timely.

Seeing that Wang Xiaoyu was about to be frightened, the man shook his head helplessly: "Oh, it's a pity that I already have a sweetheart. Even if you want to agree with you, I can't promise you."

As the voice fell, the space around the man was quickly distorted, and his figure disappeared into place out of thin air.

Star Realm Powerhouse...

Staring at the man's disappearing back, Wang Xiaoyu felt the subtle spiritual power fluctuations he had just faintly made. After a while, he suddenly woke up: "He! He is the man in that cave!"


"Why sister Xiaoyu hasn't come back for so long, isn't it something that happened?" Tang Qin couldn't help but feel a little worried while sitting on the beach by the sea, looking at the gloomy coastline.

Hearing this, Bai Chen squeezed her little hand, and a calm smile appeared on her handsome face: "Don't worry, she will not be in danger."

"Ah?" Tang Qin couldn't help but frowned, and looked away, "Xiao Yu still has injuries on his body, and we don't know how many people are ambushed by the Tianxu League here. Why are you so confident?"

"Heh~their Tianxu League loves to ambush as many people as they want. Even if the Xu Emperor comes in person, Wang Xiaoyu will be fine."

"This..." Seeing his confident profile, Tang Qin twisted his eyebrows slightly, and couldn't help being shocked: "Oh my God, Han Ling won't follow along!"

"Shhh! This is confidential."


Tang Qin was speechless.

No wonder since this morning, this guy has suddenly become full of confidence.

According to Tang Qin's speculation, it seems that Han Ling came to Nanling this morning.

There is really no problem with that guy from the Eight Stars and Celestial Realm secretly guarding...

"Big Brother Bai Chen, I'm still very curious. With Big Brother Han's ability and a clever mind that is no worse than you, why should he subdue to you? Just because you were the **** of destruction back then?"

"What is a mind that is not worse than me?" Bai Chen turned to look upset when he heard it.

Seeing his reluctance to admit defeat, Tang Qin smiled: "I heard Xiao You say before that Brother Han is playing chess with you, and you two can't tell the difference. You can't lose to you in chess skills. I have never seen it before~"

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