Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1556: : Han Shuyan VS Jin Guangwu Emperor


Facing Emperor Wu's fist blasting away, Han Shuyan could easily resist it with just a jade flute.

Seeing this scene, the people on Tianwu Mountain all showed despair.

Because at this time, they have put all their hopes on Emperor Wu. If Emperor Wu wins, everyone will win, and if Emperor Wu loses, everyone will die!

However, in the face of such an astonishing Han Shuyan, Emperor Wu couldn't help shed a cold sweat at this moment, he hardly thought he had any chance of winning.

But even if he can't win, he has to do his best to make the last fight.

Emperor Wu's eyes changed abruptly, and he punched Han Shuyan again.

He raised his fist and began to accumulate his strength, but before he hit his fist, he saw Han Shuyan's lightning strike, which was a punch on the bridge of Emperor Wu's nose.


A punch hit the blood flower that shot midair, and Emperor Wu flew away directly under everyone's dull gaze.

"Hun Yuan splits the palm of the sky!"

Bai Chen took the opportunity to strike out with a palm, and the flashing palm of Lei Mang hit Han Shuyan's face directly at the moment of his death.

However, Han Shuyan just turned his head, he used the tyrannical force on his face to directly pierce Bai Chen's palm. The fierce inner strength actually made Bai Chen's throat sweet, and he directly vomited blood and flew out. .

When the blood he vomited was about to shoot Han Shuyan's body, it was instantly evaporated by his terrifying spiritual power.


Do not!

His horror is no longer enough to describe, at this moment, for the people of the Tianwu League, no magnificent words in this world can describe how powerful Han Shuyan is!

Bai Chen, who was flying far away, slammed into the deep mountains, shaking up the dense fog surrounding the mountain stream, shocking.


call out!

In the thick fog, Bai Chen seemed to be suddenly picked up by someone. When everyone looked around, especially the Emperor Yang in the distant mountains, he couldn't help crying with joy: "Girl, you really succeeded!"

Tang Qin! !

Seeing the beauty in green, people couldn't help being shocked.

Facing the expectations of the crowd, Tang Qin hugged Bai Chen and looked at him distressedly: "Sorry, I failed."

...! !


"In the ancient tomb, I met the giant guarding the ancient tomb, and when he was about to kill me, I was too late to think about death, so I yelled that I was the young master of the Star Pavilion, and then he Just let me go...

However, he didn't mention a word about the treasures and secrets in the ancient tomb of Xuanyuan. He just shook me out with force, and then took everything in the ancient tomb and disappeared into the collapsed space forever..."

Tang Qin's words made Bai Chen's eyes widened suddenly.

Although seeing her safe and sound, how should the secret of the power of the underworld be revealed? Bai Chen was both happy and sad.

"Although he slept with the secrets of Xuanyuan Ancient Tomb, he threw a flower to me at the last moment. Look at what it is?" Tang Qin said, touching out a strange leaf from behind.

This leaf is very strange, the whole body is pale blue, and it exudes an intoxicating fragrance.

"Bodhi Leaf!" When Emperor Wu saw the leaf, he couldn't help exclaiming.

Upon hearing this, Bai Chen was overjoyed: "This is the Bodhi leaf that Little Tianhu wants to get?!"

Emperor Wu stared at Emperor Yang, Xue's eyebrows furrowed: "Brother, who is...?"

"She's Tang Qin, the woman from Bai Chen. The two of them helped us a lot, and the girl has the power of the underworld, so I let him into the tomb."

"The power of the underworld?!" Hearing the words of Emperor Yang, Emperor Wu couldn't help being shocked: "Could it be that she is the descendant of the teacher?!"

"No, it's not..." Yang Emperor smiled bitterly and shook his head, but the eyes that looked at Tang Qin were still full of joy.

"That's it." Emperor Wu took a deep breath and looked at Bai Chen and Tang Qin with a smile: "You two will run away with Bai Qilin and Nie Feiyan. The sooner the better."

"What!" Bai Qilin was shocked in the rear.

"Nothing, just let you run away!" The Emperor Wu turned around and shouted, the suspense in his eyes was beyond words: "Good apprentice, you are proud of being a teacher, you must survive, and then revive the glory of my Tianwu League! "

"But Master, I..."

"Promise me! This is the order of the teacher—"

Emperor Wu's eyes widened, and his roar shook the sky.

Bai Qilin raised his eyes sadly, tears flickering in his eyes, knowing that the Tianwu League today is so fierce and auspicious, facing the master's final request, he dared not rebel.

"Master, I promise you!"

Bai Qilin knelt on the ground trembling, clenched his teeth and howled.

He wanted to choose to fight and die here with his master, but the Tianwu League had to keep someone to continue its reconstruction.

Instead of going to death, it is better to repay the teacher. It is not that he is afraid of death, but that he has to take on this huge responsibility.

Seeing that Bai Qilin was not crying and urinating, Emperor Wu smiled with satisfaction: "Kirin, you have grown up..."

In this regard, Bai Qilin closed his eyes and said nothing.

"Ah~ Why do you want to stop me?" Han Shuyan yawned, really boring.

Emperor Wu clenched his fists, staring coldly at the arrogant and extremely dangerous Han Shuyan, his eyes finally changed.

Suddenly, Emperor Wu's body emitted a dazzling golden glow, he was like a sun, illuminating the entire night sky.


Seeing the brand-new form of Emperor Wu, Bai Chen was silently gratified. Xuanyuan back then became very powerful when he was in this state.

"I will let you see and see, the stunt created by my mentor back then!"

Emperor Wu's figure suddenly flashed, and he appeared in front of Han Shuyan instantly. At this moment, Han Shuyan was not as boring as before, but his eyes burned.

The two furiously fought in mid-air, with terrifying energy fluctuations, tearing a lotus-shaped black space crack, and everyone was frightened.


Tang Qin picked up Bai Chen, and suddenly flew out. At the same time, Bai Qilin, Nie Feiyan, and Wang Xiaoyu all flew out, but the three of them flew towards Emperor Yang.

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