Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1560: : Chen Sanfeng's strength

"you are!"

Astonished at the face of the heroic woman in front of him, Bai Chen groaned slightly, and the memory of her gradually recovered in his mind: "Are you Chen Qiao?!"


Chen Qiao walked quickly to Bai Chen, looked carefully back and forth, and still couldn't hide his joy: "Master Mad, didn't you say that the strong from all over the continent besieged you in the Northern Territory, did you fall... how now? Has it become like this?"

As soon as these words came out, Bai Qilin and others were stunned.

What the hell?

In response, Bai Chen turned around and looked at Bai Qilin with a serious face: "My identity is really special, so I hope you can hide it for me, don't be curious, otherwise it will lead to murder. "

"Don't worry, we won't harm you, and even if you don't reveal your identity, we are still in trouble." Bai Qilin smiled bitterly.

At this time, there was a loud noise in the distance, which suddenly shook the entire white pagoda.

"What's going on?!" Chen Qiao couldn't help but raise his eyes.

"To make a long story short, as you can see, I only have the strength of the four-star celestial realm, and I was seriously injured. The master of Wanchao Pavilion is chasing after him. If you can, you can help the three crazy brothers, otherwise he I'm afraid there will be danger." When Bai Chen said this, his eyes could not help but look at Chen Qiao solemnly: "Little girl, I remember that you only had the strength of the two-star heavenly realm back then, are you...?"

"I am the same as you now, four stars and stars!"

"Fuck!" Bai Chen patted his forehead speechlessly. He thought that when he came to Liuguang Island, he would have a way to ask the mysterious island owner to help deal with Han Shuyan, but who would have thought that the island owner was actually saved by him back then. Of a little girl.

"No, you can't stop them, what should I do..." Bai Chen wandered on the spot, his eyes getting more solemn: "Little girl, do you have a healing medicine here? Give me one, the higher the grade, the better , And then let's save the three crazy brothers first, and then escape here together!"

Bai Chen's words made Tang Qin and others feel extremely heavy, and it was rare to find Liuguang Island, but in the end they were still helpless with Han Shuyan.

Hearing this, Chen Qiaoyu pointed his chin and tilted his head thoughtfully: "I don't need a pill, but why do we have to escape?"

"Idiot, you only have four stars, you can't stop the master of Wanchao Pavilion!"

Hearing Bai Chen's words, Chen Qiao smiled: "I can't beat it, but it doesn't mean that he can't beat the three crazy."

? !

Nie Feiyan didn't understand this: "Chen Sancrazy, doesn't he only have the strength of the Star Sea Realm?"

"You can feel the strength of the three crazy now." Chen Qiao smiled mysteriously.

Bai Chen frowned and gradually closed his eyes.

With his calmness, the restlessness in the distance, the fluctuation of spiritual power, all clearly appeared in the range of his perception.

After a while, he couldn't help but woke up suddenly: "Three stars in the sky?!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was shocked.

The peak of the Star Sea Realm soars to the Three Star Realm? This range is too exaggerated!

"Samsung? The third gear is already in the second gear. Don't worry, he still has the third gear."



Above a forest, God Lord Xia stood proudly, looking down at the figure in the thick fog, and said faintly: "You fool, even if you reach three stars, you still can't be our opponent!"


Chen Sanfeng, who was kneeling on the ground, coughed up two mouthfuls of old blood. When he raised his eyes, his eyes burned with anger.

He felt that his blood was getting hot, especially facing the easy provocation of God Lord Xia, as if it had activated the power that had been hidden in his body for a long time.

With his fists clenched tightly, Chen Sanfeng suddenly red eyes, raised his chest up to the sky, and roared in anger.


Crazy three-speed mode! start!


With a loud noise that pierced the eardrums, the originally indifferent Divine Master Xia almost jumped out, and Ye Guyue's face was pale instantly.

Because at this moment, Chen Sanfeng's spiritual power fluctuated again, swelling up again, and the speed at which he surged upward was simply breathtaking.


Inside the White Pagoda, Bai Chen felt the terrifying spiritual power in the distance, and finally stabilized. He couldn't help but look at Chen Qiao's eyes, with a strong jealousy: "Star Realm...the pinnacle?!"

"You said Chen Sanfeng's strength has reached the peak of the star realm!" Bai Qilin almost dropped his chin.

Chen Qiao saw them dumbfounded and couldn't help covering his mouth and laughed: "Don't be so excited, Sancrazy was originally my patron saint, as long as he turned on the third gear, no one would be able to do so under the chaos. Threatening him."

Looking at the empire proudly, even the strongest Emperor Wu is no more than the pinnacle of the star realm.

That's why Chen Qiao is so confident with Chen's three madness.

However, Wang Xiaoyu raised his eyes hurriedly, staring at Chen Qiao's jealous face, and then asked in a low voice: "What if it is above the chaos?"

"What do you mean?!"

Chen Qiao's smile gradually weathered.

Furthermore, she saw Bai Chen's still solemn eyes.

"Little girl, one of those chasing us is the **** king of Wanchao Pavilion, a real chaos realm powerhouse."

"This... God King!"

Chen Qiao also heard about the **** king Wanchaoge.

Unexpectedly, such a character would be in the mood to come to the Aolai Empire. Chen Qiao's expression changed slightly. Suddenly he quickly took out a jade bottle from his waist and threw it to Bai Chen: "This is an eighth grade complex. Ling Pill, you quickly take it, and then let's help the three crazy!"

"it is good."

Bai Chen quickly took out the pill and took it.

Nie Feiyan and others stood aside, with a dumbfounded look, and casually took out an elixir that was an eighth product. Although the owner of Streaming Island, although not very strong, he is really too proud!

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