Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1598: : Mention

Qin and Yang are both wealthy people in Qingzhou, and they have had many business disputes, and they can be regarded as rivals for many years.

Therefore, since Bai Chen killed the Yang family, it stands to reason that he shouldn't be the murderer.

"Sorry, I was abrupt just now, how offended!" Qin Tianming still knows the courtesy, and apologized to Bai Chen with a fist in the air.

However, after hearing his apology, Bai Chen's eyes became more smiling: "Because I killed the Yang family, you apologized to me, do you think the person who killed your Qin family teahouse is the Yang family? "

"It must be the Yang family. Our Qin family has never made enemies with others. Only the Yang family does not share the heavens with us!" Qin Tianming said angrily.

The hatred in his eyes was obviously deep-seated when he mentioned the word Yang family.

It seems that the hatred of their two families has not been accumulated overnight!

Bai Chen took a deep breath and dispersed the wine that had imprisoned Qin Tianming, and then sighed suddenly: "Qin Tianming, the second master of the Qin Mansion, but that's it."

"What do you mean?!"

Qin Tianming, who was about to leave, suddenly frowned when he heard Bai Chen's words.

Knocked on the table with his fingers, Bai Chen's face still had a faint smile, calm eyes, as if he could see through everything, deep and mysterious: "This old man just rushed in to make me trouble, and At the same time, I smelled a **** smell floating in the air. It must have been someone in your teahouse who did something. If the person who did it is really Yang Jiarong, why didn't he come and deal with me directly with this old man. "


Qin Tianming twisted his eyebrows, feeling that what Bai Chen said made sense.

"The murderer was not the Yang family, who else could it be? We have never offended anyone else."

Qin Tianming looked dazed, and the few people in the Qin's teahouse in the corridor were also worried.

Bai Chen turned to look at Qin Tianming, as if he was teaching a junior, and said patiently: "Sometimes, killing is not necessarily for revenge..."

Not for revenge?

Qin Tianming was thoughtful, and after a while, he couldn't help being surprised: "Maybe, it's for profit!"

"Well, that's all right. Ruzi can teach you." Bai Chen stood up, looked at the mess in the house, and smiled helplessly: "Just before you rushed over, this old man ran to me to make trouble and broke out. The spiritual pressure of the heavenly realm shocked the pedestrians on the street to flee, and his spiritual power fluctuations are bound to make the guys in your teahouse frighten, but then you came, rushed into the teahouse, and saw the dead shopkeeper. When you drew your sword and rushed towards me, why didn't the guy in your teahouse stop you?"

Bai Chen's words were already very clear. Those guys knew that there was a danger here, and they let Qin Tianming come over to find death. The purpose was to cover up the truth of something...

After Qin Tianming understood this principle, his cold eyes gradually lifted, and he looked at the four people in the corridor, only to see that the four of them were already sweating.


One of the men immediately knelt on the ground, already shocked by Bai Chen’s ingenuity: "Second Young Master, please take your life, I also listened to the advice of the three of them, saying that if you kill the shopkeeper, the Qin family will Choose one of the four of us to be the new shopkeeper, and no matter who becomes the shopkeeper at that time, everyone will have a salary increase, so that in the future... the days to come will also be better..."

At the end of the talk, the man's voice became smaller and smaller, and the other three people heard it, their complexions changed drastically, and they kowtowed for mercy.

The truth finally came to light. Qin Tianming clenched his fists and couldn't help but angrily pointed out: "You guys who are so profitable, don't the Qin family pay you a salary usually? You actually want to kill the shopkeeper! "

"We were wrong! Second Young Master, please spare your life!" The four people kowtow, and their foreheads are red.

Qin Tianming was so angry that his veins violently, but seeing their remorse, he gradually calmed down his anger.

The clenched palm gradually loosened as the trembling calmed down, and Qin Tianming finally sighed softly, "Oh, nothing, as the so-called sea of ​​suffering is boundless, turning back is the shore, I hope you will not commit murder again in the future, and understand how noble life is reason."

"Yes! I would like to thank the Second Young Master for his kindness in not killing, I will remember it in my heart!"

The speaking man breathed a sigh of relief suddenly, but a touch of fortune also appeared in his eyes.

But just when the men were about to find a chance to slip away, Bai Chen suddenly raised his palm, and under Qin Tianming's horrified gaze, he shook it in the air.

Boom boom boom!

With four explosions, the four people exploded into a cloud of blood, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

Qin Tianming, who had witnessed all this with his own eyes, suddenly felt nauseous, and the expression in Bai Chen's eyes was full of fear.

Bai Chen's cruelty made him feel the fear of death from his heart.

"Do you think I'm terrible?" Bai Chen looked at Qin Tianming with a faint smile. At the same time, the dark red pupils turned into jet black again.

With a grunt in his throat, Qin Tianming didn't dare to say much, only fearful.

Bai Chen was not disgusted with this simple-minded teenager, but continued to teach: "As the second young master of the Qin family, when your sister goes out to study, you have to shoulder your own responsibilities. Benefits can kill people. Even if you spare them, you cannot be moved. When should you be kind and cruel, you should know how to judge."

"That’s~little brother, it’s not my brother who said you. In this world, kindness is a good thing, but blind sacred goodness often won’t end well. If it’s not for your sister and my boss at the same table, We don't care about this nosy." Fatty Guo also preached on the side.

"Fatty, let's go, no matter how much we talk to him now, he is afraid he won't listen."

Bai Chen stood up and patted Guo Fatty's shoulder. The two jumped out the window at random and landed on the street.

Those who should be helped, and those who should be taught, Bai Chen has no obligation to stay here, so he was very decisive when he took steps.

With a bewildered look, Qin Tianming stood alone in the air, staring at the two walking away with horrified eyes, and gradually solemnly said: "Is at the same table with my old sister? Oh, how is this possible!"

Originally, Bai Chen believed more than suspicious, but it was Guo Fatty's last words that made Qin Tianming change his opinion again.

Although he did not enter the Apocalypse Academy, he knew that an elder brother from the Tianzi class was pursuing the old sister, and the position next to the old sister was always empty because of this.

So in his opinion, it is impossible for anyone in Apocalypse Academy to dare to sit next to the old sister.

Since it is not possible, then it proves that what Guo Fatzi said is false.

How can a liar person be trusted!

Qin Tianming recalled Bai Chen's harsh methods and death-like indifference, and his eyes became sharper: "No, such a dangerous person, I must find a way to tell the old lady, be careful with him..."

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