Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 162: : Don't eat rabbit head

While being held tightly by Qiu Rou's little hands along the way, Bai Chen and Tang Qin just followed her on a fast pace, and quickly rushed to the crowded place.

It was a small restaurant called Qingyang Tower, and in terms of scale, it was considered third-rate in Maicheng.

Such a small shop attracts some ordinary people on weekdays, so the passenger flow is quite considerable.

Now, this small shop has reached the highest peak since it was purchased. The entire street in front of the shop is actually blocked by people looking at it!

"Give me a favor, please give me a favor."

Qiu Rou took the two people hard to squeeze through the shoulder-to-shoulder silhouettes along the way. As far away, she heard the extremely tender voice and the other a little bit sharp voice before the roaring voice.

"Do you admit your mistakes today!"

"I don't admit it, why should I admit my mistake, the rabbit provoke you!"

"Hey? Everyone, come over and listen, and listen to what this uncultivated child is saying!"

"You are not educated, your whole family is not educated!"

"You, you, you! I'll leave it alone today, if you don't apologize to me in public, I'll report to the official!"

"You report it, you report it, even if the Lord is here, I will still say this, no! Allow! Eat! Rabbit! Head——!"

Hearing these two increasingly noisy voices, Bai Chen not only had no headache, but a touch of excitement appeared in his eyes: "Tsk tsk, I didn't expect this little girl to be clever and sensible on weekdays, and she didn't lose to Fat Guo when she quarreled! "

"Hey, do you still have any heart!" Qiu Rou gave him an angry look, almost fainting.

Asking him to reconcile, not to add oil and jealousy.

Before Lin Mengyao asked her to come to Bai Chen, she was a little reluctant.

But, after all her lady said, Bai Chen must have a solution to this matter.

Okay, then drag him here and see if he is as wise as the lady said!

"Let let let go!"

Her red face squeezed forward fiercely, and when Qiu Rou rushed out of the last barrier, she almost fell over.

Fortunately, a large palm always held her small hand, and with the forceful tugging of the big hand, she was dragged back lightly.

Qiu Rou, who was dizzy, suddenly felt that she plunged into a very strong embrace, and then, an extremely strong man's breath made her breathe quickly.

"Okay, go see what to do!"

As soon as she broke free of Bai Chen's embrace, Qiu Rou was already blushing and her heartbeat was so uncomfortable.

When everyone saw the comer, they looked different.

And when Lin Mengyao, who was standing next to Xiaoya, looked at each other with Tang Qin, tears of guilt flashed in his eyes.

However, Tang Qin smiled at her moved, and this smile also let her floating heart quietly relax.

Looking around, in the chaotic small shop, leftovers and broken bowls were thrown everywhere, and those tables and chairs that had not fallen off the paint were also thrown into scraps.

Xiaoya just stood on the only undamaged table with her hands on her hips, her small face turned red and purple.

Opposite her, a middle-aged man with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek was also blue with anger, and a thin mouth covered with saliva under the eight-character beard trembled with anger.

The daughters of Twilight Youlian were blocking the guys who wanted to come to support, while Lin Mengyao was crying and protecting her face in front of Xiaoya.

She is not protecting Xiaoya, but the restaurant owner.

Seeing the three people squeezing from the crowd, the boss unconsciously cast his gaze on Bai Chen, and took a close look. After a while, he sighed with a mean expression: "Hey, I thought you were looking for someone. To support the scene, it turned out to be just a child."

Hearing this sigh, a light smile appeared on Bai Chen's face.

He smiled, and Lin Mengyao couldn't help being surprised.

"Big Brother Bai, this matter is ours or not, please help me persuade Xiaoya." Lin Mengyao hurriedly said.

Hearing that, Xiaoya exploded her hair instantly, and Lei An snarled angrily: "Don't persuade me, whoever dares to eat rabbit heads, I will kill him!"

A seven-year-old girl shouting such a sentence in public can only make the adults laugh.

"Hahaha, kid, I stretched my neck over to kill you, would you kill me to see?" The boss laughed out of breath, pointed at Xiaoya, winked and sneered.


Unexpectedly, he really stretched his head over, Xiaoya was at a loss on the spot where he killed someone.

"It's just beheading, Xiaoya, you will have to experience this kind of thing sooner or later, come, today, big brother will give you a demonstration by himself, look forward to it."

When everyone was chatting to ridicule, Bai Chen suddenly walked over and drew out Lin Mengyao's green sword, and instantly hit the boss's stretched neck.

Seeing this scene, the onlookers were instantly horrified, and all of them quickly closed their mouths.

A cold neck, the boss just felt that a chill came from his heart, and then he instantly crawled all over his body, making him tremble.

In this way, maintaining a rigid posture, not daring to move, the boss rolled his throat with difficulty, still screaming: "I, I don't believe you dare to cut me!"

"Oh?" Bai Chen raised his eyelids, and the smile in his eyes became thicker.

The brighter he smiled, the more murderous he was.

Upon seeing this, Xiaoya's face was scared green: "Big brother, are you really going to cut him?"

"Don't!" Lin Mengyao quickly grabbed his sleeve.

When she was so gripped, Bai Chen's hand holding the sword trembled slightly.


Feeling a tingling pain in the neck, the boss screamed on the spot, and his legs were soft.

"Mengyuan, be good, some things need to be demonstrated on the spot before they can be taught."

Bai Chen blinked at Lin Mengyao and said with a strange expression.

After staring at each other, with her understanding of Bai Chen, she quickly understood what he meant, and she simply retreated.

Unexpectedly, this person would not come to stop him, the boss was already crying without tears.

Glancing at the man under the sword, Bai Chen smiled and said: "I'll give you another chance. You will repeat what you just said."

The knife was hidden in the smile, which was used to the fullest by Bai Chen.

Under this strange smile hidden in the cold, even if the boss is knowledgeable, he dare not provoke him again.

The two rat eyes whispered and whispered before the boss said: "You, what are you capable of bluffing me here, but because you are Fengyan people, you bully us like this!"

With the words of the boss, the people on the street, many hot-tempered people, have followed suit.

"What **** Fengyan, what's so great!"

"That is, we wild people are not born to be afraid of death. In terms of fate, we are the real men!"

"Hurry up and take the sword off his neck, or I will tear you up!"

"Get out of here, superior Fengyan dog!"

For a time, the original private grievances escalated into a national contradiction under the instigation of the boss.

And in Bai Chen's eyes, there was finally a touch of trueness...with a calm smile!

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