Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1659: : Fighting tigers also depends on the owner

The cloud smoke curled up, spreading from the campfire between the mountains and forests, and more than two thousand immeasurable disciples wandered inside.

The people in charge of standing guard, each holding a spear, looked into the distance, at a glance, the secluded grassland, strong winds, blue waves, empty and high.

Soon after, the rising sun rose from the east, and the warm morning sun seemed to have covered the grassland with a golden gauze, with shadowy colors. At the same time, it also brought two figures walking slowly.

"Look, there seems to be someone!" One of the disciples quickly pointed to the distance, shocked that the surrounding disciples looked away.

After a while, the man with better eyesight beside him couldn't help exclaiming: "A man in black with a cat next to him!"

"Strengthen guard!"

At this moment, people all became vigilant, and they mobilized their spiritual power to prepare for the next change.


"The wind on the grassland is so cool, isn't it Xiaoliu~" Bai Chen walked leisurely in the grassland with his hands resting on his head, as if the faintly visible group of men and horses were like flowers, grasses, fish and insects, with no sense of existence at all.

Hearing Bai Chen's words, Xiao Liu jumped happily, indicating that although he didn't understand, everything the owner said was right.

At this time, the Wuliangjian party finally ran over about two dozen people. The moment they set foot on the grassland, they showed murderous eyes and rushed forward with guns.

Seeing this scene, Bai Chen narrowed his eyes with a smile, and at the same time he slowed his pace with his hands, a faint arc of smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Little Liu, come on!"


Xiao Liu's words seemed to understand, he suddenly stopped, and when he looked back at Bai Chen, his eyes were a little pitiful.

Upon seeing this, Bai Chen couldn't help but let out a wry smile: "Why are you wronged? If I let you go, you can go boldly. With me, you don't have to be afraid of anything."

Xiao Liu seemed to understand again, the fat little tiger claw slowly retreated back, and shook his head at Bai Chen, indicating that he did not believe what he said.

In his previous life, Bai Chen was only a spiritist, not an animal trainer, so he didn't understand how to train an animal at all.

But the more unknown the realm, the more curiosity he will arouse. Just like when he got Zhanyue, he developed the Wannian Guiyi suitable for Zhanyue. Now that he has become a beast trainer, he must become The strongest animal trainer will do.

I was thinking of tempering in actual combat, but I didn't expect Xiao Liu to start to seduce him. Bai Chen raised his eyes and saw that those people were already less than a hundred meters away. Suddenly he bent down and grabbed Xiao Liu, then under his horrified gaze, Throw it directly into the distance.

"Ooo~ Ooo!"

Xiao Liu flew all the way, scratching in fright.

When the Wuliangjian disciples saw that Xiaoliu who flew over was a tiger in black and white, they couldn't help raising their spears and stab them at Xiaoliu's body.

Faced with these two dozen gun shadows, Xiao Liu had no power to parry him. He could only stiffen his body, allowing the messy gun shadows to rapidly enlarge in his pupils.


Seeing this scene, Bai Chen shook his head helplessly, lifted his right hand lightly, and slightly lowered his index finger. An invisible and majestic pressure instantly pressed down from the heights. In an instant, it was to bring those people together. The weapon in his hand slammed directly on the ground.


All the people in the forest were shocked. They understood now that the black-clothed youth who came on was not easy to provoke.

Xiao Liu rolled into the grass, seeing that his master was so powerful, he immediately had the courage, and began to run forward with teeth and claws.

It was really embarrassing that the fox fake tiger might actually use the tiger one day.

Xiao Liu had the confidence and ran around on the grassland. Bai Chen followed him boredly with pillows in his hands, watching Xiao Liu's every move.

Obviously has the devilish energy of Tier 1 monster, but don't know how to use it?

Bai Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, this Xiao Liu really made him a little headache.

Seeing the black and white little tiger jumping around like this, quickly approaching in the grass, the countless stream of people quickly pulled their crossbows and let go.

Countless arrows, like stars, flew towards Xiao Liu, but as Bai Chen casually lifted his palm, those arrows were still as picturesque as they were, and were set in mid-air.

The weird scene caused the disciples of Boundless Stream to show fear and retreat. The scene of large crowds retreating together was very shocking.

Thousands of people retreated by one person, this is the aura of the strong!


Before Xiaoliu jumped into the crowd, he shook his head vigorously, and the people backed away again in fright.

This gave Xiao Liu very a sense of accomplishment and raised his tail proudly.

Xiao Liu was about to continue chasing these people forward, a figure suddenly appeared in front of it like a ghost, and immediately kicked it fiercely.

Such a change caused Xiao Liu to explode his hair in an instant, but Bai Chen flashed in front of it immediately and kicked away likewise.


The two kicked their feet against each other, and a terrifying energy storm swept out in the blink of an eye, turning into a violent storm, blowing the surrounding figures flying across, and the earth gradually cracked in the strong air current.

At this moment, Bai Chen's handprint moved, and the panicked Xiao Liu directly turned into a two-color glow and flew into the center of his eyebrows.

"Boy, it depends on the master to fight the tiger." Bai Chen raised his cold eyes lightly, the spiritual power of the five stars and celestial realm was concentrated in his palm, he directly squeezed his palm into a fist and blasted it out.

At the same time, the clear-faced man in green shirt in front of him also raised his fist and smashed it.


The fists collided again, and the torn void exploded into a water-like ripple, and the two of them stepped back for a certain distance, one after another, their eyes were solemn.

The pinnacle of the star realm?

Bai Chen raised his eyes indifferently, and a smile gradually appeared at the corner of his mouth.

At this time, more than a hundred figures from the Royal Academy in the rear finally rushed over. When Su Ge saw the appearance of the man in the blue shirt, his face suddenly paled: "Lin Zhan!"

This name shocked everyone in the King's Academy at the same time. Bai Chen Yuguang glanced at the frightened look of those people, couldn't help but look at Lin Zhan's eyes, with a touch of expectation: "It looks like you seem to be very famous."

With a young appearance, he has the strength of the pinnacle of the star realm. Such a person is not easy to think about.

But at this time, compared to the fear in Su Ge and the others, Lin Zhan turned up an irreversible storm in his heart at this moment.

He slowly squeezed his fist that was still a little numb, staring at the black-clothed man standing proudly in front of him, and murmured in disbelief: "Why the five-star constellation has such amazing power..."

Facing Lin Zhan's careful scrutiny, Bai Chen patted his shoulder robe at random, and then slowly raised three fingers towards Lin Zhan under the amazement of everyone.

"Three strokes, three strokes you will lose."

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