Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1674: : Ye Luo frankly reveals the secret

There is a veil on this woman's face, so that Su Ge can't see her appearance clearly, but the pair of star-like eyes are fascinating, and it is unforgettable at a glance.

"Oh, when did this Hongxiulou come with such a good product!" Su Ge rubbed his hands and couldn't help but rush to try it.

Seeing Su Ge's impatient appearance, the woman suddenly stopped her feet, then put her hand, which was as smooth as a jade, on her side and bowed with an elegant manner: "Little girl Fox, this is polite. "

"Fox? Hahaha, they all say that foxes are naturally beautiful and can't afford to buy things. Let me take a look at him today. How beautiful are you?"

With a smile on his face, Su Ge walked hurriedly, peeking with his hands, and then directly picked up the woman lazily.

The thin waist of the willow under the veil was smooth and tender, causing an unknown fire to burn in Su Ge's lower abdomen, and sparks burst out even with his eyes.

"Oh, son, you look polite, how can you be so rude~" The woman laughed in a wild, delicate voice, and Su Ge's legs were soft.

He couldn't wait to hold her in one hand, and the other hand flashed as if he took off her veil.

At this moment, his daughter was shocked by the beauty of heaven and human, making Su Ge's heart throbbing.

The woman looked forward to her beautiful eyes and smiled: "Am I beautiful?"

With a grunt in his throat, Su Ge was overjoyed: "Beautiful! Very beautiful haha!"

"Hahahaha~" At this time, the woman finally couldn't help laughing wildly: "The decent son of the Tianzi class of the dignified king's college actually likes this bad thing of stealing fishy, ​​it is really insulting~"

As soon as he said this, Su Ge's face suddenly sank: "You can insult me, but you must never insult my King Academy!"

"Nah~ I can't tell, you are still very loyal."

The woman's red lips curled up, her slender eyelashes blinked with a variety of styles, but what was revealed in her beautiful eyes was...cold killing intent? !


Su Ge felt the chill of the heart, and was immediately shocked, but before he burst out of spiritual power fluctuations, the woman grabbed his head and twisted like a thunder.


With a crisp sound, Su Ge's eyes instantly lost their vitality.

When he died, he didn't know that this woman was not human at all.

The moment Su Ge fell to the ground, the woman jumped directly from his arms. She came to the edge of the bed, picked up the bronze jug, then raised her head to face the mouth of the bottle, and slowly tilted it.

The wine slid down her jade neck, and the woman couldn't help getting into her clothes, and a faint blush appeared on her cheeks: "Bai Chen, don't think that you can do whatever you want if you take pride in the country, and wait for my mother to recover in Beichen. To gain strength, we must catch you, and then kill you severely..."

The moment the woman put down the hip flask, five white fluffy fox tails instantly rose from behind the waist. The terrifying sight seemed out of tune with the natural charming face.

The allure is moving but extremely dangerous!


It was late at night in the Tianzi class classroom of Tianqi Academy, and there were still two people left behind.

Instructor Ye Luo looked at Bai Chen with joy and couldn't help but exclaimed: "It seems that the dean did not misunderstand the wrong person. An elixir can raise three realms. Your talent is extraordinary!"

You know, the Star Realm wants to raise a realm, and for many people, it takes thousands of years of hard work to achieve it.

Even though the Jiu Pin Pills are so powerful, it is extremely rare to increase such a large extent.

Facing Ye Luo's generous praise, Bai Chen didn't tell the story of the pill, but showed a touch of complexity. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know where to start.

"Bai Chen, the dean counts the days over there, and he should be back soon. By then, you will be the strongest star of hope in my Apocalypse Academy. You must work hard."

Hearing this, Bai Chen smiled bitterly: "Time is so tight, it's too late even if you work hard, but there is something I want to remind the teacher."

"Oh?" Ye Luowen was startled.

With his eyes facing each other, Bai Chen narrowed his eyes and said faintly: "Teacher, it's better to make everyone be vigilant during this time. I always feel that the five evil demons will still attack us!"

"Is it still going to make a move? Impossible, you haven't seen our dean's beating the Demon Immortal Ancestor and Han Shuyu into any virtue, they are afraid that they would have been scared."

"Even if you say that, wouldn't the five evil demons also appear two forces? Why didn't the other three appear? Didn't you... wait!" Bai Chen was suddenly startled: "Teacher Ye, you just said that the old demon fairy Who is the ancestor?!"

"Han Shuyu, what's the matter?"

Han Shuyu!

Han Shuyan? !

Am I thinking wrong...

Bai Chen's face sank, and he asked, "Han Shuyu, who is it?"

"One of the five demon heads, the pavilion owner of Hongya Pavilion."

"Then, has the teacher ever heard of the name... Han Shuyan?"

! !

After Bai Chen said this, Ye Luo trembled obviously.

"Do you even know Han Shuyan?" Ye Luo asked incredulously.

Bai Chen was not on guard against this teacher Ye: "Teacher, I know that Han Shuyan is one of the nine gods of the Wanchao Pavilion, and I also know that he died in Aolai, because we were through Aolai before. Came to Beichen."

Bai Chen didn't tell the story about killing Han Shuyan, because even if he said it, Ye Luo couldn't believe it.

"Really." Ye Luo sighed and shook his head slowly: "Han Shuyu, the master of the Hongya Pavilion, is actually Han Shuyan's brother."

it is as expected!

Bai Chen's palm hidden between his sleeves gradually made a fist: "Teacher Ye, that Han Shuyu, is it also one of the gods of Wanchao Pavilion?"

"It's not." Ye Luo shook his head, and a touch of sadness appeared in his eyes: "Han Shuyan is one of the gods of Wanchao Pavilion, but Han Shuyu disdains to be with Wanchao Pavilion, so he founded Hongya Pavilion. But, I heard from the dean that it seems that someone in Wanchao Pavilion is preparing to train Han Shuyu to replace his brother and become the new Ninth God King. I don’t know if Han Shuyu has agreed to this matter, so it’s not easy to talk about it now. "

"Teacher, do you know Han Shuyu?" Bai Chen couldn't help asking, seeing Ye Luo's eyes drifting sadly.

Hearing this, Ye Luo showed a sense of relief: "You kid, really smart and extraordinary, I can't hide anything from you. But you still don't guess enough."

Not appropriate enough?

"What do you mean?" Bai Chen didn't understand.

"I met Han Shuyu because of his daughter, Han Lingsha."

Ye Luo's words caused Bai Chen to be struck by lightning instantly, his eyes widened in surprise.

Han Lingsha, is the daughter of Hongya Pavilion Master Han Shuyu? !

Then she was adopted by the third elder of the Lu family, what happened...

[PS: Snake, Tiger, Snake, Rabbit, Sheep, Cow, Rabbit, and Mouse, welcome to be a guest. For a fiancee who is mad but not a true lover, there is a clear foreshadowing at the beginning of the book. Many readers are guessing that Xiaoya is a When I was heart, I turned back to see Xiaoya's foreshadowing for the first time, so I guessed the relationship between Kexin and Kuang early. Xiao Mengyao came to make an illusion, and he could understand the logic and reason. Therefore, any inconspicuous place to bury a foreshadowing, will not be in vain, there must be old bookworms to see. Foreshadowing setting requirements: First, it is logical (normal thinking), and second, it is dark and unclear, and only a few people can see it. If you have any questions, please come to your skirt. Many old bookworms can answer questions. I can also answer questions, but I can’t get through the drama. Ask questions in the comment area. Sometimes I’m too busy to see the codewords, and some ask questions. I didn’t reply because I didn’t see it. Please forgive me. 】

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