Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1701: : Xiao Meng is here!

Finally recalling a little vague memory of his previous life, Bai Chen was overjoyed.

Since this technique only perceives a person's thoughts, he can create the illusion of dreaming as long as he forcefully fantasizes or remembers!

Bai Chen narrowed his eyes with a smile, and flew out with a movement.


Back in the room, he told Lin Mengyao and Chu Junran about the matter again.

"Perceive a person's thoughts...Bai Chen, this world really has such an evil ability?" Chu Junran was shocked.

Seeing her look full of horror, Bai Chen smiled and said faintly: "I can't tell the specifics. Anyway, in my previous life, there must be someone who has similar abilities, and it aroused my curiosity at the time. I won’t recall it suddenly.”

"My God, can't we not sleep after that!"

"No way, anyway, for us, even if we don't sleep for two or three months, it doesn't matter. The most urgent thing is that everyone pretends to sleep quickly. That Xiaomeng should be soon..." At this time, Bai Chen's face sank and hurriedly He jumped on the bed and got directly into the quilt. Next to Lin Mengyao, while hugging her tightly, he closed his eyes: "Come!"

Hearing that, Lin Mengyao and Chu Junran also pretended to sleep quickly.

Although the three of them are all uneasy, they are all people with strong willpower. At this time, in order to deal with Xiaomeng, they must forcibly change their minds, think about one thing with their hearts, and fill them with an unforgettable memory. Heart! And, the identity cannot be revealed yet!

Under the night sky, a slender light and shadow suddenly flickered and appeared on a roof.

The person who came was a woman wearing a red robe. She quietly pulled out a tile above the eaves, and then her beautiful eyes fell. Only the pink curtain was breathing very smoothly.

Are you all asleep...

Xiao Meng's eyes narrowed slightly, her indifferent and pretty face suddenly became extremely solemn, and a golden mark appeared on her brows.

Let me first see what dream this man is doing!

With a slight movement of Xiaomeng's handprints, a ray of invisible and colorless energy rushed into the room silently, and finally landed directly on Bai Chen's eyebrows.


At this moment, a clear picture instantly appeared in Xiao Meng's mind.

It was a dark room, and Bai Chen was with a woman...


Xiao Meng regained his energy decisively. Does this kid really like women?

The woman Xiaomeng saw was not Lin Mengyao and Chu Junran, but Tang Qin. What Bai Chen recalled was that when he came to the country, Yu and Tang Qin finally had lovers. Picture of married couples.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Meng injected a second ray of energy into Lin Mengyao’s eyebrows. What she saw was a small animal jumping and running happily between the countryside. Xiao Meng didn’t recognize what that animal was. , It’s just that this little guy has been running, and no other pictures are born.

This is the scene of Lin Mengyao forcibly fantasizing the roe deer running. She did not dare to remember Bai Chen, because that would reveal Bai Chen's appearance.

After all, Xiao Meng's ability is to merge his vision with the dream master's vision, and to see everything in his dreams up close.

Xiao Meng sat on the eaves and followed Lin Mengyao to look at the silly roe deer. After watching for a long time, she finally retracted her gaze helplessly.

Why does this girl have such strange dreams?

Xiao Meng frowned and injected the third ray of energy into Chu Junran's eyebrows. At this moment, her eyebrows clearly beat fiercely.


Xiao Meng returned to King Ning and said intriguingly: "Jiang Xiaobai recalled the affairs of men and women, and the other party was not the two girls. From this point of view, he should be a kind of flowery, and the girl in the dream, I don’t lose to those two girls in terms of appearance. But I can’t understand the dreams of those two girls..."

"Oh?" Ning Wang frowned, "Tell me, what kind of dream is it?"

"One of the girls’ dreams was a strange animal running in the countryside, and the other girl’s dream... was a fat man eating noodles, eating one bowl after another, and the empty bowls next to it were all Luo is on the beam."


King Ning's mouth was half open, and he couldn't speak for a long while.

It's really a weird dream!

"Xiaomeng, you will be working hard for a few days now. Go and take a look. As the days are longer, there will always be something in their dreams." King Ning did not believe that anyone would be doing nothing to do with him Dream.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Meng nodded, bowed to King Ning, and exited the hall.


In the following days, the three of Bai Chen wandered around every day, either eating or drinking, or practicing in the room, but they couldn't see any flaws.

Every night, Xiaomeng would appear, but what she saw was still a strange dream.

For example, an egg floats in the sea and floats all night.

It's like a monkey climbing on a cliff, crawling around.

Or a snail fell from a high altitude, but never fell to the ground.

Seven days later, King Ning finally turned gloomy: "What is going on with those two women, can't you have a good dream!"

"I don't know, this is the first time I have seen such a strange person." Xiao Meng shook his head blankly.

Ning Wang's eyebrows tightened, and he looked at her directly, "You said, could it be that the other party knew about your abilities, so what method was used to deal with you?"

! !

Xiao Meng was shocked, and immediately raised his eyes solemnly: "His Royal Highness, if you want to deal with my ability, you only need to force a fantasy picture to replace the dream, but the question is, how can they know my ability and why Knowing that you sent me to deal with them!"

"Yeah, how could they know... This is illogical." King Ning was really a little confused. He even suspects that Lin Mengyao and Chu Junran are such strange people and love all kinds of small animals, so they Will dream about the animal world every day.

"No!" King Ning's face sank: "You are sent to investigate their affairs, besides you and me, there is another person who knows!"


Xiao Meng lifted in shock.

Soon, she figured it out, and immediately hesitated: "You mean the old housekeeper? This is impossible, right? The old housekeeper has followed you for so long, how could he betray you for outsiders!"

"This king is not clear for the time being, but there is always such a possibility."

"So, what do you plan to do?"

"What else can I do, just a butler, kill it."

As the prince of the Beichen Empire, King Ning was demoted to a commoner, and then by coincidence, he regained the trust of the royal family and regarded him as the prince.

Although he regained power, he never lost the chance to fight for the reserve because of his status as the prince.

So now he is cruel, and as far as he is concerned, no matter how loyal his subordinate is, it is just a dog he raises. If it is of little value to use, kill it.

He never frowned.

"By the way, you don't have to monitor them from tomorrow. I thought of a way to test if they really want to defect to me."

Hearing what King Ning said, Xiao Meng frowned, "What way?"

With eyes facing each other, Ning Wang Yinyi gave a sneer, and a cold arc formed at the corner of his mouth: "Zuo Jing! Master Zuo!"

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