Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1704: : The terrifying power of the Demon Empress!

Facing Bai Chen's roar, Lin Mengyao stubbornly raised the Qihuang candle sun: "I won't leave you behind!"

"Don't do stupid things!"

Bai Chen hurriedly shouted, preventing Lin Mengyao from activating the scarlet power.

At this moment, a figure flew up suddenly in the water, it was the little sky fox!

After Xiao Tianhu saw Bai Chen clearly, his pretty face immediately sullen, "Ha, Bai Chen, are you looking for death!"

"If you can't find death, you have to try it before you know it?"

Bai Chen stood holding the sword, his expression gloomy to the extreme.

If you can't escape, there is only one battle.

It seems that today must open the ancient emperor star formation and super **** power!

Bai Chen's face was extremely gloomy, and just as he was about to let go, a breath stronger than Fat Yi suddenly appeared under the water. This kind of spiritual power fluctuation was no longer on the same level as Fat Yi!

The tumbling black waves returned to their true colors in an instant. Under this majestic energy fluctuation, all the toxins quickly evaporated into black mist that filled the surface of the lake.

"What state is this?!"

Lin Mengyao's pretty face turned pale when he felt such a powerful breath for the first time.


A roar resounded across the sky.

The clouds are overcast, and the waves are overwhelming!

A strong golden glow appeared on the lake, and a woman in a blue robe in junior high school immediately flew out of the lake under everyone's horrified eyes.

The female face was as white as jade, her indifferent eyes were a pair of golden eye pupils. Her appearance caused Fei Yi and Xiao Tianhu to kneel in the sky and shouted together: "See Master Demon Empress!"

This person is the Palace Master of Bishui Palace, the Demon Empress? !

Chu Jun was stunned. With such a terrifying aura, even if they tried desperately, they couldn't have any chance of winning.

When Zuo Jing saw the majestic woman, his eyes filled with fear suddenly revealed a touch of despair.

And Bai Chen also gradually put down his sword holding palm.

"Six-star Chaos Realm... He Susu is in the same realm!" Bai Chen's eyes fell, he knew that this kind of powerhouse was simply not enough to deal with with his current strength.

"You dare to come to my Bishui Palace to make trouble, you are really impatient!" The cold voice of the Demon Empress came from the air, with a chill that makes people fight cold, deep into the heart.

Chu Junran and Lin Mengyao released their spiritual power at the same time, but their fluctuations in spiritual power, in contrast to the horrible aura of the demon queen, are almost like ants.

"Don't be stupid." Bai Chen sighed silently, actually putting the Wind God Sword into the scabbard.

"Big Brother Bai?"

Unexpectedly, Bai Chen actually gave up the fight, Lin Mengyao was already dumbfounded.

Having known Bai Chen for so long, it was the first time she saw Bai Chen that she would give up fighting the enemy.

"Master Demon Empress, this stinky boy is the Bai Chen I mentioned to you before, and he defeated the Demon Immortal Ancestor in Ten Thousand Demon Valley!" Xiao Tianhu gritted his teeth and pointed at Bai Chen.

Hearing this, Zuo Jing's old eyes couldn't help but froze. This man was actually the genius of the Apocalypse Academy who defeated the Demon Immortal Ancestor?

"The demon ancestor was injured that day, I can't win the battle, there is nothing to say~" Faced with the amazing demon empress, everyone looked desperate, but Bai Chen actually recovered his calm.

Seeing that Bai Chen was not afraid at all, but was able to speak calmly on such occasions, the demon queen's beautiful eyes were full of curiosity: "Bai Chen, this king seems to have a little interest in you."

A little interest?

What do you mean...

Lin Mengyao was stunned.

Facing the gaze of the Demon Empress, Bai Chen smiled calmly: "So, can my life be left temporarily?"

"Then it depends on the king's mood." The Demon Empress suddenly shook her hand in the air, and an invisible spatial force directly fixed Bai Chen and others in place.

"What power is this?!"

Chu Junran, who couldn't move, couldn't help being shocked. Is the Six-Star Chaos Realm powerhouse so terrifying?

Bai Chen did not resist the demon empress's methods, because he felt that the demon empress should also have some ideas, otherwise, he wouldn't be talking nonsense with him here.

Of course, if it is really urgent, Bai Chen fights to the death, the Demon Empress may not take advantage, after all, if the Primordial Chaos Flame is detonated, everyone here will die without a place to be buried!

"Let's go."

The Demon Empress turned indifferently, her figure flashed, and she appeared at the bottom of the lake with the crowd for an instant.

A few hundred meters away from the bottom of the lake, there is a magical palace. The size of the palace is large enough for a city, and the palace is protected by a magical energy cover, so that there is no lake left in the space inside.

The Demon Empress took Bai Chen and the four of them along, followed by the little Tianhu, walking along the corridor of the palace along the way, and the water monsters who stood with their forks showed respect.

Lin Mengyao and the others were already cold at the moment, and fell into the hands of the Demon Empress. Is there still a way to survive?

Zuo Jing was even more remorseful. He wanted to bring Bai Chen here and then borrow a knife to kill, but he didn't expect that he was beaten by Chu Junran, and then became the prey of Bishui Palace.

Bai Chen raised his eyes to look at the amazing scale of the palace, and couldn't help but shook his head: "As expected of the Bishui Palace, this grade can't be compared with ten immeasurable streams."

Hearing the admiration of watching the scenery behind her, the Demon Empress couldn't help but slowed down, turning around and looking at her, "You, aren't you afraid of this king?"

"You are so beautiful, why should I be afraid of you~" Bai Chen smiled and spread his hands.

At this moment, the Demon Empress gave a visibly shocked cry, her spatial power actually failed to control this kid.

"Since you can break free from the power of this king's space, why don't you choose to escape?" The demon queen didn't understand.

In her eyes, Bai Chen was too strange.

In response to this, Bai Chen smiled helplessly: "My woman has been arrested by you, what can I do?"

"Heh, don't you humans have a saying that the husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and the catastrophe is about to fly separately?"

Unexpectedly, the Demon Empress still has such a poetic elegance. Bai Chen took two quick steps and walked side by side with her: "Not all men are so affectionate. I, this person, would rather die for love."

Bai Chen's words caused the Demon Empress to think deeply.

Little Tianhu curled her lips in the back. She was deceived by Bai Chen several times, believe his nonsense? How can it be!

Soon, Bai Chen and others walked into the hall. The quiet and green shimmering hall looked a little desolate.

"Little Tianhu, imprison those three people. Without my order, you can't use lynching." The demon queen said indifferently.

Hearing that, although Xiao Tianhu was unwilling, he categorically did not dare to contradict him.

"Big Brother Bai?!" Lin Mengyao couldn't move, so he could only shout.

When Bai Chen turned around, a complex color appeared in his eyes: "Mengyao, remember not to do stupid things, wait for me obediently."

Bai Chen has nothing to say about the sheep entering the tiger's mouth. Now he just wants to have a good conversation with the Demon Empress, and then find a way to take Lin Mengyao and the others to escape.

If you try hard, the odds of winning are not without, but it is definitely not more than 10%!

Therefore, with Mengyao, Bai Chen cannot take risks.

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