Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1719: : A powerful deterrent


Xiao Liu opened his mouth and snorted slightly, shaking his black and white head, and suddenly ran towards Xiao Tianhu.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Tianhu's face sank, and he flickered quickly, pulling away from it.

Xiao Tianhu's movements were very slow in Xiao Liu's eyes. It raised its head curiously, not understanding why she backed away.

"Who are you, don't tell me that you can't speak, I don't believe it!" Xiao Tianhu didn't know what was going on just now, but when Xiao Liu came running, she felt a palpitation inexplicably.

This kind of faintly dangerous aura, even the Great Emperor Baihu never had it!

So, she was really panicked at the moment, but Xiao Liu still didn't understand, and continued to run towards her.

Faced with Xiao Liu's seemingly harmless running of humans and animals, Xiao Tianhu's face was pale with fright, and quickly flashed again.

In this way, the two of them chased in the yard.

"Stop!" Very happy to see Xiao Liu chasing after him, Xiao Tianhu quickly raised his palm.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Liu sat down on the ground, shaking her tail, not knowing what she was going to do.

Little Tianhu cautiously kept a distance from it, and then stared at it solemnly, and found that its realm really only had a low level.

Turning his eyes, the little Tianhu suddenly said: "Little guy, can you understand what I'm saying?"

Hearing this, Xiao Liu nodded obediently.

Upon seeing this, the little Tianhu's eyes brightened, and he walked towards it step by step: "Close your eyes first, and sister will give you some delicious food, okay?"

Xiao Liu was overjoyed, nodded frantically, and closed his eyes.

Unexpectedly, this little guy was so unconcerned, Xiao Tianhu narrowed his eyes with a smile, full of murder in his eyes.

She came to Xiaoliu's body, her white and delicate hands gradually formed into the shape of eagle claws, and her murderous intent was violent: Even if you are not the Great White Tiger, I will kill you. The blame is that you and that guy are too long. It looks like it!

Suddenly, Xiao Tianhu secretly gathered spiritual power in his palm, and grabbed Xiao Liu's throat right away.

Just when her palm was about to pinch its neck, Xiao Liu's closed eyes suddenly opened.

At this moment, its black and white eyes seemed to have formed two black and white worlds, completely covering the little Tianhu's consciousness.

What appeared in front of the little sky fox were two huge vortices that looked endless, one in black and the other in white. It seemed that even the starry sky of the universe had been absorbed in, continuously devouring everything.

Even though the little Tianhu had the strength of the pinnacle of the star realm, at this moment it was like ant dust, standing stiff in place, without the strength to even move.


"I... I was wrong!" Little Tianhu looked at Xiao Liu incredulously, and even looking up at it, she felt it was an extremely ridiculous luxury. Within a moment, she was already sweating profusely and felt the moment of death approaching. , She quickly closed her eyes and cried: "I was wrong, please let me go--"

Howling, with endless despair sounded from the courtyard, Xiao Liu stared at her curiously, not knowing what was wrong with her, so he went directly to her ankle and rubbed her beard lightly.

Hug and hug high, this is Xiao Liu's current state of selling cute.

However, it just rubbed against it, an unprecedented sense of fear, which directly caused the little Tianhu's eyes to keep on, and his mind exploded, and finally lost consciousness and fell to the ground.


Xiao Liu's eyes widened, and then ran to Xiao Tianhu, jumping around, as if trying to save her.


Standing in the room, Bai Chen clearly witnessed everything in front of him through the crack of the door, his eyes were full of endless expectations.

"How can the ants like the emperor Baihu be qualified to compare with Xiao Liu?"

A strange arc formed at the corner of Bai Chen's mouth, and he suddenly turned and left.

In the previous life, he wanted to cut the moon with weapons, but in this life, how can he look for a piece of garbage?

That's not Bai Chen's character!


The next day.

Bai Chen opened his eyes lazily, and just as he sat up from the bed, he saw Xiao Liu was already asleep under the window.

This little thing didn't need a summoning technique, so he could run out at will. Bai Chen couldn't help it.

It seems that it is really sleepy, so let it sleep well.

As soon as Bai Chen's handprint moved, Xiao Liu directly turned into a light and shadow, flying into the center of his eyebrows.

After a brief cleaning, Bai Chen walked out of the room and saw Xiao Tianhu still fainting on the ground. This little fox seemed to make Xiao Liu very scared yesterday.

She finally knew what the difference was between the real pinnacle powerhouse in this world and the Western Region powerhouse back then.

With a wry smile, Bai Chen walked towards Xiao Tianhu slowly.

Xiao Tianhu is too awkward, so she can teach her a lesson through Xiao Liu, so that she will not be scared to death on the spot when she encounters Lao Xuanwu in the future.

Emperor Baihu was very weak and weak, completely inferior to the hair of the old Xuanwu.

And the old Xuanwu, the distance Kexin, the Suzaku generation, is not enough.

A faint glance at Xiaotianhu Miaoman's figure, Bai Chen sneered with disdain, stepped directly over her, and walked out of the courtyard with a leisurely look.

Wake her up?

Hold her back to sleep in the house?

Do not!

She is not worthy!


After having breakfast in the cafeteria alone, the eyes of all colors gathered along the way, Bai Chen had long been used to it.

"Hey, wherever you go, you are the most beautiful cub on the whole street~"

Bai Chen shook his head helplessly, his figure flashed, and he disappeared in place under the shock of everyone.

Such an exercise immediately caused a continuous scream.


When he came to the cliff of the back mountain, Bai Chen stretched his arms at random, stepped forward with the soles of his feet, and jumped down.

However, when he landed in the small farmyard, the strong pressure in the yard immediately made his face tense.

Gravity Plaza? !

Bai Chen couldn't help but his face sank, isn't there a gravity square behind the teaching building of Yaoxing Academy?

Unexpectedly, this seemingly ordinary farmhouse is actually the second gravity square!

In the depths of the tens of thousands of catties, Zhao Xiaoyun and the others were struggling to persevere. It seemed that only Lu Li and Su Yue were very relaxed.

Among these people, there was a face that Bai Chen had never seen before.

It looked like a young child, but his momentum was not weak, five stars.

When everyone heard the footsteps, they all opened their eyes, and when they saw Bai Chen, some were happy and some were upset.

"Bai Chen, you are here." Su Yue smiled and walked with her hand in hand. Seeing Bai Chen's puzzled eyes, she immediately introduced: "He is called Liu Huo, and he is also a member of our Tianzi class."

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