Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1731: : The power of the blood of the fat legacy!

Fei Yi flew up from the ruins, spreading his wings in the sky again, the powerful aura still showed no tendency to weaken.

It seems that the blow just now did not cause it to suffer substantial damage!

Bai Chen stared at Lu Li with all his attention at the moment, only to see Lu Li's finger pointed at the green sword and flicked lightly.

At this moment, Bai Chen’s pupils shrank suddenly to the size of a pinhole. He could see that the moment Lu Li’s fingers flicked the green sword, the green sword that seemed to tremble was actually at least trembling in a short time. Thousands of times!

this is……

Bai Chen said in disbelief: "This is a sound wave magic?!"

With the flick of Lu Li's fingers, an invisible wave of air instantly rushed into the sky, Fei Yi seemed to feel something, and immediately protected his wings in front of him.


A loud noise resounded across the sky, and the fat Yi was shocked into the sky.

After finally seeing Lu Li’s moves, Bai Chen couldn’t help but appreciate him. As we all know, sonic spiritual skills are usually performed by roars. The method used is to pour spiritual power into the lungs and then use it. The roar, burst out all the power, relying on the special vibration of the voice that has been cultivated for many years, to achieve the effect of multi-dimensional sonic condensation, forming a powerful sonic attack.

However, Lu Li used this principle to condense his fingertips with spiritual power, and complete the fusion of multiple acoustic waves through thousands of vibrations of the green sword in the blink of an eye. Such a method is extremely rare.

The juniors of the Lu family can come up with such fantastic ideas at a young age, and in time, Lu Li's achievements may not be worse than Ji Shengyu.


Bai Chen looked up at the sky, relying on the perception of the power of the soul, he found that the aura of Fat Yi had not weakened.

"This fat remains, really has amazing defense!"

Bai Chen's face sank, and suddenly he erected the Wind God Sword in front of him, the Vermillion Bird Saint Flame in his body was burning, and a blue fire wave immediately spread from his feet outward.

Seeing this start-up style, Lu Li couldn't help being shocked. Isn't this the last move he will use when he fought with Senior Sister Ari!


The dark clouds in the sky, Wudi was knocked open by a huge hole, and the sight of Bai Chen and Lu Li was greeted, making them both shocked on the spot.

The whole body of the fat remains had become silvery white, just like a divine bird wearing armor, spreading its wings in the sky and gazing at everything.

"This is... the strength of the blood!"

After a while, Bai Chen suddenly shouted: "Lu Li, help me to entangle him, don't fight him!"

While speaking, the giant wing of the fat remains swept away, and the sturdy gray wind pillar suddenly formed from the sky, and blasted towards Bai Chen's direction.

Bai Chen squinted his eyes slightly, his figure flickered, and he began to violently retreat back, avoiding the sudden attack of the wind pillar dangerously and dangerously.

However, Lu Li held the green sword firmly and flew directly to Fei Yi.

In the face of the fat legacy that turned on the power of the blood, from the intuitive point of view, this should also be some kind of extremely amazing defensive power. Therefore, Lu Li did not dare to fight close to it, but maintained At a relatively safe distance, around the fat remains, sword dance in the sky.

Rows of sword auras surged from high above like waves of water, but Fei Yi was not afraid of it. Just relying on the strength of the body, he just received those sword auras.

A steady stream of sword energy slashed on Fei Yi's body with a crisp sound, and the sparks exploded all over its body, but it could not leave any traces.

"You guy, are you very defensive!"

Lu Li glanced back at the cyan flying sword that filled the sky like stars, then the corner of his mouth twitched, and he suddenly retreated.

"Want to run?!" At this time, Fei Yi finally vomited.

It flapped its silver wings abruptly, and a pillar of wind suddenly tore through the void, blasting towards Lu Li's direction at an extremely fast speed.

The speed of this wind pillar was extremely astonishing, and Lu Li could not dodge, so he had to mobilize all his spiritual power on the blue sword and cut it off in the air.


In mid-air, a gray oval wave of air suddenly exploded, and Lu Li let out a miserable howl, then flew out and crashed into the mountains.

"Lu Li!" Seeing this scene, Bai Chen's face exploded and suddenly raised the Wind God Sword.

In an instant, a million densely packed cyan flying swords all hovered like a cyan vortex, aiming at one direction and condensed away.

The gorgeous and shocking cyan vortex, in this way, became smaller and smaller at high altitude, and finally turned into a cyan ancient sword, appearing in Fei Yi's sight.

A terrifying and long-lasting power shrouded all the world in an instant, and the fat Yi also had to be attracted by this power. Looking at Bai Chen's eyes, there was an extra touch of anger: "Human, you are too bloated!"

Fat Yi's eyes were blood red, his huge body was half-bow, and his wings gradually emitted a dazzling light.

At that time, a huge gray storm of several tens of meters, actually fell directly from the clouds, wrapping the fat Yi's body in it.

The fierce storm hurriedly engulfed the frequently cracking void, carrying electric currents everywhere, connected between the heaven and the earth.

The sky was swept out by this amazing force into an endless huge funnel cloud. The mountains below instantly collapsed into ruins. Numerous sands and stones lifted from the ground, and a majestic and terrifying force quickly spread.

Is the Two-Star Chaos Realm so strong!

Bai Chen squinted his eyes, and the expression in his eyes became extremely sharp.

Since this is the case, don't blame Lao Tzu for not keeping his hands!

The corner of Bai Chen's mouth evoked a cold arc, and suddenly he cut the Wind God Sword in the air.

The cyan ancient sword instantly turned into a cyan ray, flashing directly from the sky, hitting the gray storm!

The creaking white mist erupted from the place where the sword and the storm touched since ancient times. Numerous thunders flickered, and the two were at odds with each other.

Can't you go in?

Standing in the ruins, Lu Li wiped the blood stains on the corners of his mouth and looked up at the terrifying confrontation in the sky covered by thunder. He couldn't help but squeeze a cold sweat into Bai Chen.

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