Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1771: : Heart of Fear

"Enter someone else's dreamland? Haha, the dignified elder of Hongya Pavilion, should you brag from the Five Immortals of the Eastern Region?" Mad Lion couldn't help laughing.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Meng sneered and said indifferently: "Big guy, what happened in your dream yesterday, do you really want me to tell it in public?"

When the mad lion heard this, his old face suddenly blushed: "You, don't spit people!"

"Blood in the mouth? Ha~ I haven't said anything yet, are you already guilty? In your dream, I saw you being ruthlessly mocked by a woman because you were not good in some aspects, and you still cried because of it. Full of face."

"I kill you--"

The mad lion was stabbed in the pain, and furious on the spot. The golden sword was directly held in his hand, cutting off a golden sword energy in the air.

When Jian Gang arrived, Xiao Meng randomly danced the light sword in his hand, and immediately cut off the golden sword energy.

"Ji Sheng Yu, Mad Lion, you can't run away today, why bother to resist?" Xiao Meng stood with a sword in his hand, and the fluctuations in the spiritual power of the One-Star Chaos Realm surged like tides, making everyone in Beichen College His complexion was pale.

Although Beichen College is the largest number among the several colleges, its strength is far inferior to Yaoxing College.

The Chaos Realm powerhouse he possesses is nothing more than the dean and the tutor of the Tianzi class.

Now, facing the majestic and astonishing breath of the Chaos Realm powerhouse, even if those students want to go shopping, they also have the anxiety of hitting an egg against a rock.

To kill the demon for the righteous path, death is not terrible, the terrible thing is that you are already dead before touching the other's finger.

"Let's do it, kill these little boys from Beichen College!"

Xiao Meng's figure flashed, and he rushed directly to Ji Sheng Yu.

Upon seeing this, Ji Shengyu quickly retreated back.

However, Xiao Meng was extremely fast. At a distance of tens of meters, Jian Mang had already pierced Ji Shengyu's chest after a short breath.


A crisp sound erupted from the two long swords. The difference in strength caused Ji Shengyu's face to sink, and he flew upside down on the spot for a certain distance.

"Ji Shengyu, your swordsmanship requires time to activate, as long as I am next to you, you will have no chance to use it!" While talking, Xiao Meng appeared in front of Ji Shengyu again, and the two attacked one by one. Shou, in the blink of an eye, the sword shadow flew horizontally, and the terrifying collision broke all the towering old trees around.

And the students of Beichen College, despite having the shock field of the mad lion, were still defeated by the disciples of Hongya Pavilion.

In terms of the situation, Hongya Pavilion had the absolute upper hand, but everyone knew that the duel between Ji Shengyu and Xiaomeng was the key to this decisive battle.

In the face of Xiaomeng's strong attack, although Ji Shengyu was far from her in a big realm, but with her extraordinary physical ability and keen perception, after fighting for so long, she did not show defeat.

But at this moment, the mad lion finally lost to the siege of the elders of Hongya Pavilion, and was hit in the shoulder, vomiting blood and flew away.

"Mad Lion!"

Seeing this scene, Ji Shengyu quickly peeked his palm into the air, and a strong storm surged, forcibly stabilizing the inverted wild lion in the air.

"Boy, fight with me, do you dare to be distracted?"

At the moment when Ji Shengyu rescued the mad lion, Xiao Meng also seized the opportunity and pierced Ji Shengyu's shoulder with an unceremonious sword.


Suddenly, the attack from a sneak attack directly shook Ji Shengyu's spirit source, qi and blood surged, and the whole person retreated again and again, and finally hit a towering old tree directly, and a faint groan came from his throat. .

Blood overflowed from the corner of Ji Shengyu's mouth. He stared at the woman in black who was walking by, and there was a frenzy in his eyes.

"Honestly, playing against you for so long, your strength really makes me amazed. What a pity, you are a genius with a pig-like teammate, how can you not lose?" Xiaomeng paused. In front of Yu Jishengyu, the light sword in her hand began to emit a dazzling strong light at this moment as her spiritual power was mobilized.

Seeing the killing intent in Xiao Meng's eyes, Ji Sheng Yu's mouth twitched: "I offer sacrifices to my family, but you are not like you who can trample on them wantonly!"

Just as Ji Shengyu was about to die with her, there was a thunder-breaking sound from the sky, and two figures flashed over, one protecting the lion’s body, and the other, Raising his palm, he blasted directly towards Xiao Meng.

The sudden change made Xiao Meng hurriedly raised his hand to resist. After feeling the spirit power fluctuations of the rushing black-robed man at the peak of the star realm, many Hongya Pavilion disciples had already laughed.



A loud sound of thunder broke out when the two were facing each other. The black robe youth stood motionless in front of Ji Shengyu. On the other hand, Xiao Meng actually flew upside down on the spot, and the last blood spurted out and dyed his clothes red. .


Seeing this completely illogical scene, everyone in Hongya Pavilion screamed in exclamation. After they saw the coming, they were shocked.

Being able to suppress the existence of Chaos Realm with the Star Realm, in the past six months, there is such a person with a prominent reputation!

Black robe, black ancient sword...

"He is Bai Chen!"

After a while, a Hongya Pavilion disciple was horrified. When he cried, the weapon in his hand fell directly to the ground.

Immediately after that, the other disciples also had a general chain reaction, dropping their weapons, and even the elders of Hongya Pavilion fled the way they had come.

How can they deal with the people who can defeat the ancestors of the Demon Immortal? These people chose to flee the first time because of the affirmation of Bai Chen's strength and... absolute fear!

"The dog thing in Hongya Pavilion, I was lucky to let you escape last time. Did you die this time or did I do it myself?" Gazing at Xiao Meng, Bai Chen was too lazy to draw the Wind God Sword, and walked towards her slowly go with.

It is also the cultivation base of the pinnacle of the Star Realm. When Bai Chen faced Xiao Meng, he was so contemptuous that Ji Shengyu was dumbfounded, and he adored in his heart.

"Bai Chen, my Hongya Pavilion has no conflict with your Apocalypse Academy for a long time. This is a matter between us and Beichen Academy. Please don't interfere." Xiaomeng used the name "you" to show The respect for Bai Chen, but the spirit power fluctuations quietly circulating in her body betrayed her.

"I really don't cry without seeing the coffin."

Bai Chen sighed helplessly, his figure flashed, and he had already arrived in front of Xiao Meng.

Seeing Bai Chen's big hand slapped over, Xiao Meng hurried out with a sword.

Jian Gang tore through the void and also the afterimage left by Bai Chen.

And this moment, the palm containing the overwhelming power, came directly from behind Xiaomeng.

"Flip the sea seal!"

Bai Chen suddenly yelled, the blue wave of spiritual power took advantage of the trend, and it slapped Xiaomeng's back fiercely. The terrifying force directly shattered Xiaomeng's clothes, and even her whole person. He fell directly to the ground, sliding out a deep gully all the way.

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