Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1774: : Cannot be sophistry

Although Bai Chen understood in his heart, he pretended to have an unknowing look on his face: "Peerless artifact? Old gentleman, I have been studying less since I was a child. Don't lie to me."

"Hehehe, how could the old man lie to you." With a wave of the old man's sleeves, a simple fragment appeared among his dry old hands.

Looking at this familiar fragment, Bai Chen's eyes lit up and he was full of curiosity: "This is a peerless artifact? I thought it would be something like a sword, but this is really as powerful as you said? "

He knew it well, but he couldn't reveal it.

Because the fragmented scroll is about the hiding place of Dao Wuyong, this kind of treasure is enough to make the mainland's peak power contend.

If you show that you are here for the broken scroll, the old man will feel that you are plotting badly. Once he repents, it will not be so easy to grab it from him.

On the contrary, Bai Chen showed a look of ignorance, the less demanding, the more sincere in the eyes of the old man.

This is also a last resort. After all, there are still so many strong people above who want to compete for this treasure, and he has no patience and energy to try.

Hearing Bai Chen's words, the old man showed a stronger smile: "This is not a divine tool, but a map that records a certain divine tool. There are four such maps. As long as you can collect the four fragments, Then you will be able to find the treasures recorded above, and when the time comes, you can get rid of this fierce beast!"

After all, this old man still hates that the fierce beast sealed underneath killed the Sect Master he respects, so he wants to use Bai Chen's hand to avenge his Sect Master...

Hate, really is a good thing!

The corner of Bai Chen's mouth faintly evoked a shallow arc, took the fragment of scroll and put it in his sleeve.

At this moment, the old man suddenly frowned, and quickly brought Bai Chen a space to flicker, and came to the empty place in the mountain before.

"Hide yourself first, someone is coming."

With a wave of the old man's sleeves, a secret door at the back was directly opened.

Bai Chen and Lin Mengyao rushed into the secret door.

After the secret door was closed, a group of people in white also rushed down from above.

Chaos ghost pupil...!

Bai Chen's eyes suddenly turned into a strange dark red.

When he saw the people outside, he couldn't help but chuckle: "They are actually those of the Immortal King Sect!"

"Big Brother Bai, have you got the fragmented scroll?" Lin Mengyao asked cautiously from the side.

"got it."

Bai Chen smiled calmly, he just wanted to see what would happen next.


Gu Xiaotian, Poison God, and some of the disciples of the Immortal King Sect, directly surrounded the old man, staring at the old man who was unmoved like an old monk entering Ding, Gu Xiaotian sneered: "Old man, hand in the broken scroll. , I can spare you a way out!"

When this word fell, the old man did not speak, but looked like a stone statue, expressionless and motionless.

Upon seeing this, Gu Xiaotian suddenly became angry, and was about to step forward to teach the old man, the poison **** on the side quickly stopped him, and then respectfully bowed his hand to the old man: "Senior, we are members of the Immortal King Sect. I am waiting to come and look for the missing fragments. If the old gentleman can donate them, I promise him that your future life will be like a fairy life!"

Facing the honorific words of the poisonous god, the old man still did not hear him, his old eyes and ancient wells were waveless and motionless.


Unexpectedly, the old man was so stubborn, and the poison **** suddenly became stiff.

"Hey, this kind of old guy, let this young master come to do it yourself!" Gu Xiaotian pulled away the absent poison god, then rolled his sleeves, and came to the old man: "Old stuff, I'm afraid you are not yet Know the methods of my Immortal King Sect! Let me tell you, in front of my Immortal King Sect, there is no such thing as hard bones at all, because all the hard bones in the world will be eaten by us so that there is no scum!"

Across the wall, Bai Chen couldn't help but chuckle when he heard Gu Xiaotian's extremely funny threatening words: "Still chewing bones, are you dogs?"

In Bai Chen's eyes, his trick to threaten others is too pediatric.

Sure enough, at this moment, the old man finally couldn't help but smile: "Hehehe, Xiaowa, your so-called Immortal King Sect is just an ancient clan, right? The ancient clan back then could not be regarded as the head of my clan. what."

"Huh? You old thing, toast and not eat fine wine?"

Gu Xiaotian sneered and couldn't help but blasted the old man's face with a punch.

However, the old man raised his palm like a sparkle, and directly understated Gu Xiaotian's fist in his palm.

It was at such a moment that a terrible howl of a beast broke out from above, and Qiu Luoxue immediately took the brunt and flew in!

Followed by the Xuewei trio, as well as the masked powerhouses of other forces.

Facing everyone rushing into this area together, the old man had an idea, and quickly pushed Gu Xiaotian back, and shouted as if he had been asked: "Young Master Gu, hurry away with the remains, and the old man will come and hold them. people!"


Everyone was shocked when they heard that they all cast their eyes on Gu Xiaotian.

Because he had drunk the wine prepared by Bai Chen when he was in the inn, Gu Xiaotian still has a strange body now. Now Qiu Luoxue sees it, her pretty face suddenly sinks: "Bah, something shameless, actually right Even an old man can react like that!"

"I...I'm not!" Gu Xiaotian blushed, and quickly covered his crotch to keep the hen laying eggs, looking extremely funny.

Qiu Luoxue lowered her cold eyes, and said faintly: "Gu Xiaotian, today I will put the words here, the fragments of my Star Pavilion are about to be decided, if you dare not hand it over, the Immortal King Sect will not exist tomorrow! "

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was shocked.

Almost all the people who came here were from the major forces of the Beichen Empire. They came before them, hoping that they could get away with the Xingchen Pavilion powerhouse by chance, and get the scraps, but Gu Xiaotian, this fool, didn’t even cover his face. , How can he keep the fragments at this time?

Of course, this is just a sigh in the hearts of everyone, but everyone does not know that the fragments at this time are not in the hands of Gu Xiaotian at all.

Seeing that Qiu Luoxue had a gloomy face, Gu Xiaotian couldn't laugh or cry, she straightened up and spread her hands out: "Miss Qiu, don't listen to that old thing nonsense. He didn't give me any scraps at all. If you give it to me, I must present it with both hands."

"Dare to quibble!" Qiu Luoxue's Yuguang unconsciously swept to that conspicuous spot again, and her beautiful eyes suddenly showed a touch of disgust: "You scumbag, you are really impatient!"

"I didn't, I didn't do anything!" When Gu Xiaotian heard this, his legs trembled in fright. He actually knelt down to Qiu Luoxue in front of everyone.

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