Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1790: : The day of rejoicing

The next day, Chenyao Jianzong under the leadership of Han Ling began to prepare for the wedding banquet with great fanfare, and widely distributed invitations, which was a festive scene.

Seven days later...

On the long corridor of Bieyuan, the disciples of Chenyao Jianzong can be seen everywhere with lights and colorful makeup, dozens of miles of red makeup, carriages lined up from the street to the end, although they are slowly walking around Chenyao Jianzong, they are in order , The roadside is spread with countless petals, and even the trees on both sides of the street are densely covered with small red lanterns. The disciple of Chenyao Jianzong, who maintains order, stood firmly on both sides, blocking the people behind. And these surging crowds are in an endless stream, shoulder to shoulder, all of them stretch their heads to watch the grand wedding banquet that has been rare in a century.

In the front yard of the main hall of Chenyao Jianzong, more than a hundred tables of banquets were placed at this time.

Bai Chen and Lin Mengyao smiled before others, and cast a smile at the people who came to congratulate.

The performance of those guests was very excited to be able to see the legend of this proud empire in person.

Especially from the royal family, Princess Long Xueting was sent to congratulate herself.

"Sect Master Bai, after hearing you come back, I specially bought the best tea from Southern Xinjiang, and I also asked Sect Master Bai to accept it." Although Long Xueting is a princess, she respects Bai Chen very much. This makes outsiders see it. I understand more, what position Chenyao Jianzong is in this country now!

If it weren't for Bai Chen, Long Ao would not have moved from the prince to the position of the king. Even now, Chenyao Jianzong is an existence that the Aolai royal family can't afford to offend!

Therefore, Long Xueting's attitude towards Bai Chen is normal and should be reasonable.

"Your Royal Highness, you can come, and you have made me very face." Bai Chen showed a maturity. On such a festival, he is the lord of the sect and the "high hall" of Ye Suo and Cuiying. , Of course, can't lose decentness.

Lin Mengyao personally guided Long Xueting and waited for her to go to the table, but after a while, the crowd suddenly became excited and noisy.

Bai Chen took the opportunity to look forward and saw Bai Qilin coming from the door, behind him, followed by Wang Xiaoyu, Nie Feiyan and others.

"Look, Lord Wu of the Tianwu League, came to congratulate him personally!" In the crowd, a man couldn't help his brow jump.

Hearing this, the eight-character Hu man next to him immediately raised his chin proudly: "Hey, you don't understand. Back then, the lord of the Chenyao Sword Sect, that was lurking in the Tianwu League, and now The Emperor Wu is as close as brothers!"

"Tsk, I know about this, you don't need to show off!"



"Bai Chen, it's been a long time!" Bai Qilin hurried over with a big laugh.

Bai Chen was also unceremonious, and put his arm around his neck: "Okay, Lord Wu is here today, so let me drink a few more glasses! Let's not get drunk or go home!"

"Don't, he can't drink enough..." Wang Xiaoyu quickly persuaded him from the side.

She knows how much Bai Chen drinks.

In response to this, Bai Chen smiled helplessly: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, I have my own measures."

Bai Chen was in a very good mood, and brought Bai Qilin and Nie Feiyan to the table where Han Ling and the others were. They talked and laughed, very cheerful.

Wang Xiaoyu sat beside Bai Qilin with the corner of the skirt, and saw that her husband and Bai Chen were chatting so happily, she couldn't help looking at Bai Chen's eyes, full of gratitude.

Back then, she almost listened to her father's words, marrying the wretched man who took refuge in the Tianxu League, but Bai Chen suddenly appeared and forced her to marry Bai Qilin.

Although the twisted melon is not sweet, she unexpectedly discovered that this melon is not another melon over time. As for the question of whether it is sweet or not, only she knows.

"Bai Chen, how did you go to the Beichen Empire, how fun is there?" Nie Feiyan asked while pulling his neck.

Upon hearing this, Bai Qilin frowned suddenly: "Feiyan, pay attention to your words."

"Hey, what's the word for nothing, we are all our own brothers, so what occasion do we have?"

Seeing Nie Feiyan's behavior, Lin Mengyao looked at Bai Chen in surprise.

In this regard, Bai Chen smiled helplessly.

They had long been accustomed to Nie Feiyan's character, but Lin Mengyao and Mei Santong were not familiar with each other, and when they saw Nie Feiyan's talk, they suddenly got a little big head.

Seeing the wedding banquet approaching, Bai Chen simply joked with everyone and brought Lin Mengyao to the high hall.

As the suzerain and quasi suzerain wife, they should be so.


Time passed, and soon, the bride and groom appeared in front of the people, causing a burst of laughter.

Ye Suo brought Cuiying with his head on his head and came to the emcee, and then began the process of the wedding banquet.

"Worship the world--"

The two held hands and bowed under the sky.

"Second worship Gaotang——"

Immediately afterwards, Bai Chen and Lin Mengyao accepted the bowing ceremony of Ye Suo with satisfaction.

"Husband and wife worship—"

At this point, Ye Suo deliberately slapped the bride's hijab, causing laughter from inside and outside the hall.

"To enter the bridal chamber together--"

Finally, the bridegroom took the bride and walked out of the Bieyuan, surrounded by a noisy group of people.

Wang Xiaoyu clamored to see the bridal chamber. Bai Qilin had no choice but to accompany her. At the table, Nie Feiyan glanced curiously at Mei Santong, who was drinking with his only son, and then tentatively asked: "Mr. Have I seen you, are you from Beichen?"


Mei Santong didn't expect the little girl to come over and greet him with a bad old man, she couldn't help but smile.

Hearing this, Nie Feiyan immediately patted the table.

! !

The sudden change caused Mei's tee to jump, and then under his stunned gaze, Nie Feiyan wiped the tip of his nose without a trace: "Haha, old sir, I tell you, you are the right person! The future of our Sect Master Bai is definitely not something Beichen people can estimate!"

"I know."

Mei Santong smiled faintly, but Bai Chen was born again, how could he not know.

However, Nie Feiyan continued to laugh loudly: "You can help Bai Chen well in the future. If you encounter difficulties in the Beichen Empire, you can come to me at any time!"

"Looking for you?" Mei Santong stared blankly.

Faced with his shock, Nie Feiyan threatened to say: "Yes, or you can directly report my name, as long as you people in the Beichen Empire, if you hear my name, you will not be scared to pee. You say, this is absolutely true!"

Plum Tee: "..."

A moment ago, when Nie Feiyan took the initiative to talk to him, he still thought the little girl was a little cute, but he didn't expect that what she said would be boundless.

In the Beichen Empire, he has lived for nearly 40,000 years. From the ancient times to the present, what kind of life has he not seen?

Can the name of Nie Feiyan shock the Beichen world?

This girl drank a few catties of fake wine to speak such a conscience...

[PS: Today's third update, because it is a sentimental article, so in terms of expressive design, it is richer, I hope everyone will like it. 】

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