Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1794: : Are you still arrogant?

He Miao, a petite figure, was directly brought back to Luoshaju by the two sturdy men, walked into Luoshaju, the door was closed, and the people in the room made He Miao chill in fear.

But when she saw that her father was stepped under the feet like a puddle of mud, even as weak as her, she mustered up the courage desperately and rushed over.

"You let go of my father!"

He Miao exhausted all his strength to pounce on the man with the blindfold on his eyes, but unexpectedly, the man behind him took a few strides to control He Miao.

Being crushed by someone next door, He Miao knelt on the ground, looking at his father with blood on his face, and even the corners of his mouth were cracked. He couldn't help but look up at the one-eyed man: "Ho, Hao, you are good, my father owes you I will find a way to pay you back."

He Miao cried and begged the man known as Hao Ye, but such a sight did not get anyone's sympathy, and instead caused a ridicule of laughter from the room.

Grandpa Hao stepped on her father's chest and shook her neck at random: "He Datian, now your daughter is here, you just said to me, go and tell her clearly!"

After the words fell, Hao Ye directly lifted the sole of his foot.

At this moment, He Datian quickly got scared from the ground, his eyes widened, and he ran in front of He Miao.

Seeing his father's skin and flesh spattered, He Miao was heartbroken and burst into tears: "Father, can you stop drinking, the land at home is going to be deserted, how can you still drink big wine!"

He Miao really felt sorry for her father and was angry. The most fundamental reason for his family's downfall was that He Datian himself was not up for it.

But when He Miao was racking his brains to think about how to save her father, the yellow-faced He Datian actually held He Miao's shoulder.

The dim old eyes stared at He Miao, He Datian swallowed twice, and tentatively said: "Or, you can follow Haoye and the others in the future, so that Dad's debt can be paid off, OK?"


As soon as He Miao was struck by lightning, He Miao trembled on the spot, her eyes widened in disbelief, and a touch of despair appeared in her tearful eyes: "Father, do you know what you are talking about?"

"I, I can't do anything about it. You follow me and have a meal without a meal. It's better to pay the debts for me. In the future, you can follow Haoye, as long as you wait for him, you can also worry about alcohol and meat..."

"Old stuff, don't talk so much nonsense!"

At this time, Hao Ye grabbed He Miao, and then dragged her over.

Being carried by Hao Ye and dragged into the counter all the way, He Miao struggled frantically, shouting at He Datian: "Father, you save me, come and save me quickly—"

I saw Hao Ye throw He Miao directly on the ground, and then slowly relieved his clothes, and grinned at the people beside him: "I will come first, and then you will be cheaper in a while, hahaha!"

"Father, save me! Save me quickly... I'm afraid!"

The stern roar made He Datian's head hurt, and he covered his ears on the spot and shouted: "I have never given birth to your daughter! You should forget me too!"

He Datian closed his eyes and walked straight to the door.

However, just as he opened the door of the room, an old and dry palm was pinched directly on his neck.


The white-robed elder who was walking towards him picked him up. He Datian suddenly looked scared and couldn't say anything when he wanted to ask for mercy.

The sudden appearance of the three people made everyone in Luosha's house full of doubts. Bai Chen patted Mei Santong on the shoulder and said faintly: "This scumbag is He Miao's father after all. Let him leave him a way out."

A familiar voice came from a distance. He Miao was taken aback on the spot and hurriedly shouted: "Big Brother Bai Chen, save me, save me!"

"Where's the kid, dare to take care of Laozi's nostalgia!"

Hao Ye walked out of the counter unhappily, only half of his clothes were taken off, his open chest heaving violently.

Hearing Bai Chen's words, Mei Santong flicked helplessly, which was to throw He Datian aside, and He Datian also climbed up from the ground, and then hid angrily to the corner of the table: "Ho, I don't know those people, it doesn't matter to me!"

"Do you think anyone wants to have anything to do with you?"

Bai Chen glanced at it coldly, making no secret of his dislike for He Datian.

As a father, he was willing to throw his daughter away in order to pay off his debts. Such a person is simply a scumbag.

Bai Chen hadn't been so angry for a long time, and because of his anger, the smile on his face at the moment became stronger.

The thicker he smiles, the stronger his intention to kill.

Seeing Bai Chen walking towards him, several sturdy men took the iron rods in their hands and surrounded them with anger and fierce anger.

In terms of size alone, these big men surrounded the thin and thin Bai Chen, and they were already proud.

It's just that they don't even know that in Bai Chen's eyes, they are simply a group of younger brothers.

"Boy, I think you really don’t know how to live or die. You didn’t even ask me where this Rakshasa residence is, hahaha! Today you and the old man don’t want to leave alive. As for the beautiful little fairy behind you Girl, I will take care of you~"

Hao Ye grinned, but before the words fell, there was a flower in front of him.

In his sight, the little fairy in the cyan dress suddenly appeared like a teleportation, and changed to his eyes, and just as his heart trembled, the little fairy’s jade fist was also direct He hit his face.


With a loud bang, dozens of broken teeth flew around. Accompanied by a horrible howl, Hao Ye directly flew out and hit the counter heavily.


Seeing this horrible scene, those sturdy big Hans were so scared that their legs trembled. However, before they could flee, Bai Chen just casually raised his palm and shook it in the air!

Peng Peng Peng Peng Peng——

There was another burst of noise, and blood mist flew across the room.

There was a smell of blood in the air, and the bright red scene made He Datian roll his eyelids on the spot, and he was directly fainted on the ground.

Bai Chen took a leisurely pace and came to the front of the grandpa, seeing that his facial features had been transformed, he couldn't help but smile: "Are you still arrogant?"

Of course, even if he asked, Hao Ye would not answer him, because Hao Ye had already died.

He Miao trembled and stood up from the counter. Her eyes were blood-red in horror, and the eyes that looked at Bai Chen were full of gratitude and fear.

"He Miao, acquaintance with you is just a peaceful meeting, saving you is just a whim, I hope you and your father can find a remote place to live, and don’t talk to anyone about what happened today. It’s just like paying back my life-saving grace."

After that, Bai Chen put an ingot of gold on the counter and turned around with the two of them.

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