Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1806: : The most direct way

"What is your strategy?" Jade stared in surprise, looking at Bai Chen like a monster.

Bai Chen didn't say much about this, and lay down on the wooden bed under the window, and fell asleep.

Although Dongfang Jian had never met him, he could guess his motives.

Can he guess Dongfangjian's thoughts?

Since Dongfangjian wanted to use his hand to kill the Tai family, he did it. As for what the purpose of Dongfangjian was, maybe if the Tai family was destroyed, everything would be solved.


The next day.

Outside the west gate of the imperial capital, there was a mine. Early in the morning, the people came here in a neat long line.

"Give me some work, or I won't have any food for lunch!"

A bald man licking his stomach shouted fiercely, his roar like thunder, instantly shaking the entire mountain.

With such a terrifying momentum, the people took up hoes one after another and began to dig mountains and mines.

This bald head is from the Thai family, and his name is Yue Qiren. Although there is a word "benevolence" on the name, what he did is as cruel as a devil.

These people are all driven by the Thai family because of heavy taxes. Yue Qiren clearly stated that as long as the mine is completed, all the taxes they owed before will be written off.

The poor people, in front of Yue Qiren, who is a cultivator, are basically just like grass, and they have no power to fight back. Knowing that the tax is too heavy and unreasonable at all, they can only swallow their breath and linger.

The Tai family only sent one Yue Qiren to guard the mine here, which was enough to prove its strength.

At least ordinary people who control these hundreds of people are fine.

In the scorching sun, people were shirtless, picked up hoes and shovels, worked hard to shovel mountains, and lived in the fields since they were young. This kind of life is basically a daily routine for them. Take a break, take a breath, but here, Yue Qiren doesn't treat them as human beings at all. As long as someone rests, he immediately lashes down to make sure that the other party's skin is broken.

Yinyue Kingdom has no royal family, no officials, and tyranny represents everything. The Eastern family is indifferent to this, and while the people are struggling to support it, they are still silently praying for the Eastern family to stand up and save them.

As everyone knows, the Tai family is the power of the eldest son of the Eastern family...

Seeing that it was time to distribute the food, the people of the Tai family arrived late from a distance. When they put the barrels on the ground, the people swarmed up, grabbed the steamed buns inside, and even fought.

Regarding this, everyone in the Tai family looked at it as if they were watching a group of animals in captivity, sneered.

In Yinyue Nation, the gap in status is extremely obvious.

The poor have no dignity at all, and life is just like grass, and those so-called powerful doors have no compassion for others, regardless of the Thai family, the Leng family, or even the Eastern family.

At this moment, a thin figure was faintly seen among the grass in the distance, walking slowly to this side.

Yue Qiren raised his eyes and glanced, and beckoned at random: "Go and see, who is that person!"

In Yinyue Nation, as a member of the Thai family, Yue Qiren is not afraid of anyone. If you see a suspicious person, you don’t have to wonder which force he is. Those who follow me will prosper and those who oppose me will die. His style of doing things.

However, when a Thai guard drew his sword and walked to the side of the dark figure, he fell directly under Yue Qiren's gaze.


Yue Qiren's eyes shrank suddenly. He had just seen clearly that the black shadow killed their Thai guards.

It's kind of interesting that someone dared to break ground on Tai Sui.

As the black shadow gradually approached, everyone could see clearly that he was a man in a black robe, and because the black robe was very low, he couldn't see his face clearly.

Yue Qiren gave a chuckle of disdain, and a playful color appeared in his cold eyes: "Go, screw off that person's head for me."

In the plain words, there was the indifferent indifference of killing people, which made the people who devoured the buns stunned.

I saw that more than a hundred guards of the Tai family rushed to surround the black-robed people.

I thought that the black-robed man would die extremely tragically, but who knew that the black-robed man actually flickered rapidly, and in a few moments, all the Thai guards fell to the ground.

"His grandma's is actually a cultivator!"

Yue Qiren stood up cursingly, and at a distance of more than a hundred meters, suddenly the sole of his foot stepped on the ground, he drew out the big knife on his waist and threw it out forcefully.

The revolving sword turned into a circular blade shadow, and quickly attacked the black-robed man under the horror of the eyes.


There was a crisp sound, and the black robe man quickly took out the black sword behind him. When it was blocked, the broad sword was directly shaken and flew into the distance.

Seeing this scene, Yue Qiren finally realized that this person's strength is not simple. He secretly clenched his fists, seeing that the black-robed man was less than fifty meters away from him, and immediately shouted: "Who, your Excellency, dare to provoke my Thai family... "


A sword surged blood, and when Yue Qiren felt the sharp pain in his neck and saw the blood wave in front of him, he suddenly saw that the man in the black robe who was about fifty meters away from him had disappeared.

"Quite Taijia, ridiculous!"

An icy voice came from Yue Qiren's ears. He clutched his **** neck in disbelief, and turned his eyes in a daze. He was hidden under the black robe, and saw a handsome and handsome face. His eyes bulged out of shock, and finally fell directly into a pool of blood.

Unexpectedly, the well-known second master Yue of the Tai family was killed by this strange black-robed man with a single sword, and the movements of the black-robed man were still similar to ghosts. Those people were as shocked as they saw a ghost. Retreat violently.

Facing everyone staring in shock, Bai Chen lowered his face, deliberately making them unable to see his face clearly, and a bloodthirsty arc slowly pulled up at the corner of his mouth: "You all go home, in a few days, the Tai family will not exist. So you don’t have to stay here to do hard work just to pay taxes."

As the voice fell, a faint silver glow flickered under Bai Chen's feet, and as his figure moved, it instantly turned into a black wind, disappearing without a trace.

Bai Chen’s last words sounded like he was doing chivalry and righteousness to understand and save these people, but his whereabouts are really weird, coupled with such a cruel beheading of so many people in the Tai family, such a move makes While the people are grateful, they also fear him.

The heroes they knew in books and dramas were all Yushu Linfeng, chic and suave, all righteous.

Such a terrifying and wicked person completely refreshed their understanding of the word "Xia"...

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