Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1845: : Perseverance

"How dare you say that to Emperor Xuanwu?!"

Fuqing was frightened by Bai Chen's words, and he staggered and sat directly on the ground.

The disciples of the sword sect slain in the audience were all stunned and speechless. Even the cultivators, they were shocked by Bai Chen's slanderous rhetoric.

The Taoist Xuanzhen showed a look of horror. He quickly saw the plum tee with arms around his chest, and then looked at the latter's eyes, as if confirming whether the mad master was in front of him. This arrogant young man.

After confirming the look in his eyes, Taoist Xuanzhen suddenly nodded. If the person in front of him is really the reincarnation of the madman, then he would say that the Great Emperor Xuanwu would have no problem.

You know, now that Emperor Xuanwu looks at the entire continent, it's hard to be an opponent, but back then, when the mad master, Kexin, and Suzaku were still alive, Emperor Xuanwu still lost to those people.

"Ahem, Sect Master Bai, the little girl is stubborn, making you laugh." Taoist Xuanzhen suddenly coughed twice, restoring his usual calm.

But his tone made all the people present drop their jaws.

You know, Fuqing can become so arrogant today because her father has no lower limit on her pampering, but how did the Taoist Xuanzhen become a person today?

What happened to the head?

Xu Youzhu scratched his head in surprise, thinking that Bai Chen's identity is probably not simple. Otherwise, with the character of the head, it is absolutely impossible to watch his daughter after being bullied, and then respond respectfully to the enemy. .

"Father..." Fu Qing didn't understand what was going on, and pulled Xuanzhen's sleeves a bit wronged.

"Father, there's something else, you can take the bamboo down to heal your injury first." Xuan Zhen took a deep breath and smiled at Bai Chen: "Sect Master Bai, come with me."


Bai Chen smiled calmly and walked out of the square with Xuanzhen Taoist together with Mei Santong.

On a high wall outside the square, the five old men were startled one after another.

"What on earth did that kid come from, so that the head and Master Mei can respect each other so much..." Ji Xu Qingxue frowned, very puzzled.

Hearing that, an old lady in white robe beside him shook her head slowly: "I don't know, but the person who can be treated like this by the head, I am afraid that he is not from Xinglan God Altar, but from Xingchen Pavilion."

The old woman who was talking was called Granny Su by the world, and one of the five elders of the sword sect.

The reason why she put her guess on the Xingchen Pavilion and Xinglan Altar instead of the Falling Dragon Altar is because only one person has been acting in the Falling Dragon Altar for thousands of years. In the eyes of the world, the falling dragon Perhaps there is only one person in the altar!


When I came to a secluded courtyard, the green pond fell straight down from the high mountains and into the small lake in the courtyard, faintly swaying, and the sound of water gurgling.

Such an elegant beauty is not a fairyland, it is better than a fairyland.

Unexpectedly, under this high cliff waterfall, such an ingenious small courtyard could be built. Bai Chen couldn't help but look forward to it. He will get revenge in the future, and with Mengyao they will find such a beautiful place. The place is reclusive.

With no one else around, Xuan Zhen suddenly bowed to Bai Chen: "Xuan Zhen has seen the mad master and learned that you are reborn as a human. Xuan Zhen is deeply grateful for God."

"Get up and talk." Facing this rigid guy, Bai Chen hurriedly took two steps, dragged his hands, his clear eyes, and a calm smile appeared: "I am no longer the madman back then, now according to my age. In terms of you and Santong are both my predecessors, this should not be the case."

"How dare you! No matter when, you are the madman in my mind!"

Xuanzhen's unsmiling temperament is exactly what Mei Santong said, and it sounds inexplicably depressing when he speaks.

But this kind of person has one advantage, and that is attachment.

A persistent person rarely deceives his master and destroys his ancestors. This is also the reason Bai Chen chooses to believe in him.

Back then, Elder Xuan had said this to Bai Chen in the illusion space where there was no one around, and there must be something respectable for a persistent person.

As the reincarnation of the dragon clan, Bai Chen still retains the dragon clan's habit of respecting teachers and respecting the Tao, and he has never forgotten the training of the old Xuan.

"Master Crazy, since you have come to my Zhuxian Sword Sect, stay here in the future, Xuanzhen is not talented, and I would like to protect you with the power of the whole family!" Xuanzhen looked at Bai Chen firmly.

Hearing this, Bai Chen smiled with relief: "You have this intention, I am already very happy, but it is inconvenient to disclose my whereabouts next, if I stay here, it will not only hurt you to punish the Sword Sect, but also hinder my actions. "


Xuan Zhen glanced at Mei Tee in shock, obviously disappointed.

With a mysterious temperament, he learned that the mad master was reborn, and he naturally wanted to do the same thing, especially Ji Haoran came here before and told him that his teacher was also reborn.

It's just that the teacher is missing, he is anxious, he believes that the crazy master is also anxious, so this meeting, he did not directly ask Bai Chen about the whereabouts of the teacher, this is also considered a cultivator's nature to be good at thinking about others.

"Xuanzhen, tell me honestly, has your current cultivation level reached the Eternal Sky Realm?" Bai Chen asked seriously.

Hearing this, Xuan Zhen gave a wry smile and shook his head: "I have been at the pinnacle of Chaos for more than 10,000 years. I am afraid that I am not qualified to touch this Eternal Heaven Realm..."

"Sure enough..." Bai Chen sighed with a hand held down. "To be honest, after I was reborn, I had the special physique of one body and two spirits. Maybe it was because of this that I was offended by the regular laws of the heavens, which made me break every time. At the time of the realm, the power of thunder tribulation will be far stronger than that of ordinary people. In my opinion, the thunder tribulation that I am about to step into the chaos realm, no one can stop under the eternal sky, so I want to go, I can only Came here, looking for you and Ye Jianxin for help."

"Only an Eternal Sky Realm powerhouse can stop the Thunder Tribulation?!"

Hearing Bai Chen's words, Xuan Zhen was completely stunned.

The Eternal Sky Realm, such a realm, is indeed difficult to find in the entire world, but he still doesn't understand: "If this is the case, why didn't you go to the fifth junior brother?"

"Ji Haoran...I can't say it, but I think Ji Haoran seems to have changed, but I don't have evidence, so I can't tell you more now."

Hearing Bai Chen's words, Xuan Zhen smiled and shook his head: "The mad master is too worried. The fifth junior brother has been the leader of my Beichen Empire for so many years. The Yaoxing Academy was even more powerful than the five evil demons and guarded him. As the people live and work in peace and contentment, he is just like Master, a kind and upright knight."

"Well, Ji Haoran is fine. I now hope that Ye Jianxin can help me withstand the thunder. Can you take me to see him?"

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