Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 185: : A fair deal

"Brother Jing Yuan, I know all your good intentions, but I have a way to make you Feiyun Sect not only not trouble me, but also gratitude to me." Bai Chen grinned and took out a book from his sleeve. Then he threw it in front of Jing Yuan at random.

After receiving the book, Jing Yuan glanced at the words in surprise, twisted and twisted, and couldn't bear to look straight.

"This is a book written by some idiot, it's too ugly!" Ye Yin couldn't help sighing as he probed over.


Hearing her words, Tang Qin almost spewed a sip of tea.

"Just watch, there is so much nonsense!"

Bai Chen was ashamed, and immediately angered.

Hearing his words mixed with anger, for a while, everyone understood what was going on.

Opening the book, a line of big characters like an earthworm on it suddenly changed the expressions of the three of Jing Yuan!

Fengyang Royal Fire Stick... The mysterious high-level combination of spiritual skills, practiced to great success, the power is comparable to the intermediate-level? !

"Compared to the intermediate level! Are you serious!"

Jing Yuan finally screamed, excitedly stood up and said to Bai Chen.

Seeing his ecstatic appearance, Bai Chen's face became more mysterious: "I've inquired about it before. Although you Feiyun Sect is as famous as Tianhai and Canglei Sects, your overall strength is better than them. It's much weaker. But as long as you have this combined spirit skill I gave you, it only takes ten years, and you will truly be on par with them!"

He took out such an unparalleled treasure as soon as he shot it. Who is he? !

The mystery of Bai Chen has left an extremely deep mark on Jing Yuan and others.

Now they will never be so stupid to despise such a young man.

"Don't be too happy too early. I gave you a treasure like this. Should you also provide me with some useful clues?" Bai Chen tapped his finger on the table, and said meaningfully: "After all, This is a fair deal!"


Hearing Bai Chen's gourd painting, Ye Yin and Gu Lingshan couldn't help but look at Jing Yuan together, and there was unconcealed doubt in their eyes.

"You still don't give up after all..." Jing Yuan said indifferently.

"Heh!" Filling the tea cup, Bai Chen picked up the cup, staring directly at the ripples in the cup, and said faintly: "In this world, there is nothing that can make me retreat!"

"Oh! Alright..." Jing Yuan knew he couldn't stop him, and finally sighed softly: "Since the war between you and Tombstone Villa is inevitable, then I will send you the most useful news!"

"Say." Bai Chen listened respectfully.

"Shuiyue Villa, which is as famous as Tombstone Villa, is a feud with the former!"

After saying this, Jing Yuan stood up cleanly and carefully put the book in his sleeve. Without saying goodbye, he took the two girls and left.

With Bai Chen's combined spiritual skill, Feiyunzong would only be grateful to Bai Chen, no hatred.

As for telling Bai Chen's last words, Jing Yuan made a difficult decision after thinking about it.

There was too much involvement behind Tombstone Villa, and he didn't want them to be involved in Feiyunzong.

"Shuiyue Villa..."

Bai Chen stared at the back of the three people leaving, and instantly thought of a very interesting strategy.

Tang Qin always sat beside him. Although she didn't know what Bai Chen had planned, she had absolute confidence in him.

A person who wants to fight against a powerful force with four stars to break through the yuan realm, strength alone is far from enough!

She also wanted to know how much potential Bai Chen had.



"He actually robbed Feiyun Sect's high disciple in the street?!"

Lin Lie narrowed his eyes and couldn't believe what he had heard.

In front of him, the fragile little maid, her pretty face was full of incomprehension at the moment: "Elder Hui, I have arranged personnel to spread this matter, and now everyone in Youzhou knows it, but it makes people What is incomprehensible is that Feiyun Sect hasn’t bothered Bai Chen even now!"

"It shouldn't be..."

At the same time in Youzhou, Lin Lie knew that Venerable Yun was a person, how could such a strong man who protects his calf let his sect be insulted and remain silent?

"He touched the leg of Feiyun Zong Ye Yin in the street, and wrapped her with a strange box, and carried it away in public, and that Tang Qin was also by his side, laughing with a demon!" Cuiying With a sullen face, his expression was right.

After her incitement, Lin Lie became even more resentful, and immediately yelled, "Well, how proper is this! Is he worthy of being a member of my Lin family? Even if my mother agreed, my second brother would definitely not agree. !"

"I am not worthy, it is not you who have the final say!"

Suddenly, the closed door was pushed open with a "bang", Bai Chen and Tang Qin both entered, shocking Lin Lie and Cuiying all over.

Looking directly at Lin Lie’s angry face, Bai Chen couldn’t help but chuckle, and said, “Hey, I said, Uncle Lin, you are the elder of the Lin family, but you gossiping about me like a junior, isn’t it a bit of a loss? Your identity?"

"Lost your status as a fart! You molested the Feiyunzong girl in public, is that reasonable?"

As long as the Lin family was blacked out, Lin Lie would not allow it!

Bai Chen raised his eyelids disdainfully, his lazy eyes fell on Lin Lie's slightly drummed chest, and said faintly, "Which eye did you see me molesting someone?"

"Dare you dare not recognize it!" Lin Lie's expression was completely gloomy.

Upon seeing this, Bai Chen walked carelessly to Cuiying's side, putting his palms on her shoulders: "Did you listen to her?"

"Do not touch me!"

Cui Yingjiao's back shook, and the powerful spiritual power shook Bai Chen's palm.

This shock made Bai Chen even more surprised, and immediately said with a faint smile: "Tsk, you deserve to be the Lin family of King Youzhou, even such an inconspicuous little maid is actually a Five-Star Breakthrough Realm powerhouse!"

"Cuiying has seen how you molested Feiyunzong Yeyin girl. Until now, do you dare to deny it?!"

Lin Lie hates deceit the most. His favorite baby nephew at the beginning deceived him!

Lin Tianhao not only injured Lin Lie, but also killed his only son, so what Lin Lie hated most was deceit.

Because of his anger, he has faintly covered the surface of his body with a trace of spiritual power.

Just this trace of spiritual power made Tang Qin's eyes show deep fear!

"I didn't deny it!" Bai Chen had never done anything wrong, so naturally speaking, he was full of anger: "Provoking Feiyunzong, I also want to attract Feiyunzong Young Master alone, it is really helpless. , You are the elder of the Lin family, a respected senior! I believe that you should be very clear about what your subordinates are, and you have the ability to distinguish right from wrong!"

"Elder, please don't listen to him talking nonsense! Cuiying has been loyal to you all her life, and this will be the world..."


A roar interrupted Cuiying's torrential vote, and Lin Lie didn't want to worry too much about this matter.

He couldn't know who Cuiying was!

If it wasn't for her poor character, with her strength, Lin Lie would have been promoted a long time ago.

Looking at the entire Lin family, it is still a wonderful work to reach the Po Yuan realm. Among tens of thousands of people, only Cuiying can be found!

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