Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1857: : The usage of Dao Wuyong?

Along the way, Bai Chen told Ji Shengyu about his identity, but he didn't expect that the person in front of him was actually the **** of destruction, the first strongest man in Xinglan Continent, and Ji Shengyu was almost dumbfounded.

In exchange of frankness, Ji Shengyu also revealed the deepest secret buried in his heart.


When Ji Shengyu was still a young man, he fell in love with a girl.

The girl is smart, beautiful, approachable, and has a natural temperament like water and tenderness, and she will attract many people's attention wherever she goes.

At the time at Beichen College, Ji Shengyu and the girl could be said to be like a couple of gods.

Originally, all of this could continue, but suddenly one day, the girl accidentally married someone else, and she was an evil man at the time.

Ji Shengyu couldn't accept this reality. He rushed to Ten Thousand Demon Valley alone, and was finally besieged by Boundless Stream, severely wounded and thrown out.

The stubborn Ji Shengyu did not use the power of the sacrificial family to seek revenge. Instead, he studied sword skills assiduously and wanted to take revenge on his own ability.

But just when he practiced swordsmanship, the girl appeared in front of him pregnant.

What the girl is pregnant with is the child of the immeasurable stream villain, who died in the hands of Ari at Yaoxing Academy.

The girl was very sad and told Ji Shengyu the truth.

It turns out that it was not the girl who betrayed him...

On a black and windy night, the girl met the villain on her way home and was forcibly occupied by him.

The girl was ashamed, she thought about it and died, but the villain used the girl's family to threaten her. In desperation, the girl married him in despair.

Now, the girl just wants to live a good life with the child in her arms, and because of this, she is determined not to get back with Ji Shengyu again.

Ji Shengyu didn't care, but she did. She always cared about Ji Shengyu's future and fame.

The girl gave birth to a boy and took the boy to a remote mountain village. Although Ji Shengyu promised that she would not see her in this life, she had been secretly watching them and protecting their mother and child.

Later, the girl gradually got old and died. Ji Shengyu looked down at the tombstone alone and remained silent for three years.

For the girl's lifelong company, from watching her hard life with her son to becoming a gray-haired old woman, Ji Shengyu has never changed her feelings for her.

To this day, Ji Shengyu has not promised any suitor in the college, because in his heart, there will always be only the girl.

Unswervingly until death.


After listening to Ji Shengyu's words, Bai Chen couldn't help but feel a little moved, this guy is actually such an infatuated person.

"Ji Shengyu, I still don’t understand. Since you were looking for Wuliangjian for revenge, why not learn your grandfather’s ancient swords instead of creating your own swordsmanship? You are good at using swords, you should know the ancients Shuangjue sword is the world's first sword skill." Mei Santong asked puzzledly.

Hearing this, Ji Shengyu smiled, and a stubborn face appeared: "The most powerful person in my sacrifice family is not my grandfather, but my second uncle. He insisted not to learn the ancient Shuangjue sword, but to create his own spiritual skills. In the end, he proved to everyone that his own spiritual skills can also become the strongest in the world. The second uncle's power is unimaginable to you. I must become a person like him!"

"How strong your second uncle is, I know, Kun Kun~"

What Bai Chen said suddenly made Jisheng Yu Lima stunned: "Sect Master, do you know my second uncle?!"

As far as Ji Shengyu is concerned, the sacrifice to Xukun is a person who exists in the legend. He has never seen the second uncle, and he does not know what the second uncle looks like. He only knows that the second uncle combs a conspicuous middle point, his temperament is free and easy, and his strength is inverse. Heaven, a ball of heaven and earth in hand, invincible.

"My acquaintance with Brother Kun was in the Zixia Empire in the Western Regions. The first time I saw him at the time, I knew his strength was by no means simple. Later I encountered difficulties, and Brother Kun also showed up and helped me a lot. In this way, I chose to admit you into the sect, because I believe that Brother Kun must hope that some of his descendants can leave the Beichen Empire."

Hearing Bai Chen’s words, Ji Shengyu was full of enthusiasm. His admiration for Ji Xuku began when he was very young. Otherwise, he would not abandon his grandfather’s creation. Star Academy, and I'm going to study at Beichen Academy.

The three of them finally treated each other frankly. They did not have any hostility towards the demon ancestor who joined the Chenyao Sword Sect, and sacrificed to Shengyu. After all, he was also a reasonable gentleman. He knew the relationship between the Six Immortals of the Northern Wilderness and the crazy master because his grandfather One of the six immortals of the Northern Wilderness.

Next, the three of them started flying at full speed and headed towards the Valley of Ten Thousand Demon.


After half a month, they finally arrived at the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons. As soon as the three of them fell into the valley, they saw Lin Mengyao, Chu Junran, and the ancestor of the Demon Immortal, looking far away with surprise.

Everyone looked along and saw Fatty Guo sitting on the ground with his eyes closed, standing in front of him.

"Big Brother Bai, you are back!"

Lin Mengyao and the others were ecstatic when they saw Bai Chen. They were satisfied as long as they knew that Bai Chen was safe.

Bai Chen rubbed Lin Mengyao's head dozingly, and introduced: "This is the nephew who sacrifices to Xukun, sacrifices to Shengyu, and will also be the elder of my Chenyao Jianzong."

"Hello." Ji Sheng Yu answered with a fist, an honest look like a newcomer.

Everyone returned the courtesy one after another. Bai Chen frowned slightly and looked at Fatty Guo: "What is he doing?"

"I don't know, Brother Guo has been sitting there for three days and three nights, do you think he is thinking about the use of Dao Wuyong?" Lin Mengyao's bright eyes flashed with curiosity.

Hearing this, Ji Sheng Yu couldn't help being shocked, his eyes fell on the artifact that resembled a sword and a shield.

He didn't expect that the Dao Wuyong rumored in the arena was really in Bai Chen's hands, and Dao Wuyong would actually be like this, it seemed...a bit difficult to use.


Fatty Guo suddenly burst into a loud shout, and the roar instantly shook the entire Ten Thousand Demon Valley and trembling frequently.

The sudden change made everyone's expression nervous, including Bai Chen, who was also quite excited at this time.

For Dao Wuyong's usage, even he couldn't understand it, but Guo Fatty was the man who Dao Wuyong's heavenly choice, so it was another matter.

"Fatty, you must be successful...!" Bai Chen took a deep breath, and clenched his fists earnestly. As long as Fatty can use Dao Wuyong, it will become his most powerful help.

Facing the eyes of everyone, Guo Fatty's eyes were indifferent, and he slowly raised his palm.

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