Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1864: : Bishui Palace, Tortoise!

Han Lingsha flew all the way upside down, and finally hit the street directly, and the whole street and surrounding houses were overturned, screaming again and again under the violent earth.

On the other hand, the fat remains, the upper half of the body was completely shattered, and the blood fell with the sky.

After finally killing the fat body, Han Lingsha wiped the blood stains on the corners of his mouth, and turned to look at the affected house, and couldn't help but reveal a touch of sadness.

There will always be sacrifices in war, and the most innocent people are those of the Li people who have no power to bind the chicken.

With the severe pain in her chest, Han Lingsha gritted her teeth and stood up. She clutched her **** broken arm, looked up, and found that the black storm in the distance had also disappeared.

"Teacher Ye Luo..."

Thinking that the battle in the distance had already been decided, Han Lingsha shook his head vigorously to cheer himself up.

Compared with his own injury, Ye Luo's safety is more important.

The moment she was about to fly over, the steps she took suddenly stopped in place.

An unusually majestic energy of heaven and earth came from behind Wu's own body, and Han Lingsha instantly paled under this unprecedented fluctuation of spiritual power.

3. Samsung Chaos Realm? !

Han Lingsha turned around abruptly, and for a short time his vision was clear, a fiery red air bomb flew towards him.

Such an astonishing offensive made Han Lingsha's face paler, and in a hurry, she quickly raised her palm, condensing all her strength in her palm, and hardly connected the flaming gas bullet.


With a loud explosion, Han Lingsha was directly shaken upside down and flew, and the blood from the breach splashed along the way.

Under this powerful impact, she dragged a long distance on the ground, and then stopped. There was a hundred meters long gully at the end. Han Lingsha trembled and moved her fingers. difficult.

The serious injury has made her unable to fight anymore. In her blurred vision, a long snake tail is beating around among the gravel in the distance.

Looking forward along the snake's tail, there is a huge red turtle shell. The tortoise is crimson with its tail, and its head is actually a bird's head!

"This is... the Supreme Elder of Bishui Palace... Rotary Turtle!"

The knowledgeable Han Lingsha suddenly thought of such a possibility, and a touch of despair gradually appeared in his tired eyes.

Compared with the fat remains, the Tortoise is more powerful, the three-star Chaos Realm, this realm, even if the Han Lingsha state is at its peak, it can't fight against it.

Looking at the red rotating tortoise step by step, Han Lingsha clenched his fists unwillingly, and looked up to the sky as if he was telling someone: "No wonder you didn't take me, I'm really weak." ..."

As a member of the Lu family, Han Lingsha has a much stronger grasp of the movements of the major forces than others. The Tortoise in the Blue Water Palace, an old monster who has lived for 100,000 years, is a brutal man who is specifically designed to harm human women. According to legend, the woman caught by it will be tortured for three days and three nights, and finally die horribly.

Knowing this, Han Lingsha would never allow itself to fall into its hands.

As her soul power gradually burned, Han Lingsha's vague sight seemed to show the scene when she first saw Bai Chen. At that time, Bai Chen gave her only the vulgar self-righteousness based on her own little ability. The person, even though he looks so handsome, except for the good-looking skin, there is almost no place where he can attract Han Lingsha's attention.

Later, one night, she saw Bai Chen compete with Dongfang Zhiyu in the Gravity Square. Although Bai Chen won in the end, his movements in the Gravity Square were so slow that they still could not cause Han Lingsha. interest of.

Until he received the task of Teacher Ye Luo and went to Leiyin Academy with him, this line allowed Han Lingsha to thoroughly see Bai Chen's true strength.

After besieging the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons, Bai Chen was able to repel the demon ancestor of the three-star chaos realm with the cultivation of the star realm. Even if the demon ancestor was seriously injured at the time, all this completely subverted Han Lingsha’s recognition. know.

Bai Chen shining like that in her eyes, she even felt that as long as Bai Chen was given enough time, he would become an invincible existence like the Great Emperor Xuanwu.

This kind of absurd idea, if you say it, might make people laugh, but Han Lingsha thinks so, and she is determined to follow Bai Chen to witness all this.

However, there is no chance...

The corners of his mouth slowly pursed with bitterness, and Han Lingsha chuckled desperately.

At the moment when she was about to explode, numerous flying swords appeared in the sky in a daze.


Is this the God beckoning to me to welcome me back to the galaxy...

Han Lingsha gave a wry smile, looked at the flying swords stupidly, and suddenly his eyes condensed.

"This is not an illusion!"

Just when Han Lingsha let out a horror, the Tortoise that came from a distance followed her sight and raised his head.

When the Tortoise saw the millions of flying swords spinning rapidly above the sky, his old eyes suddenly narrowed into a gap.

The flying sword that spins rapidly, like a starry sky circling in one direction, forming a gorgeous flying sword vortex.

The huge whirlpool made the scene a bit shocking, but the whirlpool was not stupid. They knew that such a scene would definitely not be an ordinary spiritual skill.

This is...all thoughts are ashamed...Bai Chen!

Seeing this familiar scene, Han Lingsha's eyes moistened for an instant. If Bai Chen hadn't appeared in time, she would have to bid farewell to this wonderful Xinglan continent.

Han Lingsha looked around, but did not see Bai Chen's figure, obviously he was not ready to show up.

But that's fine, because Bishui Palace made it clear that it was to lead him out, and if he didn't show up, he wouldn't fall into the trap of the other party.

The Million Flying Sword gradually turned into a huge black ancient sword. With the holy flame of Chaos circling up, the air wave generated by the black ancient sword instantly immersed the entire sky in the suffocating and terrifying heat. Among.

In order not to hurt the people, Bai Chen deliberately controlled the high-temperature coverage in mid-air. With the movement of his palm, the black ancient sword with an ancient and mysterious atmosphere finally turned into a small piece directly under the horrified eyes of Xuangui. The light blasted in.

"what is this!"

Feeling this unusually terrifying energy fluctuation, even if the Tortoise had the strength of a three-star chaotic realm, he couldn't help but show a deep sense of fear.

The black light was a thousand times faster than lightning, so that the Tortoise had no time to dodge.

At the moment of the moment, the tortoise hurriedly shrank its head and limbs in the red tortoise shell. The tortoise shell was its strongest defense!

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