Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1874: : The God of War of the Beichen Royal Family

Seeing that Bai Chen's breathing gradually stabilized after taking the pill, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly took him away from the place.

This battle completely announced the fall of the five evil demons of Beichen. From then on, the Jianghu pattern of Beichen Empire has become a state of one pavilion, two altars, three sects and two courtyards. Of course, there are also the existence of the three families of Lu, Ji, and Ye. And the forces of the gods and kings of the Ten Thousand Chaos Pavilion who have always been hiding in the dark.

Who will be the next force that will be targeted by Wanchao Pavilion? This has become a hard guess for everyone, but in the order of weak to strong, Apocalypse Academy is the most likely target.

The cracked earth, as Susu and others left, appeared desolate.

At a certain moment, the space suddenly reversed, and Hua Dounan's figure suddenly appeared beside Mo Bai.

Looking down at Mo Bai, who was still smiling after his death, Hua Dounan's smile gradually became gloomy: "It's such an idiot, but it's a pity that how many strong people don't understand the troubles of beauty."

After Hua Dounan ate Mo Bai's heart, his power swelled again, and it didn't take long for a deep blue flame like spring water to appear all over his body.

"Unexpectedly, even the strength of the blood can be absorbed, Lord Zeus, I now finally understand why you would say that this is a near invincible power..." Hua Dounan closed his eyes and sighed softly, thinking about his own ability. He didn't fully awaken, but he was a little sad.

However, after one life and death, his ability has been improved to the next level. As long as time is added, it is not impossible to become the power Zeus expected.

Yu Guang glanced faintly at Ye Jin in the distance, Hua Dou Nansen sneered, suddenly turned around, tearing the space apart.

"Trash is no longer worthy of being my food."

As the soles of his feet stepped into the space rift, the earth returned to tranquility again.


Half a month later.

Yaoxing College.

"That's how the whole thing happened."

Hua Yingbai sneered in front of Zhuge Feng with vertical eyes.

Zhuge Feng squinted his eyes as clear as a lake, as if to question him: "Since the little Tianhu and Mo Bai are dead, why don't you look for the purple and gold magic box on them?"

"I found it, but it wasn't on them at all..."

"is it."

Zhuge Feng gently rubbed Xiao Huan's forehead with his palm, and looked at Hua Yingbai's eyes, becoming more fierce: "You should know, if you betray me, what will happen to you?"

"Subordinates know! Subordinates are absolutely loyal to Master Zhuge!" Seeing Zhuge Feng's words became sharp, Hua Yingbai's face changed, and she quickly bowed her head to show her loyalty.

But Zhuge Feng still showed a touch of complexity.

After a long silence, Zhuge Feng finally sighed: "Okay, you can go down. Remember that this matter cannot be reported like the dean."

"Yes!" Hua Yingbai secretly breathed a sigh of relief, raised her eyes angrily, and looked at the unfathomable Zhuge Feng: "Master Zhuge, Dugue and Ari are coming back, should I get rid of the two of them... After all, they are the dean’s people."

"If you have this ability, just do it, but if you fail, you don't have to come back."

Zhuge Feng's indifferent words caused Hua Yingbai to bite her teeth, and finally left the room full of hatred.

"Sitting the flattery has to be divided, just because he wants to kill the loneliness, it's a joke!" Xiao Huan sniffed, raised her small paw and scratched her chin.

Hearing this, Zhuge Feng smiled coldly, and said faintly: "I feel that Hua Yingbai now may have the power to compete with loneliness."

"What! In such a short period of time, how could he catch up with the solitary cultivation base?"

Xiao Huan couldn't believe it.

But since Zhuge Feng said this, he had to make him think deeply.

"Okay, let's not talk about it, Xiao Huan, what do you think the dean will do next?"

"What's next?" Xiao Huan stood up and walked down the window, her brows gradually wrinkled: "The fall of Bishui Palace and Mishui Peak is not a big deal, but Ye Jin is dead, it can be big or small... …Although Ye Jianxin is a chivalrous man and will not stand up to avenge this evil granddaughter, Ye Jin’s father is hard to say."

"Yeah, Ye Lingyun, as the royal **** of war, is also a general Tianwei. He who has always protected the calf can't just sit back and watch."

"So I think, the dean should pretend to be a retreat, don't listen to it~"

Hearing the illusion, Zhuge Feng suddenly laughed: "Haha, pretending to be in seclusion, this really echoes Ji Haoran's personality!"

"Is it that way~" Xiao Huan sat on the ground and raised her tail: "Bai Chen won't die so easily, but then, Tianqi Academy will have big trouble."

As Xiao Huan spoke, there was a touch of complexity in his eyes. It was worried about Bai Chen, and similarly, it hated Bai Chen.

Up to now, it doesn't know what kind of attitude it holds towards Bai Chen.

Because of her complicated mood, Xiao Huan shook her head vigorously.

Upon seeing this, Zhuge Feng picked up the feather fan and slapped it twice at random. His handsome face showed a gentle smile: "Xiaohuan, as long as I am here, the priest will definitely fall. Now the priest is not here. As long as you move to Ji Haoran, Ji Haoran can be destroyed at any time."

"I see."

Xiao Huan took a deep breath, her eyes firmed up again.

It still can't forget the scene where it sacrificed Xu Kun to the Zixia Temple and killed the Illusory God with that weird ball.

Obviously he has no grievances and no grudges, but he actually wants to kill people and kills people. This blood feud, it will never be forgotten.

Since the night of the gods is lawless, it must do everything possible to make the sacrifice of Xukun pay the price, just as it has to do now, even if it fails to fight the sacrifice of Xukun, it will hurt his family and leave him alone and helpless. Live in this world!


In the back mountain of Tianqi Academy, there is a humble little thatched house. At this moment, Bai Chen is wrapped in white bandages in the courtyard. Sitting on a chair, his whole person is like a cocoon pupa.

He also wanted to break out of the cocoon earlier, but it was a pity that Apocalypse Academy currently had only a sixth-grade pill for healing injuries. This grade of pill was simply not enough to treat his severe injuries with broken ribs and sternum.

To put it bluntly, if he had been spontaneously and repeatedly repairing his body without the powerful bloodline, he would have already returned to the stars at this moment.

He has been recuperating in this small courtyard for more than half a month, and Han Lingsha has always been taking care of him alone. In the words of the ancestor of the demon fairy, beauty is seductive, and it is a good medicine.

This kind of nonsense, Bai Chen is really speechless. For him, Han Lingsha is a companion who has experienced life and death together with him, not a relationship between men and women.

"Lingsha, you said before that the imperial general Tianwei is coming to Tianqi Academy?"

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