Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1877: : A pot of sake tells the heart

Xiangzhou is an inconspicuous small restaurant not far from Yaoxing College. In the wing room on the second floor, a man in a dark blue robe is hugging a woman tightly in his arms and kissing affectionately.

On the blue robes worn by the two of them, the water pattern glowed with a strange luster. From a distance, it looked like real sea water flowing, extremely strange.

"Luo Lang, let me take a breath." The woman suddenly raised her hand and gently pushed the man away, and then sat in his arms, with a pretty face, picking up a glass of sake and drinking it.

The man laughed and put his chin on her forehead: "Ying'er, we haven't seen each other for months. Without your company, my heart seems to be missing something."

"Puff! You have turned the Beichen Empire into this field now, there is no time to miss me~"

It was Su Nongying, the most beautiful king of Wanchao Pavilion who was talking!

And the man holding her is the demon king of Wanchao Pavilion, Luo Xi!

Who would have thought that in such a small restaurant, two **** kings appeared at the same time, and their martial arts cultivation skills, but looking at Beichen, there are only a handful of existences!

Hearing Su Nongying's words, Luoxi's eye pupils shrank slightly, and his thin lips slowly raised: "Although the Emperor Illusion is strong, the warriors under her are not very good. As long as she sends one person, I Kill one person, I see what she will do!"

Upon hearing this, Su Nongying frowned delicately: "Do you think she would turn to Xinglan Temple for help?"

"No, Emperor Huan is a very proud woman, and she has always believed that the strength of Xingchen Pavilion is higher than that of Xinglan Temple, so a proud person like her will definitely not seek help from Xinglan Temple."

"But, isn't her husband the son of the Emperor?"

"Qi Tianye? Heh! That's just the most useless son of the Emperor of Heaven, otherwise you think, how could the eldest son of the dignified Xinglan Temple enter the Zuixingchen Pavilion?"

"Yes, I heard that the Emperor of Heaven has three sons, the second son and the third son are very prestigious in the temple, but this eldest son is not favored and is not welcome. But even so, he has an identity there after all, even if he is a star If Lan Shen Temple doesn't make a move, will Xing Lan Shen Altar also sit back and watch?"

"Xinglan Divine Altar?" Luo Xi snorted coldly, and sneered: "Xinglan Divine Altar is only supported by two old guys from Xinglan Divine Hall. They want to shoot at me, and they have to weigh their own weight. Yes, the world thinks that the Beichen Empire has one pavilion and two altars. Who knows that among the three ancient sects, there is actually a sect whose strength is far above the Xinglan divine altar!"

"So your target is actually them?"

"I can't say that, my goal is actually..." Luo Xi leaned close to Su Nongying's ear and whispered seven words softly.

These seven words instantly made Su Nongying stunned.

For a long time, Luo Xi never told anyone the truth in his work, even Su Nongying, he had never spoken outright.

But now, he actually said his ultimate goal, Su Nongying was flattered, and was shocked by the real goal in a cold sweat.

Meimu looked directly at Luoxi with a gloomy look, and Su Nongying said solemnly: "Luolang, don't forget, the Lord of the Pavilion once ordered the death of our Ten God Kings, and you must not provoke that force. ...!"

"Hahaha, Lord Pavilion Master? After all these years, Lord Pavilion Master is still missing, do you think he will still be alive?"

"I don't allow you to talk about him like that, don't forget, he is the pavilion master of our Wanchao Pavilion! If he comes back, we **** kings will definitely not be like today..."


Luo Xi lifted a single finger and pressed against Su Nongying’s red lips: "I know you have great respect for the pavilion master, but the reality is like this. Back then, my old and immortal master showed the Seventh Form of Sen Luo Wanxiang. How horrible, I believe you know better than me, that you guys have been reluctant to admit the fact that Lord Pavilion Lord has already fallen. Okay, if you don’t admit it, then let’s look for him! But after searching for 30,000 years, we found it. What? The strongest Lu Tianqi left us and joined the Night of the Gods. Han Shuyan and Leng Youyou are also dead. Now there are only seven of the Ten God Kings that year. This is what you say to the Lord Pavilion Master. Are you loyal!"

"I!" Su Nongying was bluntly accused by Luo Xi, and tears appeared in Su Nongying's beautiful eyes: "If there is no pavilion master, where are we from? Where is the Wanchao Pavilion! Even if there is a glimmer of hope, we will look for it. , Maybe he is still alive!"

"Impossible..." Luo Xi took a deep breath, his face dimmed indifferently: "The pavilion master is really strong, and he dares to fight against Kuang, but unfortunately he is not his opponent. We can live now. Fortunately, most of the ancient powerhouses have fallen. We must inherit the will of the Lord Pavilion, defeat the Emperor Xuanwu, and let Wanchao Pavilion rule the world. Only in this way, the Lord Pavilion can feel for us when he is alive in the sky. proud."

"But the Lord Pavilion has clearly said that no matter what happens, you must never provoke that power..."

"Ying'er! I always thought that even if the world doesn't understand me, at least you understand me, but why are you as stupid as other **** kings! If we in Wanchao Pavilion are so stupid and ridiculous, then we are waiting for us , Only perish!"


Su Nongying chuckled bitterly, and once again recalled the words that Lord Pavilion had said to her back then: If I lose to the madness in this battle, you must remember that in the future, only Luo can carry forward Wanchao Pavilion. Brook!


"I see. Since it's your decision, I support you with all my strength."

Su Nongying clinged to Luo Xi's arms obediently, holding back the tears in her eyes.

Feeling her sadness and heartache, Luo Xi reluctantly rubbed her hair: "Silly Ying'er, Lord Pavilion's cultivation base has reached such a high level, but he is still unwilling, because he wants to To make Wanchaoge the strongest in the world, for his long-cherished wish, I have been working hard for 30,000 years and have never slackened. As long as you are willing to believe in me, I will definitely show it to you and let you witness it with your own eyes. How come down to dominate Beichen and defeat Xingchen Pavilion!"

"Well, Luo Lang, I believe you..."


Just when Luoxi and Su Nongying were lingering in the night, in the hundreds of thousands of mountains on the outskirts of Hanzhou, Canglang had already killed all the Xingchen Pavilion sent to Qingzhou Xuanwu Qisu according to Luoxi's instructions.

So far, Emperor Huan has sent 27 elders, 85 masters, and even seven star officials among the 28 stars.

Unfortunately, before they reached Qingzhou, they were all beheaded by Ting Xue and Canglang on the way!

This is the so-called. Although the old Xuanwu and Huandi of Xingchen Pavilion are strong, they are far less powerful than Wanchao Pavilion, so that once a war breaks out, they will be in a dilemma in the drag battle. !

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