Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1886: : Does this pull hatred?

Hearing Han Bing's stubborn words, Qiu Luoxue's small face was extremely gloomy, and she said every word: "Han Bing, don't think that you can be presumptuous in front of me after you have been with me for so many years. You'd better not force me... …"


Han Bing got up angrily, and was about to desperately break the net with Bai Chen. Upon seeing this, Qiu Luoxue's expression changed suddenly, and she wanted to raise her hand to block it.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared between the two women out of thin air, holding down Han Bing's palm.

What a fast speed...!

Bai Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and the person who came was a young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a slashed face. He didn't look handsome, but he was very masculine.

The man pressed down the trembling ice, then glanced at Bai Chen with complicated eyes, and finally said respectfully to Qiu Luoxue: "Miss, Han Bing is not sensible, I will go back to teach her, and ask Miss to read it. For her loyalty for so many years, don’t be familiar with her."

"Then...not as an example!"

Of course, Qiu Luoxue didn’t want to be in conflict with Han Bing. After all, she has been with Bai Chen for so many years, but now she really likes Bai Chen in her heart. He saved her at all costs at the moment of life and death. Since then, she has fallen in love with him.

No matter how noble and beautiful a woman is, she is ultimately no match for the hero to save the beauty. Therefore, even in the market, many men deliberately create scenes of heroes to save the beauty in order to pursue their beloved girls. After all, this trick is correct. Ninety-nine out of the women have no resistance.

Especially, the hero who saves the United States can be as handsome as Bai Chen without bounds...

"Thank you Miss for being considerate, I will take her away now."

The man's Wen Shan calmly stared at Bai Chen, and he disappeared into the spot with the ice instantly.

Although he looked very friendly just now, Bai Chen was very clear that such a smile was nothing but a knife in the smile.

"Who is this person?" Bai Chen was suddenly curious.

Upon hearing this, Qiu Luoxue said with a smile: "His name is Qiu Jing and he is Xuewei's deputy captain."

"Tsk tusk, I heard that there are six people in your Xuewei, one captain, two deputy captains, and three members, but this Qiu Jing looks much more stable than Qiu Changhuan, not bad~"

"Yes, Qiu Jing is the most stable of Xuewei. My mother said that he is more stable than Captain Qiu Mu, and it will make me encounter difficulties in the future. First of all, we must listen to Qiu Jing's opinions."

"Are you both civil and military..." Bai Chen narrowed his eyes with a smile.

Qiu Luoxue didn't notice the hostility Qiu Jing showed to him just now, but he could see it all.

If such a person is used as an opponent, it will be very fun.

The two of them talked and laughed all the way, walking through the strange corridor that turned eighty times, and finally came to a spacious hall under the guidance of Qiu Luoxue.

Needless to say, the layout here shows what is called luxury in all aspects of nature. There is a long table in the center of the hall, which looks like the place where Qiuloxue eats on weekdays.

As Qiu Luoxue walked in, the men on both sides of the long table immediately bowed to meet him.

"I'm hungry, go and prepare something to eat." Qiu Luoxue patted her little hand and motioned for Bai Chen to sit down together.

Upon hearing this, the two of them burst into tears of joy, and both left the room.

It seems that these two people should be the cooks who are in charge of Qiu Luoxue's meals, but from their performance just now, it is enough to see how loyal they are to Qiu Luoxue.

"You haven't eaten or drink for so long, and people around you are so worried about you. Do you know that you are wrong now?" Bai Chen leaned his chin with one hand in a preaching tone.

When Qiu Luoxue heard it, Dai's eyebrows frowned: "Dare you teach me?"

"Why, do you want to say that they are just subordinates, so the subordinates should worry about you?"

"I didn't!" Qiu Luoxue knew that Bai Chen was teasing her and testing her, and immediately curled her lips: "Although I am proud, but not arrogant, everyone in Xingchen Pavilion is like my flesh and blood. I will not despise any of them."

Everyone in Xingchen Pavilion... What about the people of Li people except Xingchen Pavilion?

Bai Chen narrowed his eyes with a smile. He wanted to ask this question, but he suddenly felt that he didn't need to delve into it too much.

He doesn't know Qiu Luoxue very well, but some people need time to taste, to taste, to taste carefully.

There are light questions and answers, but I am not sure what.

As for the future relationship with Xingchen Pavilion, Qiu Luoxue may be able to play some role, but it will never play a decisive role. Therefore, having seen all this, Bai Chen is particularly calm now.

As countless delicacies of mountains and seafood were brought up, the two began to move their chopsticks. Bai Chen was really hungry, and he was not polite to pick up the bowl, so he gobbled it naturally.

On the other hand, even though Qiu Luoxue was more hungry, she couldn't show indecent behavior in front of the person she liked, she was still chewing slowly, and she looked pretty like everyone else.

When the two were full and full, Bai Chen suddenly wanted to go outside. He hadn't been to Xingchen Pavilion for a long time. He wanted to see the star-gazing platform of Xingchen Pavilion.

Walking out of the Xingchen Temple, the disciples of the Xingchen Pavilion outside came and went, facing the appearance of Bai Chen, they all cast curious eyes.

In those eyes, there was an inexplicable meaning, like waiting to see Bai Chen make a fool of himself, full of ridicule and contempt.


As everyone watched, Bai Chen's heart trembled suddenly.

It stands to reason that he is a distinguished guest personally invited by Emperor Huan.

You know, to despise the distinguished guests of the emperor is disrespect to the emperor!

But why is it such a scene?

There is only one truth!

Authorized by Magic Emperor...

This Magic Emperor wants to see what I can do?

Bai Chen's clear eyes are dark and dark, and he wants to play tricks with him, even if it is the Emperor of Magic, it is too tender.

"Oh, is this the Bai Chenbai hero who has got the Dao Wuyong? I have been looking up for a long time~" Sure enough, among the crowd of people watching in the distance, a thin man suddenly came to face him. It should be said that this man is thin Just like a monkey, and wearing expensive gemstone rings on his fingers, it shows his superficiality and inferiority.

"Qiu Xiaoman, what are you doing!"

Seeing the visitor, Qiu Luoxue's face suddenly sank.

Hearing that, the man known as Qiu Xiaoman gave a dark smile and said plausibly: "Sister Luo Xue, why are you so nervous? I just heard that Bai Chen is the number one genius in the world, so I came here specially, thinking Let’s discuss it and click on it until now~"

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