Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1948: : Everyone has the heart to love cats

"There is a pot of wine in the flower room, and there is no blind date for a drink alone. A toast to invite the bright moon, and the three of them will be shadowed."

In another restaurant, Jiang Xiaofan picked up a glass of wine and chanted a poem for fun before drinking.

Jiang Chen and Bai Chen who were at the table with him smiled and toasted.

The three of them flicked their wine glasses and drank together.

"Haha, I really didn't think that we could meet the two of you here. We are really destined!" Bai Chen stayed near the Immortal King Sect alone, already panicking.

It's rare to meet two acquaintances today, and I'm really sorry for his title of Bacchus if I don't find a place to be greedy.

Seeing Bai Chen smiling so free and easy, Jiang Chen's beautiful eyes blinked with curiosity: "Now your reputation is really loud, Beichen's second killer, so domineering!"

"Don't make fun of me, what I killed is just some people with wine bags and rice bags, how can it be compared with the killer **** Tingxue who specializes in killing masters~" As Bai Chen spoke, a flash of coldness in his eyes disappeared.

He had imagined that since the murderer of Mei Santong was most likely a member of Wanchao Pavilion, how many people in Wanchao Pavilion could kill him?

Special killer...

Could it be this killer Tingxue!

Jiang Chen didn't know what Bai Chen was thinking at the moment, and he was still deliberately joking: "I can force one of the three ancient sects to this level with the power of one person. If I can have half of your strength, I will be content~"

"Forget it, Immortal King Sect is also worthy of being called the Three Ancient Sects?"

Bai Chen withdrew his suspicion and smiled helplessly.

If the opponent was Zhuxian Jianzong or Fen Tianzong, facing the situation of a master like a cloud, Bai Chen would not kill so easily.

But the Immortal King Sect is different. The Sect Master cannot come out easily. Except for him, the others can't even find the One Star Chaos Realm. At this level, regardless of the Wanchao Pavilion behind it, their level is comparable. Go to Yaoxing Academy, even Tianqi Academy.

Hearing Bai Chen's arrogant and unruly remarks, Jiang Xiaofan's smile gradually became serious, holding the cup with both hands, and respectfully said to Bai Chen: "Gongong, anyway, you saved our brother and sister twice. This kindness, my Jiang family I’ll never forget that in the future, where we will be useful to us, we will go through fire and water, and we will never hesitate!"

"Yes, let's not hesitate!" Jiang Chen also straightened his body with a straight face.

Hearing this, Bai Chen gave a wry smile, and immediately raised his glass to touch them and drank.

"It's okay to go through fire and water. Anyway, your Jiang family has money. It's okay to buy me two drinks, and we will even be even."

"Puff!" Jiang Chen suddenly laughed: "Eun Gong, you really are a complete drunkard!"

"What do you mean by this? Grace is the **** of wine, not drunk in a thousand cups!" Jiang Xiaofan immediately corrected his sister's words.

"Yes, yes, Bacchus, the little girl is disrespectful and punished herself for three cups."

In the dining room, the three of them drank to each other, and the short leisure time made Bai Chen temporarily forget the burden in his heart.

"Look, today's clouds are so beautiful, as if they are painted in the sky." Jiang Chen turned his head and looked at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window, smiling.


At this moment, on the street outside the restaurant, a seat of Huangshan Tingxue walked by indifferently.

She had already had a strong killing intent towards Bai Chen, who had never met before, and she did not report it to Luo Xi.

She only needs to regain her name of killing god!

Walking along the street in the rush of people, before she knew it, Ting Xue had come to a bamboo bridge.

After walking through here, and then walking ten miles on the mountain road, it was the Immortal King Zong. She wanted to see what the so-called killer Bai Chen could do.

Beside the bamboo bridge, a beggar in ragged clothes, shaking his old hand, holding up a broken bowl, looked at Ting Xue beggingly: "Girl, okay..."

Facing a beggar begging in the street, Ting Xue ruo unheard of, stepped onto the bamboo bridge indifferently.

Unexpectedly, this beautifully dressed lady was so indifferent, the old beggar couldn't help but sighed and sat back under the bridge again.

Walking on the bamboo bridge, the sound of the water is gurgling, and the red carp is tumbling in the water. Looking east, it is the line of sky between the two sides of the strait.

The beautiful scenery, just like the old beggar’s begging words, could not attract Ting Xue’s attention. In her heart, there was only the killing of Bai Chen, and nothing else...

? !

Just when Ting Xue walked off the bamboo bridge, a cat cry suddenly sounded between the piles of tattered bamboo baskets on the corner of the street.

The voice was tired and weak, and it sounded dying.


Ting Xueyu paused suddenly, and looked intently, only to see a small black cat that was injured, lying under the bamboo basket, licking his obviously broken hind leg.

Seeing this scene, Ting Xue's icy eyes suddenly felt distressed, and quickly walked towards the cat.

But at the moment when she was about to lift the bamboo basket, a slender jade hand was one step ahead and approached from the side.

Ting Xue was stunned when she saw it and raised her puzzled eyes. What she saw was a woman in a blue dress holding the injured kitten in her arms.

What a nice view……

Seeing the woman in Tsing Yi in front of her, Ting Xue exclaimed from her heart. The appearance of this woman was the most beautiful existence she had ever seen.

This person is not someone else, but Lin Mengyao!

"Little cat, why are you so badly hurt? Who beat you so cruelly?" Lin Mengyao touched the little black cat's head with great distress, with tenderness in his eyes.

Seeing her so worried, Ting Xue's eyes softened a lot for an instant: "It's about to die, do you have a healing medicine on your body?"

Hearing this, Lin Mengyao raised his eyes and looked at the same distressed girl in front of him. After a little hesitation, he shook his head helplessly: "I ran out of pills..." While talking, Lin Mengyao Sweeping the saber around Ting Xue's waist, she found that this sword was extremely extraordinary, and her eyebrows frowned: "How about you, do you have a pill?"

"Only the weak need medicinal pills, where do I have them."


Ting Xue's words immediately caused Lin Mengyao to laugh, but now it was still important to save the cat, and the two looked at each other, both a little impatient.

Seeing that the little black cat's breathing became weaker and weaker, Ting Xue suddenly had an idea and grabbed Lin Mengyao's little hand.

"I have a way, come with me!"

A silver light flashed under Ting Xue's feet, and Lin Mengyao flew into the sky for an instant.

Such a swift body technique, like moonlight passing across the field, cannot catch up.

Lin Mengyao was really stunned. She never expected that this petite and charming girl would have such a strong strength.

With Ting Xue's flying speed, it didn't take long for them to arrive in front of an ancient palace.

"This is the Immortal King Sect. They have a lot of pills. I will get them now. You are waiting for me here!"

Before Lin Mengyao could react, Ting Xue flew over the high wall.


Lin Mengyao's face turned green as he watched a petite figure disappearing before his eyes.

This is the Immortal King Sect, one of the three ancient sects. She actually dared to fly in and steal the medicine in broad daylight. It was too bold!

Originally heard that Bai Chen had become the killing **** of the Blood-stained Immortal King Sect, Lin Mengyao was too worried, so he sneaked out to take a look. He didn't expect that Bai Chen hadn't seen it, and unexpectedly met this poor little black cat on the way. That strange girl who looks extremely difficult...

I really hope she will not be caught by the people of the Immortal King Sect.

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