Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1954: : A polite hypocrite

Ji Haoran sighed weakly, and came to Ji Xu Qing's body, slapped his palms on his shoulders, shaking a little: "Until now, my grandson is still missing, how can you be so relieved?"

"My son... he's in our Zhuxian Sword Sect." Ji Xu Qing scratched his head.

After hearing this, Ji Haoran's eyes brightened instantly.

Through the soul mark and Hua Yingbai's words before, he knew that Ji Shengyu and Bai Chen's companions were mixed together.

That said, wouldn't Guo Sankuo really be here?

"Quickly, take me to see Shengyu, I miss him so much!"

Ji Haoran's impatient appearance fell into the eyes of everyone, making them all look relieved.

Everyone in the rivers and lakes said that Ji Haoran was an extremely indifferent person, and he never asked anything about the priest, but according to the current situation, maybe Ji Shengyu was in danger and changed this person.

"Senior sacrifice, please here."

Granny Su smiled respectfully, leading the way, and everyone followed.


Ji Sheng Yu and Chu Junran, who were returning from the back of the cliff, had just returned to the Bieyuan where their companions were. The fifth elder Zhuxian came here with Ji Haoran and Hua Yingbai. When they saw Ji Haoran, everyone was obviously jealous. Zhi Lu, you know, Chenyao Jianzong is extremely defensive against him now.

Even the ancestor of the demon immortal instinctively protected in front of everyone, and then smiled with old eyes: "I said the fifth brother, what kind of wind is this today that can blow you, a busy man?"

"I haven't seen you for many years, Brother Si, your mouth still smells so bad."

Ji Haoran snorted coldly, his eyes swept across the crowd first, not to find any fatter figure, then he glanced coldly at Ying Bai, and shook his head when he saw him, only then knew that Guo Sankuo was not here.

He has never seen Guo Sankuo, but everyone else is here. He feels that Guo Sankuo can't run.

With a slight turn of his eyes, Ji Haoran immediately walked towards Ji Shengyu, showing a look of concern in front of everyone: "Shengyu, hurry up, let Grandpa see you..."

The trembling Ji Haoran, the words spoken with obvious tremors, a pair of Gujing's deep eyes, rarely showed a strong feeling of worry.

This was the first time Ji Shengyu saw his grandfather like this in his life. He was flattered, and even more thought of the words alone.

Because of the fear in his heart, Ji Shengyu took a step back on the spot.

Upon seeing this, the enthusiastic mother-in-law Su quickly persuaded her from the side: "You child, your grandfather rarely comes over to see you in person, so stop being so happy."

"Yes, son, your grandfather has been very busy these years, and he doesn't care much about us, father and son. Since he came to see you today, let's talk to him."

Hearing Xu Qing’s words that seemed to be mixed with a hint of resentment, Hua Yingbai narrowed his eyes and walked out from the side: "Actually, the dean still cares about Ji Sheng Yu's master. Since the Beichen College incident, the dean has said that Insanely sent the strong inside the academy to find the whereabouts of the young master. Even Ali and Du Kou were killed because of this. Although the dean did not know what happened to them, he never regretted it and even came out to find the young master in person. This heart and this will, the world can learn from~"

"You mean, grandpa doesn't know about Ari and Dukou?" Ji Shengyu couldn't believe it.

Seeing Ji Shengyu shake, Ji Haoran immediately showed a dazed look: "Do you know how they died? Which evil demon did it?!"

"They ate and died, we heard that too~" At this moment, the demon ancestor stepped forward and stopped in front of Ji Shengyu.

Hearing this, Ji Haoran's face instantly sank: "Old stuff, I think you are the one who is full, right?"

"Oh, you are so irritated so quickly? Let the decent leaders who help the world offer sacrifices to the heroes. In front of so many people, calling our brothers old things, isn't it appropriate?" The demon fairy ancestor Yin and Yang looked up strangely. While holding his neck, the hand behind him raised his index finger to Ji Shengyu and shook it twice.

Because of the reminder of the Moxian ancestor, Ji Shengyu gradually calmed down. Just now, he was almost dizzy by this long-term cold blood relationship.

Ji Shengyu once again showed strong vigilance, but fortunately, the ancestor of the devil was present here.

With eyes facing each other, Ji Haoran smiled without smiling, and concealed his trembling hands between his sleeves: "Old thing, since you established Immeasurable Stream, you are no longer my brother, and you have abandoned the teachings of your teacher back then. There is still a face with me..."

"Ah-Ah Snee!"

Before Ji Haoran could finish speaking, the demon ancestor raised his neck and suddenly sneezed.

The oncoming filth changed Ji Haoran's face drastically.


An unusually majestic wave of spiritual power suddenly resounded through this Immortal Sword Sect, and all the chaotic powerhouses instantly changed color under the overwhelming spiritual pressure of this domineering Huanyu.

"Father, don't be angry, he is no longer the ancestor of the Demon Immortal!" Ji Xu Qing quickly persuaded him from the side.

But Ji Haoran stared at the demon fairy ancestor with cold eyes, revealing his killing intent.

Seeing that the atmosphere became a little depressed, Ji Sheng Yu Wuran dodged from the side and stopped in front of the two.

"Grandpa, if you want to attack Senior Demon Immortal, don't blame me for being polite!"

The voice fell, the long sword was unsheathed, and the blade pointed directly at Ji Haoran.

"Sheng Yu!"

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

"Sheng Yu, you can't do this to your grandfather, quickly put down the sword!" Granny Su was always at a loss with tears in her eyes.

Ji Xu Qing is her senior, and she knows the grievances and grievances of the three generations of Ji family better than anyone else.

Finally, Ji Haoran put down her wealth and came here today. It was the day when the priest family was about to reunite. She didn't want to see such a result.

At this time, Ji Haoran glanced coldly, and finally saw a fat man in a blue shirt who was very fat, shooting from outside the courtyard.

Beside the fat man, there was a girl in Tsing Yi, who was simply breathtakingly beautiful!

His eyes stayed on Guo Fatty's body and Lin Mengyao's legs for a short time, and then fell to Ji Shengyu again, Ji Haoran forcibly suppressed all the greed in his heart, and a touch of sadness appeared in his old eyes: "Sheng Yu, so many years have passed. , You would rather mix with a group of people you don’t know each other than to come to Yaoxing Academy. Is it that Grandpa is so unbearable in your eyes?"


Ji Sheng Yu Qing smiled coldly, with tears shining in his eyes: "Grandpa, just as the fairy demon said, you are a leader of decency, and you can suppress all of us here in the Eternal Sky Realm. How can you? Will it be unbearable?"

"Then why did you draw your sword against me... just for such an outsider? A foreigner who changed the law and said bad things about your grandpa?"

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