Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1965: : Shocking **** battle

"Boy, I want your life!"

When the Queen of Fantasy Butterfly explored her hand, colorful phosphorous powder suddenly spread.

Seeing this indestructible weird phosphorous powder again, Bai Chen did not choose to dodge this time, but instead squeezed the Wind God Sword, instilling all his spiritual power and slashed away.

The same is the Seven-Star Chaos Realm, he can't stop these phosphorous powder if he doesn't believe it.

As the first piece of phosphorous powder rushed in, Bai Chen's long sword swept away and collided fiercely, but at this moment, the heavy force like the top of Mount Tai still shocked Bai Chen to fall backward in place A certain distance, barely stopped the figure.

Immediately afterwards, facing more and more scales flying from behind, Bai Chen didn't dare to fight hard, so he had to use explosive steps, flashing quickly in the sky, avoiding all the phosphorous powder.

Looking at Bai Chen's swift pace, Queen Fantasy Butterfly was very shocked at this moment.

Her phosphor powder is not ordinary, ordinary people will die if they touch it, but the kid actually blocked a piece!

"His strength and speed are not simple, let me help you!"

The Snake King finally couldn't stand it, twisting his body, and in the next instant, he appeared in front of Bai Chen.

As the king snake flicks its tail with one blow, the tail of the snake that tears through space is like a meteor in the sky, flashing and passing away.

Can't escape...!

Seeing this scene, Bai Chen suddenly hung the Wind God Sword upside down in mid-air, crushed the drunk eight pills with his other hand, and muttered softly.

"Yao Chi watch the sea!"

The space was surging strangely, and the tail of the snake hit Bai Chen's body in an instant, but it was the snake king himself who vomited blood and flew upside down.

"Yaochi watching the sea? Isn't that Luoxi's move!" Regarding this magical skill of rebounding damage, the Queen of Fantasy Butterfly also knows something, and her pretty face sank: "You are from Wanchao Pavilion!"

"No comment!"

Bai Chen smiled calmly, took the Wind God Sword, and moved his body to chase the inverted Snake King.

Take advantage of her injury, kill her!

Upon seeing this, Queen Fantasy Butterfly hurriedly chased her.

Feeling the fast approaching breath behind him, Bai Chen clicked the corner of his mouth and his handprint moved again.

"The fairy in the mist!"


In the clear night sky, a thick white mist suddenly appeared, and the moment the Queen of Fantasy Butterfly flew into the white mist, she completely lost her direction.

To be precise, the five senses are lost.

With this instant, Bai Chen suddenly speeded up and pursued the snake king.

The two of them looked at each other with cold eyes, and fought hundreds of moves in an instant. The exhausted Snake King's golden eyes suddenly shrank, and the red Snake Letter suddenly flew over.

Bai Chen lifted his palm and grabbed her Snake Letter, and then he held the Wind God Sword around the Vermilion Sacred Flame in his other hand and hit the Snake King's eyebrows.

"Don't want to hurt her!"

He only heard a deafening green chick coming from the back, and a line of phosphorous powder was actually flashing across the night sky silently, hitting the wind **** sword.

The vast and boundless powerful force shook the Wind God Sword in an instant and flew away. At the same time, the snake king's face was hideous, and the snake letter shook, and the emerald green venom flew directly to Bai Chen's neck following the snake letter.

"Boy, you are useless!"

Being dragged by the snake's letter, the snake king hesitated, with a gloomy expression on her face. Obviously, she has unassailable confidence in her snake venom.

Her snake venom, even if it is a ninth-order monster, will be paralyzed by a drop of it, and then in an instant, the poison will attack the heart and burst into death.

This is also the most terrifying part of the Snake King.

But Bai Chen was not as stiff as she imagined, instead, as if not corroded by the venom at all, he raised his palm and slapped it fiercely.

The spiritual power in the body circulated in the spiritual source with a swift force. Following Bai Chen's burst of shout, six palm winds in different directions suddenly appeared around the snake king, and finally at the same time, it hit her fiercely. Head.

"Chop the sky palm!"

With a bang, the Snake King only felt that the overwhelming power in her mind was sweeping like a hurricane. Her soul was completely invincible to the impact of this inner strength, and it exploded in a sudden.

The Snake King didn't even show anger or pain, his eyes were completely dull.

"Split Heaven Palm... It's Luoxi's move again, you really are from Wanchao Pavilion!"

Phantom Die witnessed the tragic death of the Snake King, knowing that it was not his opponent, and quickly turned into a flash of lightning and flew towards the distance.

Now that she had seen Split Heaven Palm and Drunken Eight Immortals, how could Bai Chen let her go.

"The Wheel of Time and Space!"

Following the movement of Bai Chen's handprints, a huge black vortex suddenly appeared in the distant sky, which was hundreds of feet in size.

The Queen of Illusion Butterfly, who was flying like thunder, had no time to stop and slammed into the whirlpool.

When she came out again, she had already returned to Bai Chen.

The two got together less than a foot away, Bai Chen stepped forward, clenched fists, and suddenly blasted her abdomen with precision.

At this moment, the power of the super **** in Bai Chen's body faintly exploded, and for a short while, the Queen of Fantasy Butterfly exploded into a **** mist on the spot.

After solving the two monster emperors as quickly as possible, Bai Chen hurriedly shouted towards the cave: "Little Liu, hurry up!"


Now Xiao Liu had swallowed that colorful mushroom, raised his chin in contentment, turned into a golden light, and flew into Bai Chen's eyebrows.

Taking Xiao Liu back to the sea of ​​consciousness, Bai Chen no longer hesitated, his figure suddenly flashed, and he flew into the distant woods in an instant, and could no longer find a trace.


Within a moment, several figures suddenly flickered in the sky. These monsters were actually Tier 9 strengths. Seeing the faintly smelling blood stains on the ground, each face looked like ashes.

"Humanity actually shot at our Star Dou Forest?"

"It should be... I said long ago that they can't live in peace with humans, they are the most cunning!"

"What's the point of what you said now? Since they want to declare war, then we will fight with them. I really don't believe it. A star pavilion can completely overthrow my Stardust Forest!"

"Yes, fight with them! Go, go back and report to the Queen!"

Many figures flew away one after another, because Bai Chen's battle had destined the long peaceful Star Dou Great Forest, and a new round of fighting was about to come.


Just as Bai Chen turned the Star Dou Great Forest upside down with the help of one person, there was also a certain haze in the direction of Qingzhou.

There was a lingering drizzle in the sky. It was originally in the rainy season. There is nothing abnormal at this time, but the rain is mixed with blood from the nose, and it has to be palpitating.

"Heaven is raining blood?!"

Susu tilted his head and looked out the window curiously, Susu gradually clenched his hands into fists.

"Master Dean, what are we going to do?"

At this moment, the void behind Su Su was suddenly torn a pitch black hole, Ye Luo was still wearing thin pajamas, and he hurriedly walked in.

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