Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1974: : Funny little brother

Can Fatty Guo stop the killing **** Tingxue?


He has no reason to block that monster.

Could it be that Ye Jianxin is here?

Just when Bai Chen was puzzled, the door of the room was suddenly knocked open with a "bang", and only a teenager rushed in frizzily.

"Tianming, what are you doing!"

Seeing this young man, Qin Ling'er turned around and wiped away tears.

Bai Chen had seen this person before, and he had been seen in the restaurant.

Qin Ling'er's younger brother, Qin Tianming.

"Sister, are you crying?" Originally wanted to see what the future brother-in-law would look like, but when Qin Tianming saw that Qin Linger's makeup was crying, he suddenly became angry, and came in three steps in two steps. In front of Bai Chen, he raised his hand and grabbed his skirt: "Do you dare to bully my sister?!"

"Tianming, let go!"

Upon seeing this, Qin Linger stepped forward to stop it.

Seeing that this kid is so irritable, Bai Chen smiled, just like watching a child, with great interest: "If I bully her, what do you want to do?"

While Bai Chen spoke, the fingers hidden in the sleeves moved slightly, and an invisible light immediately controlled Qin Ling'er, making her unable to move.


Qin Ling'er looked at Bai Chen's faintly smiling face, as if he had understood something, and suddenly showed gratitude.

"If you dare to bully my sister, I will bully you!"

Qin Tianming jumped into thunder and grabbed Bai Chen by the skirt of his clothes, trying to pick him up.

However, when he lifted it forcefully, he found that he was grasping an unshakable mountain, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't keep Bai Chen's feet from the ground.

Under the glaring at close range, Qin Tianming suddenly felt that the face with a faint smile before him seemed familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

However, I can't remember.

He couldn't think much now. Facing Bai Chen's calm and standing appearance, he was almost violent, almost mad.

"Take me a punch!"

Can't catch it, just don't catch it.

After releasing his palm, Qin Tianming suddenly squeezed his palm into a fist, lifted all his spiritual power into his fist, and finally hit his chest with a fist.


With a muffled noise, Qin Tianming clutched his right hand on the spot and jumped around.

"It hurts, it hurts!"

With a grin, Qin Tianming was so painful that his tears were coming out. After a while, his fist was slightly red and swollen.

You know, he was beating someone, not being beaten...

He held his hands and shook it in the air, he took two steps back cautiously and looked at Bai Chen carefully: "What is your body made of, it is so hard!"

"There is something harder, do you want to see and see?"

Bai Chen smiled evilly with his arms around his chest.

Hearing this, Qin Ling'er inevitably wanted to crooked, and her pretty face flushed.

But Qin Tianming is a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, so proud: "Okay, let's go out to fight if we have the ability. I will show you the Qin family's ability!"

Having already played against each other preliminarily, but still can't see the gap between the enemy and us, Qin Tianming's arrogant temperament should indeed be tempered.


Bai Chen narrowed his eyes with a smile, and moved his fingers, and the power of space that restrained Qin Ling'er instantly turned into nothingness.

After walking into the courtyard with the two men in front of him, Qin Ling'er stood quietly under the eaves, with a look of expectation in her beautiful eyes.

She also knows that her brother is usually too proud, so she should find someone to take care of him and let him touch the nail.

Facing the proudly standing Bai Chen, Qin Tianming shook his neck at random, then pinched his hands together and made a crackling sound. The next moment, his figure flashed suddenly, and he rushed to the front of Bai Chen.

Qin Tianming's soles of feet suddenly stepped on the ground, and the other foot was lifted up and swept away.

The strong wind struck, and the hair that blew Bai Chen quivered twice with the wind. Bai Chen smiled faintly, and gently lifted a finger, seemingly indifferent. The sharp kick was a precise kick at Bai Chen. On your finger.


There was a burning pain on the feet, and the painful Qin Tianming let out a miserable cry on the spot, and quickly stepped back.

"Don't be too arrogant! You are just a little harder, what's so great!"

Qin Tianming suddenly imprinted his hands in front of him, and under the imprints, a gentle wind slowly rose from his feet.

"Cracked Mountain Palm!"

I saw him striding forward, punching out in the air, a huge fist mark suddenly transformed into shape, and attacked Bai Chen angrily.

The imprint of the fist arrived in an instant, and the corner of Bai Chen's mouth twitched. This time he didn't even bother to move his hand, so he kept a gentle smile and stood still.


The blasting fist marks suddenly exploded in the invisible air current in front of Bai Chen. At this moment, Qin Tianming finally knew that the person in front of him was extremely difficult!

I thought it was the old sister who brought a gentle, white-faced brother-in-law, but he didn't expect him to be hidden.

But why is it so familiar?

Qin Tianming scratched his head and pondered carefully. After a moment, he was suddenly shocked: "You, you are the one who killed the Yang family elder... Bai, Bai Chen! Kill the **** Bai Chen!"

A sharp scream suddenly sounded. At the moment of the moment, Bai Chen raised his hand and waved, and an invisible mask enveloped the entire Villa, so that the sound did not reach outside.

Lifting his eyes to see the leaves flying by in the airflow and hitting the invisible barrier, Qin Tianming sat down on the ground.

He raised his eyes obsessively and looked at Qin Ling'er: "Old sister, the future brother-in-law is actually the famous killer Bai Chen?"

"You, what are you talking about! He and I are companions! Both are companions of the Apocalypse Academy..."

When Qin Linger said this, her heart was inexplicably bitter.

When Bai Chen first arrived, she still couldn't afford him.

But now, wanting to marry such a good man, for her, it is simply a toad who wants to eat swan meat, don't even think about it.

It is rare that when they were in the freshman class together, they were still at the same table. They were really useless and missed the opportunity to revitalize the Qin family...

"Tianming, I came here just to ask your old sister about the college. In troubled times, your old sister has a caring younger brother like you, which is her blessing, but a man can't just talk about it. , Not to be blindly arrogant. If you want to protect your sister and your Qin family well, you need to practice harder and more diligently. You can't just be satisfied with the Xinghai Realm, understand?"

"Yes, I know it was wrong..."

Qin Tianming bowed his head with a bitter expression on his face.

But a moment later, he raised his head again: "Big Brother Bai Chen, although my cultivation level is not as good as you and the old sister, but I am really busy working for the family. Just yesterday, I found a strange thing. Yeah!"

"Puff, what weird things can you find? Don't make trouble for me, I'll thank God." Qin Linger smiled helplessly.

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