Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 2112: : The new smart fist

Two people are already very difficult to deal with, and now there is another more difficult one!

Fatty Guo's temples were already covered with sweat, running down his cheeks onto his clothes, facing the three people joining hands, he could hardly see any hope.

However, just as he was so desperate, the little girl in front of him had a flash of figure and appeared on a boulder on the ground, lying there comfortably, with Erlang's legs raised.

"Hurry up, I don't like to wait." Xiao Haze said lightly.

Hearing that, he nodded respectfully, his figure flashed and he appeared in front of Guo Fatty again, slashing at Fatty Guo with a sword.

Accompanied by the blade of the sword, the sacred white brilliance once again danced with the shadow of the sword!

That thing again...

Fatty Guo narrowed his eyes. This time he did not choose to resist, but took an explosive step and evacuated the place.

However, he just stepped aside, and the black tornado behind him turned into a black wind column, coming fiercely.

Can't avoid it!

Fatty Guo's face sank, and in desperation, he had to raise his spiritual power to his arms and protect him.


The black wind column that tore through the void slammed into Guo Fatty's arms for an instant. At this moment, the terrifying shock made his whole body tremble suddenly. Under Weng Ming's ears, his head seemed to be beaten. It exploded fiercely.


With brute force, the black wind pillar was wiped out with strong support, and Guo Fatzi was already dizzy.

The blood dripping from his ears dripped into the auricle, spinning with the wind.

Unexpectedly, this black wind could hit a person's soul directly. Only now did Fatty Guo deeply feel how difficult the two of them are.

"Fatty, go back with us obediently, and save the pain of flesh and blood, why not do it?" Hei Yue shook his head helplessly, looking like he was bound to win.

Hearing that, Guo Fatty stepped on his feet and suddenly smiled proudly: "Ha, let me go back with you? Then you have to beat me down first!"


With a move of Black Moon's wings, he suddenly appeared in front of Guo Fatty, close at hand, and he raised his palm again, and the black storm suddenly hit his face.

At the same four-star Eternal Sky Realm, Black Moon has a clear advantage over Fatty Guo in speed. Facing the oncoming offensive, Fatty Guo suddenly hung a toothpick in his hand and grinned at the same time.

"The seventh style of the drunk eight immortals, watching the sea in Yaochi."


Unprepared, the black wind pillar slammed into Guo Fatty's chest, but Heyue himself was hit hard!

"Yaochi watching the sea?!"

When his eyes were **** and unbelievable, Fatty Guo suddenly took a cold breath, his feet stomped on the air, and a golden radiance spread out directly in a circular shape. An unusually majestic energy wave suddenly rose.

"Ling Dong Fist Second Form-See you again in Nima!"

At this moment, the golden streamer flowed out from the imprint of his palm, turned into a continuous golden streamline, wrapped around his fist, as he blasted his fist, Black Moon at this moment, finally There was a deep despair in his eyes.


With a punch, the golden light brightened the entire sky.

In the place where the golden light shone, Xiao Haze suddenly appeared in the distant void while carrying Heyue a few embellishments backward.

"Thank you Master Chief!"

Looking at Xiao Haze with grateful eyes, Hei Yue has been cold and sweaty until now.

He never imagined that this obscure fat man could hide such amazing power.

From the very beginning of fighting with Fatty, he and Bai Ren demonstrated extremely powerful suppression. The scene is also a situation where Fatty is bound to lose. But who would have imagined that Fatty Guo hides his strength and seizes the gap between his opponents and views the sea from Yaochi Break the opponent's defense, and then burst out with full force, one blow will kill!

The battle between the strong and the mind is also very important. If Xiao Haze were not present, Heyue would have fallen by now.

"It looks like you two are not his opponents, so leave it to me."

Xiao Haze casually held his hand.

Upon seeing this, Bai Ren also wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and looked at Heyue at each other, and both of them flew to a mountain top.

"I was almost put on by this fat man, he is very strong!"

The White Edge finally realized the true strength of Guo Fatty, his face was a little gloomy.

Hearing that, Heiyue is also terrifying. Up to now, he can't forget the instantaneous blow that the fat man just broke out. The power is really terrifying!

It is simply breathtaking!


This little girl!

Fatty Guo stared solemnly at the arrogant little haze in front of him, his heart beating like a drum.

His attack just now was calculated in his heart, and he thought it was foolproof.

But Xiao Haze's speed was actually fast to this level, and with a seemingly random palm, he resolved the smart fist he had exerted with all his strength.

This kind of monster, even the boss, may not be able to beat her, right?

Fatty Guo stared at Xiao Haze, and couldn't help but rub his palm: "Little girl, you and I have no grievances, why bother with death~"

"You're so long-winded, either go back with me, or I'll kill you, take you back, choose your own!" Xiao Haze proudly akimbo her hips, conceited, somewhat similar to Xiaoya back then.

Seeing Xiao Haze so arrogant, Fatty Guo rolled his eyes and suddenly grinned, "Little sister, do you think you like to eat candied haws?"


Unexpectedly, the fat man was still talking about the sky, and Bai Ren and Hei Yue frowned slightly. What is he doing? Can he fight?

When Xiao Haze heard the words Bingtang Haws, his eyes brightened for an instant: "I like to eat, but I don't like the Bingtang Haws made by mortals!"


Are you a god?

He was speechless and sighed, Fatty Guo simply took away his spiritual power, and then sat cross-legged in the air as if he was a daily chatter: "The candied haws made by mortals are meaningless, but I know there is a place where the candied haws are called the whole star. The most delicious and sweet restaurant in the Lan Continent, would you like to go and see with me~"

Hey, little thing, look at you so stupid, wait for the set!

Fatty Guo sticks to the advice of Lao Xia in his heart. Even if he encounters a strong enemy, the opponent is also defeated, he must rely on his three-inch tongue to find victory, and he must not give up easily!

But what he said was really a bit abrupt about Huyou. Fatty Guo did his part when talking about cursing on the street, but he was far behind Lao Xia in terms of Huyou's ability.

Sure enough, when he thought the little girl in front of him was as cheating as Xiaoya, Xiao Haze's cheeky face suddenly became savage.

At that time, a terrifying energy wave rushed straight into the sky in an instant, shattering the entire sky instantly, revealing a vast starry sky.

"Playing tricks with my old mother, when my old mother was famous in Beichen, you were not born yet!"

Xiao Haze's gloomy face, no longer the innocent look she had before, at this time, she was like an old monster with a simple appearance but sinister heart, letting Guo Fatzi's little fluke completely disappear.

That's it!

Boss, today I am afraid I am in a disaster...

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