Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 2114: : Do your best to fight


Bai Chen narrowed his eyes, suddenly bounced from the ground, and went directly to a tree, hiding his figure.

Suppressing his breath to the lowest level, Bai Chen has almost perfectly integrated with nature now. If he is not standing within ten meters, it is difficult for anyone to find his existence.

Through the gap of a few fallen leaves, Bai Chen held his breath, staring into the distance.

After waiting for a long while, finally, a figure bears the brunt, passing quickly above the forest sea in the distance.

Hua Yingbai? !

Seeing that person's profile clearly, Bai Chen frowned unconsciously.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Zhuge Feng and a woman with a human-shaped snake-tail, walking past from behind.

The woman has an arrogant and graceful demeanor, with an extraordinary momentum.

The instant Bai Chen saw her, Bai Chen's chaotic ghost pupil shrank to the size of a pinhole.

He never expected that such a master would appear next to Zhuge Feng, and he could almost conclude that this person was probably the demon queen in Bishui Palace, Queen Medusa!

Because the aura on her body is almost exactly the same as the demon empress before.

The person who resurrected Medusa was actually Zhuge Feng...

But what is he going to do in the Star Dou Great Forest now?

The demon queen...

The palm of his hand rubbed his chin, and Bai Chen's eyes suddenly condensed.

Is he thinking! !


Among the rocks on the mountain behind the Dragon Falling Altar, Fatty Guo knelt on one knee, clutching the **** broken arm, his face was abnormally pale.

Unexpectedly, relying on the power of the golden light, he could not resist Xiao Haze's full blow to earnestly. I am afraid that the real combat power of such a guy is close to or even reaching the level of the Eternal God Realm!

The boss can never beat this person!

Fatty Guo gritted his teeth and raised his head.

At high altitude, Xiao Haze akimbo disapprovingly, and put on an impatient look: "Oh, I just made too heavy a hand, it is really difficult to control, but you have also seen that I am a person who has a bad control. Yes, if you can, you should give up struggling and go with me to see the master~"

Hearing this, Guo Fatty narrowed his eyes and asked in a deep voice: "If I go back with you, what will your master do to me?"

"This is not clear. My master also listens to the deputy pavilion master now. As for your disposal, he should decide personally in the end."

Deputy Pavilion Master? !

"Aren't you Wanchao Pavilion the highest status, the God King? When did a deputy pavilion master come out again?

"Ha, I'm not quite sure about this. It's just that on the way over here, Heyue told me that it was the kid named Luo Xi, who is now the deputy head of our Wanchao Pavilion. Wanchao Pavilion."

Demon Lord Luoxi! !

Hearing this name, Guo Fatzi's face suddenly sank.

The rebel who killed the boss!

It was him!

"Ha ha ha..."

The cold and deep laughter suddenly came from Guo Fatty's mouth, causing the small haze in the sky to frown for an instant.

"What a Luoxi, since he wants to catch me, then it's even more impossible for me to go!"

Fatty Guo suddenly shouted, and the earth collapsed under the soles of his feet.

A burst of golden light wrapped around his body, and finally spread directly to his broken arm, turning into a golden arm.

After he squeezed his palm hard, the golden light exploded, and a brand-new arm appeared again!

"His arms are growing again!"


Heyue and Bai Ren looked at such a weird scene in surprise, and couldn't help but growl.

And Xiao Haze was also full of horror at this time, his big eyes staring dripping round: "Mo, could this be the rumored super-regenerative power?"

"Do not."

Fatty Guo slowly raised a finger and raised his chin triumphantly: "The Shadow Dragon once said that my ability is superior to the power of super regeneration!"

Above the super-regenerative power...? !

"What a joke!"

Hei Yue suddenly clenched his fists: "Little Fatty, you have to stop bragging, super-regenerative power. In historical records, there is only one person. You say that your power is higher than him. Are you superior to him? Above all gods, do you think you look like this!"

"Wait first."

At this moment, Xiao Haze suddenly raised his hand and interrupted Hei Yue.

Upon seeing this, Heiyue said angrily: "Leader, what he said is absolutely ridiculous, not credible at all!"

Heiyue hates people who boast and exaggerate the most in her life, but Xiao Haze doesn't think so.

People who can make the master and the deputy pavilion care so concerned should not be mediocre people!

"If you want to know if what he said is true or false, you will know at a try!"

Xiao Haze's eyes suddenly changed, her figure flickered, and she rushed towards Fat Guo again.

At Xiao Haze's speed, it can be said to be dozens of times faster than lightning, and he appeared in front of Guo Fatty in the blink of an eye.

Facing this fierce offensive that was difficult to defend, Fatty Guo knew he was invincible, but if he continued to resist, the result would only be another part of his body being cut off.

His golden seal can indeed recover his injuries in an instant, but the consumption of spiritual power is also extremely huge. The heavier the injuries, the heavier the consumption.

"Wuyou Dadao, come out—"

In a hurry, Fatty Guo couldn't think of that much anymore, his handprint suddenly moved, and a golden cross sword and shield suddenly appeared from his right arm, blocked in front of him.

The sudden appearance of Dao Wuyong made Xiao Haze a little at a loss, but she still waved her fist and slammed Dao Wuyong's shield.


With a loud noise, accompanied by a powerful energy storm, they suddenly rolled up in an instant, and the figures of Fatty Guo and Xiao Haze retreated a certain distance at the same time.


Hei Yue was shocked, and he would never have thought that this fat man would be able to block the leader's attack only with a strange shield.

Holding the screaming and trembling Dao Wuyong with both hands, he slid a long distance in the air, and Guo Fatty's eyes were about to stare, and finally he gritted his teeth to remove the power on the shield.

Now that Dao Wuyong can be freely included in his body, or summoned like just now, it can be said that he has made a big breakthrough in communicating with the artifact.

But as to how Dao Wuyong would use it, he was still at a loss for the time being, and in a hurry, he could only use it indiscriminately.

At least Dadao Wuyong, as the seventeenth artifact on the artifact list, does not need to question its hardness.

Xiao Haze stood in the distance, pulling his sleeves, his eyes finally ignited high fighting spirit.

"That shield of yours is very interesting, lend me a play too!"

Xiao Haze blinked his eyes with a smiling face, and once again turned into a sharp lightning, piercing the sky!

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