Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 2125: : Wanchao Pavilion Tianlao

The battle of the Star Dou Forest finally came to an end after Bai Chen appeared. The dragon **** Zhuge Feng fled, and his purpose was worthy of Bai Chen's thought.

In the next day, he flew to the Altar of Falling Dragon with all his strength. In order to rescue Guo Fatzi and Susu, he decided to fight Zhuge Feng.

However, he didn't know that the Dragon Falling Altar had already been reduced to ruins at this moment.


"You bastards, just tie this uncle here without torture, isn't it too boring!"

In a dark prison surrounded by lights, Fatty Guo was bound by four iron chains, and could not help cursing.

On these iron chains, there was a strange fluorescence, even if he had the strength of the four-star Eternal Sky Realm, there was no way to break it away.

After scolding for a long time, seeing the two guards standing with guns in front of him still look dull, Fatty Guo gasped a few rough breaths: "You two turtle grandchildren, can you take out your Wanchao Pavilion's ruthlessness? Let this uncle look at me, saying that this Wanchao Pavilion is the abyss of darkness in the world, let me see, you are simply a group of wine bags and rice bags, and the reputation of the abyss of darkness is in vain!

Don't pretend to be deaf, I'll just say you two, dare you to come over, flick me with a whip, or brand me with a soldering iron, you can't cut my flesh with a knife, come!

come! "


Faced with Guo Fatzi's wild provocation, the two guards had pale faces and blue veins on their foreheads.

"Aren’t you both demonizing the Wanchao Pavilion? You two demonizing one for the Lord to see. You said that you two are useless. You don’t want to be a demon if you are a good person. Do you know that a demon becomes a demon? It’s called transfiguration, but if a person becomes a demon, what is it? Give you a look and experience it for yourself~"


"Humans are born to their mothers, demon are born to their mothers, your mother's last name?"


Fatty Guo's mouth was spraying like Qiu Chan met Ning Ye.

One of the guards blushed with anger and his neck was thick. He had only been here for less than half an hour. His ancestor was greeted by Fatty Guo in the eighteenth generation.

If it weren't for the above order not to mess around, he would have to give birth to this fat man.

After cursing for a long time, Fatty Guo suddenly became thirsty. He looked around, and immediately raised his head: "You, yes you, go and bring your father, I will get a pot of tea. I remember that the teapot should be Zichen, who was used by the royal family of Beichen in ancient times. The teapot, I want Baiyou tea from Baotu Kingdom, have you heard clearly~"

"You... don't deceive others too much!"

The guard lifted his face stiffly, and said very savagely.

Upon seeing this, Guo Fatty couldn't help laughing: "Oh roar! I finally spoke. If you don't speak, I thought you were a dumb, so let me just say, back then, I worked hard to raise your unfilial son, you How can I become a dumb man~"

"You fat man!"

The guard suddenly raised his gun, and the gunman pointed at Fat Guo far away, full of anger.

"Why? Want to disobey Dad? Come here, you try to touch me, I borrow your courage, come and poke me! Poke me!" Fatty Guo started rolling his eyes at him, and twisted his round bucket waist on the spot. The cellulite trembled.

"Ling San, don't have general knowledge with him..." Another guard hurried over to persuade him.

The guard who had been angered by Guo Fatty, after his persuasion, instantly suppressed his anger.

Upon seeing this, Guo Fatty rolled his eyes, suddenly stopped dancing and gazing at the guard seriously.

"I am your father... I am your father... I am your father..."

The four concise and concise words continued to come out of Guo Fatzi's mouth, like a curse that had been imposed on the repeating technique, and it emerged from the dark prison.

The voice is flat, the words are clear and continuous.


"I took your skin off!"

The guard finally jumped into thunder, his eyes were red, and he stabbed at Fat Guo's belly with a gun.

Seeing the flashing gun shadow, Guo Fatty narrowed his eyes slightly, secretly mobilizing the spiritual power in his body.

Just as he was about to do it, a light and shadow suddenly appeared between the two, and finally turned into a blue-robed man, blocking the guard's offensive.

The man in front of him, the face hidden under the blue robe, had evilly long eyes, a little red between his eyebrows, his lips were dark purple, his skin was pale, and his eyes glowed with an incomparably cold and enchanting glow.

"I have seen the Deputy Pavilion Master!"

Astonished at this not generous but terrifying back, the two guards knelt on the ground one after another.

Deputy Pavilion Master?


He is Demon Lord Luoxi? !

Because of Luo Xi's appearance, Guo Fatty's small eyes widened, but his eyes were a bit small, even if he stared fiercely, it was difficult to show murderous look in his eyes.

The man in front of him is the beast who killed the boss!


A beast is worse than a pig! !

Fatty Guo struggled forward, but after all he couldn't break away the weird iron chain. In the end, he could only glared at Luo Xi and cursed him in his heart.

"There is nothing wrong here, you two go down."

Luo Xi suddenly raised his hand.

Upon seeing this, the two guards hurriedly bowed and retreated back with respect.

Luo Xi pulled the blue cloak on his head back, and a soft black hair scattered on his shoulders, looking from behind, it was difficult to distinguish between men and women.

"Your... called Guo Sankuo?"

He asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Guo Fatty forcedly suppressed the burning fire in his heart, and said ferociously: "I am your father!"


Luo Xi slapped his backhand and directly slammed Guo Fatty's face.

This slap caused Guo Fatty's head to scream, as if his soul had been hit, and his sweaty pores were erected.

However, this is not a creepy reaction, but an instinctive reaction. To him, Bai Chen's enemy is his enemy, how could he succumb to Luoxi?


Fatty Guo suddenly sipped angrily, wanting to take advantage of Luoxi.

However, there was a flash of silver light at Luo Xi's feet, and his figure instantly appeared on the other side, hiding behind him.

With a wicked look, Luo Xi sighed softly on the hideous-faced Fatty Guo, "Hey."

"Tsk your uncle, you have the ability to kill me, or I will kill you if I go out in the future!"

Fatty Guo roared angrily.

Feeling his endless killing intent surging from his body, Luo Xi involuntarily touched the tip of his nose, and suddenly developed a strange curiosity towards Guo Fatty.

"Guo Sankuo, it's obviously the first time you and I met, why do you... hate me so?"

As soon as Luo Xi said this, Guo Fatty's heart trembled suddenly.


Don’t let the identity of the boss be exposed...

Turning his eyes, Fatty Guo suddenly shouted: "You sent someone to kill me, and the little girl who took the candied haws also cut off one of my arms. I don't hate you. Do you want to confess the whole plaque like a hero? ?"

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