Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 2163: : Perfect demonization!

The millions of flying swords standing in the air hovered high in the sky like clouds and mist. Su Nongying and Xiao Haze paled after seeing this scene.

at the same time……


Luo Xi's robes were all windless and automatic, standing high in the sky, controlling millions of flying swords to spin rapidly.

Seeing this scene, Qiu Huan frowned: "Why are you using the moves of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect?"

"Who told you that only people from the Divine Sword Sect can do this trick~ This is what the old immortal taught me back then!"

Luo Xi held the Sea King Sword in both hands, and suddenly pointed towards the sky. The endless waves rolled up, and the million flying swords whirled together in one place, forming a huge black ancient sword.

The suspension of this ancient sword caused the surrounding air to collapse quickly, and an ancient and mysterious aura swept across the entire sky in an instant.

Facing Luo Xi’s ten thousand swords, Qiu Huan’s eyes changed, and the jade hand lifted, the pink Xuanwu holy spring broke out directly, turning into a huge Xuanwu phantom, covering her body. on.


As for Bai Chen's side, he also used this move as if it were Luo Xi's heart.

To be precise, it is Luchen and him who are in good spirits...

"How could he use Master Luoxi's moves?"

Xiao Haze couldn't help being a little stunned when he saw the sword rain hanging in the air.

Upon hearing this, Su Nongying's beautiful eyes glowed with solemnity, and he sighed deeply, "This person, I am afraid he is from the Divine Sect of Ten Thousand Swords!"

God of Ten Thousand Swords? !

Xiao Haze is also like thunder for this huge force based in the Eastern Dragon Empire.

Since the demise of the Northern Wilderness Sect, the Ten Thousand Sword God Sect replaced the Northern Wilderness Sect and became the strongest sword sect in the world. It can be said that it is a super-class power, and it has a powerful background that competes with the Star Pavilion and the Star Lan Temple.

However, the next scene completely eclipsed her.

I saw that those flying swords actually started to speed toward different points, and every place where ten thousand swords gathered, they began to gradually condense into a black ancient sword.

In the blink of an eye, there were a dozen black ancient swords floating high in the sky, and the ancient and mysterious horror aura violently agitated under this sky.

Her eyes trembled fiercely, and Xiao Haze half-opened her mouth, unbelievable: "Lord...Master, can you still use this way for Wanjian Guiyi..."

"I've seen it for the first time!"

Su Nongying's pretty face was cold and her tone was extremely low.

Having been with Luo Xi for so long, it was the first time that she knew that Wan Jian Guiyi could activate a dozen ancient swords at the same time.

What a huge amount of spiritual power it needs to consume!

Even if the Eternal God Realm is strong, I am afraid that he will not be able to bear it, let alone a small three-star Eternal Sky Realm!

"Smelly woman, I want to see if you can stop my offensive in the future~" Lu Chen stared at Su Nongying's slender and white legs, his throat uttered unconsciously. Weird suffocated.

Standing in the sea of ​​knowledge, Bai Chen saw the embarrassing look of a hungry wolf seeing a rabbit in Lu Chen, and couldn't help but laugh.

It's really a shame to live with him.


"Go! All thoughts are gone!"

Su Nongying's heart trembled even more because of what Lu Chen said.

Shouldn't it be the return of ten thousand swords?

What the **** is it...

Suddenly, all the ancient swords emitted a terrifying heat wave. At first glance, black flames filled the sky, covering the clouds and avoiding the moon, sweeping the sky and destroying everything.

It turned out to be the flame!

Finally saw the true power of this move, and saw that all the black ancient swords finally turned into small black lights and shadows, attacking here with a force that surpassed the thunder and thunder, Su Nongying suddenly wanted to step forward. Xiao Haze desperately drew behind him, and immediately an endless craziness appeared in his eyes.



A black beam of light directly hit the ground, causing the ground around it to completely collapse.

A terrifying energy storm overturned the ground, and crushed soil and rocks were flying around under the jet of flaming magma.

The billowing gunpowder lifted into the air, an unprecedentedly powerful explosive force, instantly rang where the sword fell.


The terrifying energy storm swept through the tossing magma for a long time before gradually dissipating. Lu Chen felt the rising energy fluctuations in the thick smoke, and could not help dripping sweat on his cheeks.

"Bai Chen, this crazy lady's spiritual power fluctuates...what the **** is going on!"

Lu Chen's eyes were shocked, already shocked by this tyrannical energy storm.

The two-star universe...!

She actually soared directly from the peak of the Eternal Sky Realm to the Two-Star Eternal God Realm!

This is impossible!

Bai Chen was also stunned.

Facing the two-star universe powerhouse, Lu Chen has no chance of winning at all, right?

At this time, an extremely ferocious energy storm, Wu's lotus shape burst into full bloom, and all the gunpowder smoke was blown away thousands of miles away under the storm.

I saw that in the red magma zone, a stone pillar straightly spread out from the magma, standing the magma like a Dinghai divine needle, without being attacked by the magma.

And Su Nongying stood proudly on the stone pillar, three thousand green silks dancing with the wind, the ice face looked alluring, but like a fairy in purgatory, people could only see from a distance.

At this time, she was still wearing a deep-sea blue heart robe, with no major changes on the surface, but a demonized mark appeared on the center of her eyebrows.

Bai Chen was a little surprised suddenly, the people in Wanchao Pavilion started to demonize, shouldn't they also change their body accordingly?

Why is her demonization, nothing has changed, but the increase in her breath is far stronger than the demonization of other people!


"Can't figure it out?"

Su Nongying's red lips rose slightly, and she fiddled with the hair that was falling beside her ears. She raised her cold eyes with disdain: "Xi Lang has developed the perfect demonizing ability. Existence, just me and him, even if Baili Nasha is dead, his achievements as the emperor will be passed on by us...One day, Wanchao Pavilion will rule the world, like the destruction of the year. Like a god, let all super-class forces be deeply afraid!"


"That's really sorry."

Bai Chen's voice suddenly changed again, one less feminine, and more, endless anger.

"Hmm...? After seeing my strength, you still want to fight with me, right? You have to be clear, now I am a real two-star universe powerhouse, kill you, just crush an ant It's as easy as it is!"

"is it."

Bai Chen lowered his head, he couldn't help but smile when he heard Su Nongying's rhetoric because of the perfect demonization.

Want to pass on the perfect demonization?

I'm sorry.

Dandi Baili Nasha, I am afraid he will die.


"Either you or Luo Xi will die today!"

Bai Chen suddenly raised his head and covered half of his face with his right hand. A black devilish qi was swirling around the trend, and its energy fluctuations were even more terrifying than perfect demonization, growing rapidly...

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