Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 2183: : Gu Yingjian VS Qing Luoluo

Between the endless thunderclouds rolling, the two figures furiously blasted each other, and the surrounding space quickly collapsed at an extremely terrifying speed.

With the movement of Gu Yingjian's handprints, the Ten Thousand Ways of Thunder Tribulation suddenly fell from the sky, tearing through the Ten Thousand Ways of Void with the force of thunder.

Facing the infinite thunder tribulation, Qingluo Luoyu waved his hand, and the colorful streamer instantly soared into the sky, forming an extremely gorgeous colorful barrier in front of her.

All the thunder robbery on the colorful barrier was completely offset.

Is the Lonely Sakura sword a thunder-type spirit...

Bai Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

But at this moment, Gu Yingjian suddenly opened his hands, each holding a different mark, unexpectedly a terrifying wind energy appeared in his left hand, and a suffocating and audible flame of destruction appeared in his right hand.

"The three attributes of wind, fire and thunder?!"

Astonished at the scene in front of him, Lin Mengyao couldn't help but pale in shock, and Bai Chen was full of stormy waves.

His current strongest trump card, Ten Thousand Stars, is to use the Wind God Sword to absorb the cremation wind to achieve the ultimate power of wind assisting the fire.

However, the strongest spiritual skill he had contemplated and contemplated was actually in the Gu Yingjian, and he could use it at his fingertips!

"The leader is not just a spiritual being with three attributes, he has five attributes."

Lu Tianqi came to Bai Chen and explained patiently.

And these words, like a bolt from the blue sky, suddenly changed Bai Chen's expression.

"Fire Dragon Roll!"

Gu Yingjian suddenly moved his handprints, and the two energies of wind and fire collided together in an instant. Under the perfect fusion of the two forces, an incomparably gorgeous flame tornado suddenly appeared between the world.

The fire tornado, carrying the power of destruction, swept away in the direction of Qing Luoluo with unmatched strength like tearing everything.

Seeing this incredibly powerful fire tornado, even everyone in the direction of Xingchen Pavilion followed in fear, for fear that they would be affected by this powerful spiritual technique, and the temple would suffer again.

However, Qing Luoluo was unmoved, her purple eyes shrank suddenly, and the cyan flame appeared in front of her again.

As the green fire swept through her body, her figure once again disappeared in place.

"over there!"

The emerald green eyes of Gu Yingjian suddenly pointed in one direction, and at the same time, with the movement of the handprint, the huge fire tornado instantly turned into a roaring fire dragon, blasting towards the sky.

"His Royal Highness Lolo!"

Cat Emperor suddenly raised his eyes, and his heart trembled.

Gu Yingjian's full blow, even if only the aftermath spreads here, will cause all the people present to fall.

As everyone squeezed a cold sweat, Qing Luoluo, who happened to appear from that direction, saw the fire dragon rushing in angrily, and suddenly strode in the air.

The colorful streamer of the super god's power was surging crazily on her body at this moment, and she suddenly punched out, and the vast void in front of her collapsed away, and the galloping fire dragon instantly exploded into a thick cloud of flames.

In the depths of the thick flames, Gu Yingjian stared coldly at Qing Luoluo who was wrapped in colorful streamers, her face suddenly sinking: "His Royal Highness Luoluo, do you think you have super **** power!"


The voice fell, and the same brilliant colorful streamer also appeared on the surface of Gu Yingjian's body.

The battle between the two supreme powers has become even more fiery.

Suddenly, Qing Luoluo's eyes changed, and he quickly sealed his hands again. Under the extremely cumbersome marks, the surging heaven and earth energy, containing the ancient and sacred supreme aura, directly turned into a blue dragon phantom. Appeared behind her.

Qinglong Xingjue...!

Just as everyone was horrified in their hearts, the Gu Ying Sword was launched quickly with the same handprints, and the brilliant flame, like a flame giant standing in the world, shimmered the emptiness.

Under everyone's shocked eyes, a huge phantom like a great white shark appeared directly behind him.

Is this the star battle of Gu Yingjian? !

Seeing that great white shark emitting a weird blue light soaring between the sky and the earth, Bai Chen's eyebrows were twisted.

In thirty thousand years, there was another stranger in Starland Continent.


Two vast and unparalleled auras collided with each other, not giving way to each other.

"Don't fight anymore..."

Lu Tianqi was about to step forward to stop it. Suddenly, Gu Yingjian's handprint moved, and the strange green light flashed away. Under everyone's stunned eyes, a long spear made of emerald green like emeralds was directly held in his backhand. behind.

"Master Chief actually even took out the Soul Eater, his murderous intent towards His Highness Luo Luo?!"

Ji Xukun's mouth half-opened, unable to close it for a long time.

"Soul Eater?"

Bai Chen looked at Ji Xu Kun curiously.

Upon seeing this, he sacrificed to Xu Kun and said in a deep voice: "Soul Devourer is also on the Twenty-Three Sacred Tool List. It was found by the leader. It's just that he even used the Soul Devourer, presumably His Royal Highness Luo Luo will also take it out..."

Before the words of sacrifice to Xukun fell, Qing Luoluo flipped his hand and lifted it. The golden streamer suddenly rushed into the sky, smashing the ink-colored sky, and a cyan ancient sword condensing the supreme power and power, directly descended from the sky and landed. Her hands.

The appearance of this cyan ancient sword made Bai Chen's dragon soul instantly feel an uncomfortable feeling of depression. His eyes stared at Qing Luoluo with a particularly shocked expression. After a while, he sighed slightly: "Dragon Sword... "

This Dragon God Sword was also on the list of divine tools, and Bai Chen was very familiar with it.

Legend has it that the Dragon God Sword was a sword made by a certain dragon king before his death in the ancient times. This sword carries the unique abilities of that dragon king. It also possesses the supreme power of the dragon king family, so that any dragon can see With it, I felt a sense of depression.

Of course, if Bai Chen's dragon soul returns to its heyday, he won't be afraid of the mere Dragon God Sword, but now he is no longer qualified for the scorn of the **** of destruction.

"Qing Luoluo, from today, you will no longer be a member of my Night of the Gods, I will drive you out of the gods as the leader!"

Gu Yingjian was holding Soul Eater, and the spear blade pointed towards Qing Luoluo.

Such unfeeling words made many of the gods' eyes flicker with shallow tears, but Qing Luoluo didn't take it seriously at all, but looked at Gu Yingjian with anticipation: "I wanted to win with you before. Negative, you said the time is not there, then the time yet?"


Unexpectedly, Qing Luoluo was so cold, and there was no feeling of loss at all about leaving the gods.

Gu Yingjian sneered, her figure flashed, and she appeared in front of Qing Luoluo in an instant. At the same time, the spear came out, thunderous!

With one shot and one sword, they slammed into the high altitude, and two storms of energy that ruined the sky and the earth eventually collided with a force of dominance.

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