Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 2204: : The pattern of Xuanzhou

"This Liu family mainly manages the grain industry, restaurants, and inns. Basically, Xuanzhou's large-scale restaurants are all owned by the Liu family. Then this Yin family, which mainly operates cloth business, not only monopolizes Xuanzhou's Cloth, and the industry has also been developed to the three prefectures of West, South and Jin."

"Is cloth business."

Bai Chen smiled and narrowed his eyes. Back then, their Bai family was also in the cloth business.

"What about us?"

Bai Chen was suddenly curious.

Hearing this, Ji Sheng Yu said with a smile: "We are all thanks to the demon fairy. They used to operate the fish business in Wuliangjian. After we came here, he established several caravans to rush to the Honghe generation. Fish is transported here, and fish restaurants have been established in several prosperous places in Xuanzhou. The nature is the same as that of restaurants, except that the food is mainly fish. Since Zhongyu has never had a fish restaurant, our industry can be regarded as good. People are still very supportive of emerging industries! It's just..."

Speaking of this, Ji Shengyu looked at Bai Chen with complicated eyes: "Because there is a conflict between our fish restaurant and the restaurant business, so the Liu family pays attention to us."

"Have they come for trouble?" Bai Chen frowned.

"That's not true. But the fishermen of the Honghe generation suddenly raised the price of fish by a large margin. I sent someone to investigate secretly. It was the Liu family who benefited them and let them do this."

Upon hearing this, Bai Chen nodded faintly.

This Liu family is still considered a famous family. They didn't choose to intercept their caravan halfway. They just took certain measures in the market competition, which was fair.

"Needless to say about the competition between the merchants, let's talk about the forces of the arena."

Bai Chen has a preliminary understanding of the Shang clan in Xuanzhou, headed by the Liu family and the Yin family. It is enough to pay attention to these two families.

"it is good!"

Ji Shengyu's face suddenly became heavy: "As far as the Jianghu forces are concerned, there are three major forces in Xuanzhou Jianghu that need attention, Shenfeng Pavilion, Luocaotang, and Wanjianmen. Among them, Shenfeng Pavilion is the strongest. , It is said that they have more than one Eternal God Realm powerhouse..."

God Realm!

Bai Chen narrowed his eyes with a smile.

Now that they are in a situation, don't expose their identity too early. To sacrifice to Xukun and the masters, it must be as long as possible.

Therefore, facing these opponents, it is still necessary to temporarily rely on the support of him and Mengyao.

The power of the universe of the gods, indeed, should not be underestimated.

"Luo Caotang, is it a beggar who specializes in robbing houses?" Bai Chen said with a smile.

Hearing this, Ji Sheng Yu Yi was stunned: "Luo Caotang is a beggar, yes, they are all beggars, but they have a very good reputation in Xuanzhou, and there have been no examples of robbing houses..."

"is it."

Bai Chen had encountered robbers who claimed to be Luo Caotang before, but they were all killed by the younger sister.

If they say that they have a good reputation, then there are only two explanations.

One kind, what they call a good reputation, is actually just a hypocritical illusion.

The second type is that the gang of thieves who met on Baichen Road just pretended to be the prestige of Luo Caotang.

"Wan Jianmen, how is this force?"

Bai Chen asked again.

Sacrificing Yu Wenzhi, he slowly shook his head: "Wanjianmen is an escape from Sejongmen on the outskirts of Xuanzhou. It is very low-key on weekdays. I have never impressed them too deeply, but since I can get along with the Shenfeng Pavilion. Thatched cottage is also known as the three giants of Xuanzhou, presumably this Ten Thousand Sword Sect must also have the ability!"


Bai Chen nodded lightly.

The pattern of Xuanzhou is not too complicated.

Shenfeng Pavilion, Luocaotang, Wanjianmen, Liu Family, Yin Family...

"Sheng Yu, you have to understand a truth. As a commercial family, if you want to survive in this world where the power is respected, you must rely on the powerful forces of the rivers and lakes. So we settled in Xuanzhou in the name of the merchant family. , It is bound to have a good relationship with one of these three forces, so that we can achieve perfection, understand?"

"The Sovereign means that we pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, and first find a backer as an illusion to confuse the world?"


Bai Chen smiled, and at this moment, he suddenly sensed a very slight footstep coming from outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Liu's voice resounded in his sea of ​​consciousness: "It's your little girl here."


Bai Chen looked calm and took a deep breath.

Young girl overhears?

Ji Shengyu was still savouring Bai Chen's words. After a while, his face solemnly said, "If you say so, then Luocaotang and Wanjianmen, we can't choose. Because Luocaotang is Yin. The backer behind the home, Wan Jianmen is the backer of the Liu family."

"Heh, then, we only have the Kamikaze Pavilion to choose from?"

"Uh...this is probably difficult! The strength of the Shenfeng Pavilion is extremely powerful. The Liu family and the Yin family have not been infatuated with them for so many years, but even if they send more gold and silver jewelry, they will never look down upon them. Look, after all, the foundation of the Shenfeng Pavilion has been around for more than 20,000 years, how can it be a small merchant that can climb high..."

"They can't, it doesn't mean that we can't, don't forget, now we Chenyao Jianzong, but there is a Ninth-Rank Alchemy Master sitting here~"

"Yeah! Why did I forget about this? Haha, besides the alchemist of the temple, the most powerful alchemist in the Central Region is just the president of the alchemist guild. It is said that he is only an eighth grade alchemist. Senior Lu's level still has a big gap."

"In this middle domain, there is still a pharmacist guild now?"

"Yes, the Alchemist Guild is located in Xizhou, and its strength cannot be underestimated."


Bai Chen laughed, Xizhou was far away from Xuanzhou.

"Sect Master, there is something, I have to tell you." Ji Shengyu suddenly reached Bai Chen's ear mysteriously, whispering softly: "It is said that there is a person named Fang Tianxiu who wants to establish a school in Xuanzhou. The college then specializes in teaching, and finally selects outstanding talents, and directs them to the Xinglan Temple. Entry is a managerial position!"

"This Fang Tianxiu, can he be the master in the temple?"

"Fang Tianxiu doesn't seem to be capable, but his aunt is said to be the famous silver-robed elder of the Xinglan Temple..."

"So there is this meaning..."

Bai Chen narrowed his eyes with a smile.

"Sect Master, didn’t you say that saving Fatty Guo is our Chenyao Sword Sect’s primary task, so why not take this opportunity to let me sneak into this academy, and then I’ll stay in the temple for the rest of the day? The timing of Fat Guo."

"The fat man must be saved, but it's not you, it's me."

"This... you are the lord of a sect, how can you go to the danger yourself? Besides, you are the lord of our Chenyao Sword Sect, let alone go to any college to wrong yourself to be a student. Regarding Qichen Academy, I don’t Hope it happens again."

"Don't worry, I don't want to be a student this time~"

Bai Chen smiled slyly, and Ji Sheng Yu was dumbfounded.

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