Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 2213: : Honghu College

"In fact, you don't need to be nervous at all. With the madness of the mad master, he will definitely kill all those who are enemies with him. At this time, Chenyao Jianzong's sharpness is revealed, and Senior Sili Shi has already fallen. The only thing they are contending with is the Rakshasa Gate. If you are anxious to find him in the Eastern Region, you will bump into his blade. It is better to continue to look for other opportunities and give this difficult guy to Zeus. Isn't it a better choice?"

Hearing this, Luo Xi slowly lowered his eyes to silence, still a little frightened in his eyes.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps from the rear, and Mu Fan smiled coldly when he heard it, and did not look back: "How is the experiment going?"

"If you return to the pavilion master, the state of sacrificing the blue has improved slightly, but the heartbeat is still very weak, and the eyes are hollow, as if the power of the dragon soul cannot be suppressed mentally."

The visitor was eight feet tall, slender, and indifferent, like an iceberg, with a crippling air-conditioning, making it inaccessible.

He is the sage of Wanchao Pavilion——Xiao Wuji!

"Wuji, anyhow, you were also the thirteenth star war **** back then, why don't you understand the commonality between gods and people?"

What is the commonality between God and man?

Hearing Mu Fan's words, Xiao Wuji frowned.

After a while, he suddenly realized that he hurriedly saluted Mu Fan respectfully, and then hurriedly walked towards the palace.

"Oh, frizzy, Luo Xi, if Wuji is half calm with you, his achievements today may not surprise the world."

Mu Fan shook his head and smiled, instantly emitting layers of red bubbles.

Immediately after that, a piece of blood coral fell down from nowhere. At the same time, his figure disappeared in place like a ghost.

Luo Xi was stunned here, staring blankly at the blood coral in front of him, with anger in his eyes: "Crazy...One day, I will go to the Eastern Region to kill you myself!"

He was really scared.

But at the same time, he was very excited.

Because he faced the powerful madman back then, even if he was a sneak attack, he had to borrow the hand of Zeus, let alone face this old monster.

But now, the crazy master is no longer the crazy master back then.

He really wanted to kill him personally to make up for the trauma he had suffered.

"Forget it, since the Lord Pavilion is still alive, there is infinite hope for the destruction of the world, crazy, I will let you live a little longer."


The academy was originally a place for scholars to settle down and settle down. From its infancy, it has been closely connected with the scholar's way of "being alone".

The purpose of establishing the academy at the beginning was to transcend secular spiritual pursuits and reflect the transcendence of Confucian humanistic spirit.

Therefore, since ancient times, the location of the academy has always been inseparable from a secluded and beautiful place.

Today, however, Fang Tianxiu's academy is actually located in Xinyang Street, the most prosperous generation of Xuanzhou.

On Xinyang Street, on the left is the unique Yuefeng Tower of the Liu family, and on the right is the highest-grade Wentian residence of the Yin family. It is well known that these two giants are not only the business giants of Xuanzhou, but also the Wanjianmen and Luocaotang behind them. It is the famous Taishan Beidou on the rivers and lakes of Xuanzhou.

Fang Tianxiu chose to establish the academy here, which is self-evident.

"Honghu Academy?"

A Bai Chen in a blue brocade robes stood in front of the door of Honghu Academy, and couldn't help being deeply attracted by its lintel.

The scale of this academy does not seem to be large, there is no luxury in the architecture, and the courtyard looks deserted and empty.

But this door lintel was made of the finest heavenly spirit wood.

It seems that this is from the handwriting of Xinglan Temple.

You deserve to be the nephew of the Great Elder of the Temple, you still have to pay attention to some cards.

With a calm smile, Bai Chen finally stepped into the threshold of Honghu Academy under the complicated gazes of the people around him.

Walking into the courtyard of the academy, you can see a stone road surrounded by fragrant green grass. Plane trees stand in two rows behind the green grass. At the front is a three-story pavilion large enough to hold hundreds of people.

And in front of the pavilion, a middle-aged man with a lined figure was squatting there, not knowing what to do.

Bai Chen deliberately eliminated the sound of footsteps and walked towards the man lightly.

During the whole process from far to near, he found that this person was not aware of it.

"I said... Are you recruiting a gentleman today?"

Sudden words came from Bai Chen. The middle-aged man jumped up like a cat with his tail clipped, and then quickly put a copper plate into his sleeve, his face smiled awkwardly: "Yes, yes, Fang Tianxiu, the dean of the Xia Honghu Academy, is fortunate to have a good time!"

Is he Fang Tianxiu?

Fang Tianxiu who bowed his head and picked up a copper plate?

"Good meeting."

Bai Chen smiled calmly.

"Ah...Well, you are here to apply for the master of the academy, right? Hello, now that the liberal arts in our academy has been decided, there is still a shortage of Mr. Vuk and Mr. Science, which one do you want to apply for?"


Bai Chen made a decisive choice.

Let him teach science, wouldn't the academy's reputation be defeated?

"Wu Ke is good, but our Honghu Academy is going to train outstanding talents to send to the temple in the future, so the requirements for Mr. Wu Ke may be a bit high."

Upon hearing this, Bai Chen smiled and asked, "How high?"

"This..." Fang Tianxiu's eyes murmured, thinking that if the cultivation level is too high, it is impossible to come here for low-paying positions, but if the cultivation level is too low, and the students cannot be taught, it will be a lot of hardship. Thinking, he finally raised his head earnestly: "At least it must be... the star realm!"


Hearing these words, Bai Chen almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Star Realm?

"Why, are you, are you a strong person in the Chaos Realm?!"

Fang Tianxiu was a little dumb.


"Forget it, you should feel it yourself."

Bai Chen smiled helplessly, and slowly clenched his fists.

At this moment, an extremely majestic energy of heaven and earth spread out to the surroundings in a water pattern instantly, and the impact of the ripples of the water pattern caused the entire Xuanzhou land to tremble violently.

Facing the spirit power fluctuations of this fierce heaven and earth, Fang Tianxiu's face was like ashes, unable to recover for a long time.


Eternal Sky Realm powerhouse!

"Are you really an Eternal Sky Realm powerhouse?!"

Fang Tianxiu's eyes widened in disbelief.

The scene of shaking mountains at this time also attracted the attention of the major forces in Xuanzhou.

Many people are already rushing towards the direction of Honghu Academy like a tide.


"Isn't it that Fang Tianxiu is a poor scholar, how can he recruit a strong Eternal Sky Realm to be a gentleman!"

"Who knows, maybe this strong man is not going to be a husband, but going to find trouble."

"Anyway, go and see what is going on!"

In a densely crowded street, two old white-haired men, wearing broken beggar uniforms, flew across the wall, rushing in the direction of Honghu Academy.

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