Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 2579: : The suspicious old businessman

In front of the gate of the Immortal Sect of Hades, there is a spacious street.

There is a rush of people on the street, and everyone no longer feels fearful when they come here.

Because under the rule of Bai Chen, those people in the Immortal Sect of the Underworld no longer do evil. They went up to the Moon God and Fengqiuhai, and went down to the disciples of the sect, and they all changed their minds and became human again.

Not only that, they also began to help the people and gave them the greatest help in farming and reclaiming wasteland.

In this way, the lives of the people in the city can be improved and the poor will no longer live like years.

In less than a month, people from the other eight counties except Wuhai County flocked to Jiulong County, just for the reputation of the Underworld King Immortal Sect.

Of course, Bai Chen's actions like this also offended those rich and powerful.

The gap between the rich and the poor in Jiulong County has been narrowed, and the wealthy who squeezed the people have become losers.

However, due to the strength of the Immortal Sect of the Underworld, they did not dare to offend, so they could only leave here with hatred and go to other counties to re-development.

One person can change the state and counties of the big country. This is the ability of the strong.

The strong are kind, and the world is peaceful.

The strong are cruel, and the world suffers.

Suddenly, a luxurious carriage came up from the street, and finally stopped in front of the door of Pluto Xianzong.

This carriage is the carriage of the Wuyun Xianzong. When many people saw it, they could not help but secretly squeeze a cold sweat for the Underworld Emperor Xianzong.

A white-haired old man, after raising the driving curtain, slowly got out of the carriage, and then, accompanied by the left and right guards, went straight to the palace gate.

"My master has been waiting for a long time, please."

Before the disciple waited for him to speak, he suddenly said.

Did he know that I was coming?

Shang Yanxue furrowed her eyebrows deeply, and secretly guessed in her heart, could it be that Meng Liuli had the secret work of the Immortal Sect of the Pluto in the sect, or that Meng Liuli had informed in advance...

Now that you know it, you must be prepared.

If you want to find out, I am afraid it will be difficult.

Shang Yan hesitated for a while, then suddenly turned around and got into the carriage.


Not long after, a guard ran to the main hall, facing Bai Chen, bowing and respecting: "Sect Master, before the elder Shang of the Wuyun Xianzong came to the mansion gate, but when I invited him in, he suddenly gone."


Bai Chen and Moon God and others looked at each other in a daze.

They are all ready to treat guests here, but the guests actually left?

"You didn't wait for him to speak, so you invited him in in advance?" The old lady Moon God said with a cold look in her eyes.

Hearing that, the disciple kowtows to the ground quickly: "Subordinate... Subordinate knows it is wrong!"

"Is there any problem with this?" Gu Shou was puzzled.

The Moon God shook his head slowly: "Shang Yan is suspicious. If he didn't speak, he would be invited in here. Obviously he knew he would come. With his nature, I'm afraid I wouldn't think this was our suzerain guessed. , Just think that someone secretly reported the letter."

"Unexpectedly, this Shang Yan is such a small belly!" Gu Shou muttered uncomfortably.

And these words fell in the ears of Moon God and Feng Qiuhai, but they made them both look at each other in a daze, and a touch of joy appeared on their faces.

You know, it's because before, a prestigious senior like Shang Yan, even if they borrowed their ten guts, they would never openly criticize.

But now it's different.

Sect masters are supporting them, and their identities are already different from what they used to be!

Sure enough, following a good Sect Master, the future is boundless.

"Sect Master, what should we do now?"

Xu Zhijie suddenly looked at Bai Chen curiously.

"He won't come in... then I'll go find him."

Bai Chen suddenly got up and walked outside the hall.

Everyone watched them one after another, shocked.

"The lord actually wants to go to the Wuyun Xianzong alone...! It's so cool!" Xu Zhijie couldn't help but marvel.

The others also nodded one after another, and the shocked expression on their faces could not go away for a long time.

As expected of him!


Shang Yan returned to the Wuyun Xianzong and went directly to the hall.

Xu Qingfeng and the elders were waiting for Shang Yan in the main hall. The hundreds of elders below were still discussing in private. When one of them suddenly shouted "The Great Elder is back", the whole hall instantly became quiet.

Shang Yan's old face was cold and he hurried into the hall.

Xu Qingfeng couldn't help but frowned: "Brother Shang, why are you back so soon?"

"The old man arrived in front of the Immortal Sect of Underworld King, but didn't enter."

Shang Yan said not angry.

Didn't go in?

The audience was stunned.

What does the great elder say...

"Sect Master, as soon as I got there, the front guard said that Jiang Xiaobai had been waiting for me for a long time. This must be because he knew the news in advance. Now that I have prepared, I will go. What's the point!"

With a cold snort, Shang Yan looked around the entire hall suddenly.

With his cold old eyes, wherever he went, the elders were horrified.

This posture, these words, understand that there is a traitor here!

Seeing that the atmosphere in the hall became tense in an instant, Xu Qingfeng took a deep breath and slowly exhaled: "Brother Shang, maybe it is Jiang Xiaobai who is brilliant and resourceful. We have already expected that we will go. Since you are here, don't care about him. If you don't play any tricks, you should go in and have a look."

"Is the Sovereign complaining about the old man?"

Shang Yan raised his cold eyes lightly.

The person of the Wuyun Xianzong, only he dared to talk to the sovereign like this.

Because Shang Yan is a donkey temper, he catches fire.

But because of his upright temper, he became Xu Qingfeng's most trusted person after taking refuge in Xu Qingfeng.

Seeing Shang Yan's upset, Xu Qingfeng didn't get angry, but said with a smile: "Brother Shang, I know, it is indeed unreasonable for you to meet a junior in person. But obviously, the strength of this junior, I am afraid that it has surpassed the expectations of many people. Even if it is me, I dare not be sure to beat him. That's why I let you go, because only you can see through a person. His conspiracy and tricks will disappear in front of you. Save."

With such a compliment, Shang Yan's expression began to improve a bit.

But at this moment, above the sky outside, a clear voice resounded across the sky.

"Sect Master Xu is really knowledgeable~"

what? !

The sudden sound shocked the hall, and everyone followed Xu Qingfeng out of the hall in a hurry.

When everyone came outside the hall, they saw a young man in black robes with arms around his chest, feet on the void, and his cold eyes, with natural evil spirits. It turned out that the eyes of the Five Aggregate Immortal Sect made everyone feel To the unprecedented pressure.

"Your Excellency is Sect Master Jiang?"

Xu Qingfeng clenched his fists secretly and stepped forward.


Bai Chen's arrogance shocked and resented these proud people.

However, no one dared to make a move...

Facing Xu Qingfeng's gaze, Bai Chen slowly raised a finger, and his delicate and handsome face showed a calm smile: "What you said just now, there are two things wrong!"

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