Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 2594: : Shocking

In the restaurant, singing and dancing are rising.

The entire lobby was wrapped up by Xifeng Yulong.

Bai Chen sat beside him, drew the elder brothers of other gentry and clan to envy and hate him, but dare not offend him.

The elder brother here has been fond of Xifeng Yulong for a long time, and the longest one has been behind Xifeng Yulong's **** since he was a child.

But it can't compare with Bai Chen's appreciation of West Wind Yulong.

In fact, the reason is very simple. Bai Chen has already figured out what this West Wind Yulong likes and hates through a day of getting along.

Bai Chen liked this kind of thing.

But not happy does not mean he is not good at it.

"Jiang Ming, you explain that when Big Brother Tianyunce is so happy, what gift should I give in the past?"

Xifeng Yulong leaned against the chair and suddenly looked at Bai Chen.

Hearing this, Bai Chen smiled calmly, and was about to speak, the son of the Qin family suddenly stepped forward: "Brother Xifeng, you and Young Master Yunce are as close as brothers and sisters. You are the best for his big marriage. Brothers, I must send some new gifts to show that you are dedicated to his affairs."

"That's good! I think so too! But the question is...what kind of gift is there to be new..." Xifeng Yulong rubbed his chin.

As soon as his words fell, the other princes immediately bowed their heads and thought hard.

This feeling is like the teacher asked a question, and then the students below start to answer it. Whoever answers it first can leave school early.

To lick the dog and lick it, this really made Bai Chen feel helpless.

But this world is like this, the Xifeng family is powerful and powerful in Panlong County, and the younger generations of other nobles are vying for it.

Go to court someone who is more powerful than yourself, so that you can get some good points in the hands of that person, and then go to show off with other people who are not as good as you.

This is the pathetic human nature that many people inevitably form in this world!

"Or, Brother Xifeng, would you send someone to the surrounding countries to find something that our Crazy Dragon Empire doesn't have?" The Young Master Qin spoke slowly.

"Is there time, are you crazy?" Xifeng Yulong was not happy this time.

Talking without thinking?

Seeing his face turned cold, Young Master Qin was sweating cold behind his back, his eyes rolled, and he suddenly said, "Or, what about a...a stunning beauty?"

"Come on, drag him out for me and cut it off!"

"Don't! Brother Xifeng, let me think about it... Don't... don't kill me——"

Young Master Qin wailed miserably and was dragged out of the lobby all the way, which made other people want to offer a plan, but they could only be daunted.

Xifeng Yulong, with a changeable temperament, the feeling of being by his side is like a companion to a king, like a companion to a tiger.

If you don't make a contribution now, it's a surefire way to save your life.

Others also understood this truth, and after looking at each other, they didn't want anyone to stand up.

"A group of counselors!"

Looking around the trembling group of elder brothers, Xifeng Yulong couldn't help but cursed, and turned to look at Bai Chen: "Jiang Ming, let's talk about it, what on earth do I need to prepare to It's an ingenious gift."

Facing the crowd cast in, Bai Chen raised his eyes and asked with a smile: "Why does Brother Xifeng insist on the four words of originality?"

"What do you mean?"

West Wind Yulong frowned.

"Actually, I don't think it is necessary. Sometimes, tacky things don't mean you don't need to worry about it. Master Westwind, you can completely turn this kind of vulgar into shocking vulgarity!"


The audience was stunned.

This word can still be used as a metaphor.

"As expected of Jiang Ming, you are my brains, hahaha! Come on, drink!"

Xifeng Yulong laughed suddenly, and as he raised the cup, everyone else laughed and drank.

During the period, those people cast their venomous eyes on Bai Chen's body.

They wished that someday Bai Chen would also say something wrong, or did something wrong, so they were directly pulled out and killed.

It's a pity that the wing bird knows the ambition of the swan~


the next day.

In front of the gate of Yunfu, there were lanterns and colorful gongs.

On the red-carpeted stone road, there are many guests coming and going to celebrate.

As the young son of the Yun family, Yunce has extraordinary potential. He is recognized as the future successor of the Sun Eclipse Immortal Sect. His wedding banquet has not only attracted the famous families of Panlongzhou County, but also connected some other states and counties with Yunfu. The well-known family who still have friendship came here to congratulate him from all the distances.

Bai Chen and Xifeng Yulong rode in the same carriage. Seeing that the figures outside the window were scattered, the carriage was like a dragon, Bai Chen couldn't help but smile: "Should these people go to Yunfu for the wedding banquet?"

"That's natural~"

Xifeng Yulong grinned: "But these people will never compare to the position of our Xifeng family in the hearts of the Yun family~"

His pride is the favor of the Yun family.

To put it bluntly, the Xifeng family was also the licking dog in front of the Yun family, and it was also the largest one.

Because the carriage they were riding in was stamped with the mark of Xifeng’s family, all the guests on the street had to let go.

Now, behind the carriage, there was actually an ox cart, and what was on the ox cart was a huge jade lion.

This thing is a treasure that the Xifeng family was fortunate to excavate outside the pass a hundred years ago. Once it came out, it had become a priceless treasure.

Today, he gave the jade lion to Yunce, and it was only after careful consideration by the elders in the family that he decided.

Nothing cheesy.

But as long as it is so vulgar that no one can compare it, and can't stand it, then this is the vulgarity!

It was Bai Chen who taught Xifeng Yulong this truth.

Looking at the envious eyes outside the car window, Bai Chen's stern face was always smiling.

Xifeng Yulong is cruel and even psychologically distorted, killing countless people.

This person must not stay.

But now, he has to rely on this guy to get into the Yun family, so he can't move him for now.

What kind of ability does the Yun Family have, Bai Chen has gone, and you will know it after a try!



From the crowd in front, bursts of joy came.

When they saw the luxury carriage coming up from here, they immediately stepped aside and drove on the wide road.

Standing in front of the gate of Yun Mansion to greet the guests was the old housekeeper of Yun Mansion. Xifeng Yulong took Bai Chen out of the carriage, and he was immediately beaming: "Hahaha, housekeeper Zhou!"

I didn't say anything polite, I laughed three times first.

Bai Chen was really speechless, this West Wind Yulong, how he looked at it was abnormal.

"Prince Yulong, you, this..." Steward Zhou looked at the jade lion who was surrounded by the crowd behind him, and was extremely shocked: "This gift is really precious. I must see the young master. I will like it very much. Quick, Mr. Yulong, please!"

Butler Zhou yelled, and the two dignified little maids in front came over immediately.

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