Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 635: : Reunion of Light and Darkness

"Be careful, that's Qihuang Liuli, don't let them reach a contract!"

Zhaoyao looked at the girl who appeared suddenly and hurriedly exclaimed.

However, facing the corpses everywhere, even if everyone in the Clouds Sword Sect had a righteous spirit in their hearts, they were still a little confused.

Upon seeing this, Zhaoyao couldn't help but brows, stepped on a strange step under his feet, and his long sword danced lightly with him, three sharp sword auras instantly suspended all over his body.

The spiritual power fluctuations of the Universe Realm burst out on Zhaoyao's body, and with his loud shout, his momentum expanded to its peak.

"Sanjue Jianqi!"

call out! call out! call out!

The three sword beams instantly turned into three beams of light, rushing towards Yang Chaoyue's beautiful body.

However, Bai Chen swept the Wind God Sword at will, and instantly cut the three sword qi that flew into nothingness.

Now he doesn't take Zhaoyao seriously, and the opponent's full blow can't bring him half interest.

At this moment, Yang Chaoyue with a small smile also twisted Yingying's waist under the envious eyes of many men, stretched out Lian's arms directly, and wrapped Bai Chen's neck.

"A beautiful night, the line of traction, love each other, in the heavens.

The fear of chasing it down, deep in my heart, chant it with me.

...A contract! "


A green whirlpool suddenly rose from the black robe, and the girl's figure, under the flash of green light, instantly turned into a green curved blade, embedded on Bai Chen's right arm, bright and gorgeous!

Looking at the extraordinary sword that Bai Chen held in each hand, Zhao Yao's face changed drastically, and his first thought was to step back.

However, Bai Chen's gaze was not biased and fell directly on him.

Turning his back to Tang Qin, Bai Chen smiled faintly: "Girl, take care of yourself, leave the rest to me!"


Suddenly, Bai Chen raised his foot fiercely, and immediately fell to the ground. The entire Lingxiao Mountain shook suddenly. Under the turbulence, countless Yunxiao Jianzong disciples trembled with fear and face gray.

"The Emperor Bai is no longer here, who of your Cloud Sword Sect can handle my trick!"

Bai Chen held the green blade in his hand and waved it from bottom to top. The green flame sword aura, like a crescent moon, burst out with a crackling sound, slashing the ground, and flew out in Zhaoyao's direction.

This crescent moon sword aura was so fast that Zhaoyao had no time to dodge, and finally his legs softened and regret was revealed in his eyes.

However, just when he felt the tentacles of death strangling his neck, suddenly a light and shadow fell from the sky and hit him directly.

"It's the Young Master!"

Seeing those who came, countless people on the venue suddenly showed a touch of ecstasy, and their lost fighting spirit revived once again.

Wearing a blouse, Mo Ying's hair was cut into short hair. As soon as he landed, he crossed his long sword and collided with the green sword qi.


During the violent impact, Mo Ying finally shouted and swept the long sword, cutting the green-flaming crescent moon sword energy into a green mist.

Stopping Qihuang Qingyan Slash, Mo Ying's figure was like a javelin, and the long sword in his hand was raised and aimed at Bai Chen's direction: "Who says no one can stop you!"

"Sect Master is great!"

"The young master is mighty!"

"Kill that demon, Young Sect Master, you are the best!"

"Young Master I love you!"


For a time, Mo Ying's fame reached an unprecedented height on the top of the mountain.

Obviously, this son of light has a high status in the eyes of the disciple of the sword sect in Yunxiao!

Tang Qin has been rescued now, and Bai Chen's mood has been relieved a lot. He raised his eyes and looked at a young boy with short hair and a flying figure. He couldn't help but smiled, "I said the son of light, the last time he was fascinated by ancient times, are you satisfied?"


As soon as he said this, Mo Ying's face instantly turned blue, and the shining not far behind him also looked a little strange.

However, the rest of the sword sect in the Clouds couldn't understand it at all, and the doubtful eyes were all concentrated on Mo Ying.

Suppressed and full of humiliation, Mo Ying's face was extremely hideous and righteousness disappeared. Instead, his face was overwhelmingly hostile.

"Bai Chen, in order to defeat you, I have paid a lot, if you still think that I am the original strength, then you can only be humiliated!"

With a fierce step on the sole of the foot, a strong wave of spiritual power suddenly surged out of Mo Ying's body. This force, affecting the entire earth, began to shake slightly.

Looking directly at the flashing spiritual power fluctuations on his body, everyone in Yunxiao Jianzong's faces stiffened.

"Young Sect Master... seems to have been in retreat for a long time."

"Yes, he may not know yet, now Bai Chen is already a monster."

The two disciples stood in the distance, staring blankly at the confident Mo Ying, and stopped talking.

Bai Chen glanced faintly at Mo Ying's hideous face, and yawned boredly: "Hey, the pinnacle of Universe Realm, you really have grown a lot~"

"Huh! More than a lot, now I, even the elder Mo Xiao from the outer courtyard of Shengtian Academy, can't be my opponent, look at the sword!"

A little bit of the ground under his feet, a distance of tens of meters, was passed by Mo Ying in the blink of an eye, and with an extremely sharp sword light, it also stabbed Bai Chen's left shoulder fiercely.

Facing Mo Ying's full blow, Bai Chen raised his hand lazily, his palm seemed to be slow, but with a visible afterimage, he instantly caught on the tip of the sword.

"Um...! What's the matter!"

Looking at Bai Chen, who was holding the tip of the sword lightly with his palm, Mo Ying's expression changed drastically.

From beginning to end, Bai Chen didn't exude a trace of spiritual power, but why could he take the blade with his bare hands.

The two confronted each other and took the sword with bare hands, which undoubtedly gave the opponent the greatest insult!

And as the son of light, how could Mo Ying endure this humiliation.

"Sanjue Jianqi!"

In a hurry, Mo Ying's left hand finger suddenly raised, and three sword auras of different colors instantly floated into the air.


Just when Mo Ying was about to launch Sanjue Sword Qi, Bai Chen lifted it easily, Qi Huang Liuli cut the three suspended sword auras just like cutting green onions.

At this moment, Mo Ying finally panicked, he didn't understand, he was scared, he was even helpless, bother!

Standing in the distance, Zhaoyao, looking at the two people with such a huge difference in strength, couldn't help taking a breath of cold air, his face pale: "Young Sect Master has been trained to turn fingers into swords, but the gap between him and Bai Chen, It's bigger...!"

However, at this time, Bai Chen was still holding the sword in Mo Ying's hand with his fingers, just like Jian Bao, measuring it carefully. After a while, he finally shook his head helplessly: "You said let me see I also saw the sword, but your sword is really not as good as the fire stick used by my servants."


With a lightly squeezed finger, the famous sword cast by a famous master smashed completely...

At this moment, endless fear, finally overwhelming, rippled in Mo Ying's heart...

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