Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 673: : The Heavenly Split Palm of the Tang Family

Since learning that Tang Qin had fallen into Baidi’s hands, Bai Chen had been taken over by anger. He set foot on the Lingxiao Mountain and saw Tang Qin’s wounded and embarrassed appearance, which aroused the killing intent in his heart. There was a **** battle afterwards.

Now, Tang Qin is back. Although she has recovered from her injury after taking the pill, the torn dress and the black blood on it still sting Bai Chen's nerves.

"Stupid girl, it's all your brother Bai Chen's bad, which made you suffer."

Taking a deep breath, Bai Chen's eyes flashed with tenderness and smiled bitterly.

But Tang Qin was so drunk now that he didn't hear what he was talking at all, red lips chirping, and sometimes giggling, as if dreaming of something delicious, Bai Chen couldn't help but shook his head and smiled.

"Tang Qin, I will never let you suffer any more harm... in the name of the **** of destruction, swear!"

At a certain moment, Bai Chen's face suddenly condensed, and he said this oath very seriously, just like the words he had said to Lin Mengyao back then, his eyes were full of tenacity.

He picked up the light Tang Qin, came to a room and put her lightly on the bed. Bai Chen, who wanted to turn around and leave, couldn't help being deeply attracted by this delicate and rosy cheek.

The moonlight poured out through the bamboo window, and a bunch of it happened to fall on Tang Qin's face. The already smooth little face looked even more tender and lovely under the moonlight.

After careful measurement, Bai Chen found that she was actually not much worse than Lin Mengyao. Lin Mengyao's beauty lies in its immortal spirit, while Tang Qin's beauty is truly lovely.

"Girl, the outside world says that you and me are lovers, and I always deny it. But to be honest, I really don’t know what you mean to me. Until this time, I saw you being bullied. In danger, my heart is completely messed up... Ever since I searched for Qihuang Liuli, until now, we have not been as inseparable as we used to be. Without you by my side, I always feel that something is missing for you. Missing is also increasing day by day. You said, this feeling for you, is it love?"

Sitting on the side of the bed, Bai Chen lowered his eyes and smiled. He knew that no matter what he said, this girl couldn't hear him now.

But just like this, he dared to say these words in front of her.

Otherwise, he was afraid of self-defeating, and in the end he was so embarrassed that even his friends would not be able to do it.

"Mengyao, she must be my love, and you... Is it love or..."

While Bai Chen was pondering, Tang Qin suddenly turned over, and the side of his body hit Bai Chen's waist, and then smiled silly.

Upon seeing this, Bai Chen was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Oh, you said you and Mengyao are so cute, how come there is an unreasonable father!"

Every time he thinks of this, Bai Chen can't laugh or cry. He doesn't want to argue with Lin Yu or draw his sword against the Hades, but the two old guys, one stubborn and barbaric, and the other gloomy, are not something he can easily communicate with. .

"Could it be that the more lovely a woman is, the more difficult it is to have a dad?"

Just when Bai Chen was talking to himself, Tang Qin, who had been asleep all the time, suddenly opened his red lips, and with all kinds of helpless sighs, he suddenly floated: "Hey, it's really difficult to get around!"

"I go!"

The sudden sound made Bai Chen a jump. Then, he saw Tang Qin who was snickering while covering his mouth, rolling all over the bed.

"Okay girl, dare to tease me now, pretending to be drunk?" Bai Chen rolled up his sleeves.

Upon seeing this, Tang Qin quickly covered his mouth and hesitated: "I didn't, I just woke up!"

"Really?" Bai Chen rolled his eyes, and Bai Chen didn't believe it: "You really just woke up?"

"Really, it's more real than a pearl!" Tang Qin expressed sincerity with his big eyes blinking at Bai Chen.

It's been a long time since I saw this girl's playful appearance, a warm current flowed quietly, causing Bai Chen to show a knowing smile: "Tang Qin, you are still the same, you haven't changed at all."

"Ah~ how is it possible!" Tang Qindai frowned upon hearing the words, and curled her lips: "It is said that the eighteenth woman has changed, no matter how you put it, I should become more beautiful."

"Oh, tusk tusk, and you boast of your beauty, are you ashamed?"

"Puff haha! No matter how you drop it, I will be beautiful, but it will become beautiful."

"Is that so? Come on, let Brother Bai Chen check and see, where are you beautiful~"


Tang Qin sat up, put the pretty face directly in front of Bai Chen's eyes, and then it was a flash in the pan: "Look, take a closer look."


Face to face, less than an inch away, they could even feel the heat wave as they breathed each other, Bai Chen couldn't help but flushed, turning his head awkwardly and sighed: "Hey, don't look at it, you're still the same, not changing at all. "

"How could it be the same, please take a look again, take a closer look." Tang Qin pulled Bai Chen's sleeve, reluctantly.

Staring blankly at the exquisite and playful face that came over again, Bai Chen was surprised and said: "Tang Qin... are you acting like a baby with me?"

"You!" Tang Qinmei glared in disbelief.

Because he hadn't seen it for a long time, and because of the longing between life and death, Tang Qin finally mustered up the courage to act like a baby to Bai Chen for the first time in the middle of the night when the two were alone.

However, he couldn't help but put up such a doubt, and he just drowned Tang Qin's good mood with cold water.

No matter how tender the woman is, when facing a straight man, she can only be speechless and helpless. If Tang Qin hadn't known that he was accompanied by Lin Mengyao, she would have been swearing at him, "You really are single by strength". !

The first bravery ended in this way. Tang Qin's face was tight and annoyed: "Go out, I want to rest!"

"Hahaha! Acting like a baby is just acting like a baby, and what else to hide, it's not like you at all!"

"I'll let you say it again!" Tang Qin suddenly grabbed Bai Chen's arm and bit on it with one bite.


Bai Chen looked down silently.

Of course, Tang Qin didn't really bite him hard either.

After a long while, Tang Qinyi let go, and immediately raised his beautiful eyes, he saw Bai Chen's extremely helpless eyes, and his face instantly became frozen: "What are you looking at?"

"I'm watching..." Bai Chen suddenly showed a smirk, his eyes moved from under her smooth neck, and his pupils also turned into a strange dark red.

perspective? !

Knowing his ability, Tang Qinqiao's face suddenly blushed, and she hurriedly protected her with one hand, and with the other hand, facing Bai Chen's face, she threw it away.


Seeing the flickering light and shadow, Bai Chen lifted his palm, and at the moment of his death, he caught Tang Qin's palm in the air.

"Smelly girl, you dare to hit your brother Bai Chen in the face, are you fat?"

"Me! This is... this is!"

"What is it?"

After being questioned by Bai Chen grabbing his wrist, Tang Qin bit his teeth and shouted in a daze, "This is my Tang family's split palm!"


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