Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 684: : I'll make the engagement!

Three years ago, Bai Chen made a so-called "three-year agreement" with her in front of the Lin family's grandmother in an elementary state of breaking through the Yuan realm. At that time, his behavior could only attract ridicule from everyone. , Laughed at him.

And now, he has really surpassed Grandma Lin, and is still very easy to win with a palm. At this moment, no one in the Lin family dared to laugh at him anymore, even the little maid Cui Ying hiding in the back of the crowd was also beautiful. Full of horror.

Such an amazing talent, I am afraid that it can be compared to the Lin Tianhao who betrayed the Lin family!

Chu Yuehan stood behind the Lin family and his group with a low face, his cold eyes shot at Bai Chen, his eyes full of horror.

He didn't expect that a person like Grandmother Lin would not even have the qualifications to consume Bai Chen. It seems that this kid, as expected, has some ability!

"Bai Chen, next, it's our turn!" Chu Yuehan finally said.

At this moment, the whole audience was solemn and murderous, appearing coldly under the night sky, the warmth of the moonlight also receded, and only the coolness of the heart was left, quietly touching the minds of countless people. .

Looking directly at Chu Yuehan, Bai Chen twitched the corner of his mouth and grasped the hilt of the sword behind his back. He sneered and said, "I mean it too!"

"Wait first—"

Grandma Lin suddenly raised her hand and interrupted their confrontation again.

Hearing this, Bai Chen couldn't help but feel a little palpitating, he didn't want the Lin family to be involved.

Chu Yuehan glanced at Grandmother Lin with disdain, and smiled darkly: "Grandma Lin family, your three-year agreement is over, and the old man has given you enough face to the Lin family. The next thing is about my Phoenix Temple. Want to manage too?"

Lin Yuwen's discoloration changed, but like everyone in the Lin family, he remained silent and cast his eyes on Grandma Lin.

Grandma Lin is the person with the highest seniority in the family, and she has the absolute right to speak.

His gaze swept away, and he made a short stay on Bai Chen's body. Then, Grandma Lin arched her hand to the gloomy Chu Yuehan: "Elder Chu, about the Phoenix Temple, my Lin family is naturally not I dare to take care of it, but our three-year agreement has not yet been completed. I hope you can agree."

"Why, is it possible that you really want to marry Lin Mengyao to Bai Chen?" Chu Yuehan's eyes were low, and Sen sneered: "The old man puts his words here today, even if he is married to Lin Mengyao. , My Phoenix Temple wants to take him, and you can't stop it!"

"I know, I know all of these." Grandmother Lin sighed, her old body was a bit tall and straight, but still a little rickety: "My Lin family has always been the most prestigious family. Since there is an appointment, I must fulfill the agreement! If they win, then their marriage contract will be fulfilled. As for the Phoenix Temple to take Bai Chen, it can only be because Bai Chen knows the heights of the sky and offends you. My Lin family has nothing to say, just pitiful Mengyao, young , Will become a widow..."


Grandma Lin's words shocked everyone, as they cast incomprehensible gazes.

Chu Yuehan was also full of horror, and asked in a daze, "Grandma Lin, did I hear you wrong? You want to marry Lin Mengyao to him, let us kill him and let Lin Mengyao Widowhood?"

Facing Chu Yuehan’s doubts, Grandma Lin smiled faintly, her tone especially firm: "Yes!"


With a loud shout, Lin Yu’s mouth burst out loudly. The terrifying air wave shook the entire world. Even Bai Chen and Chu Yuehan, under this extremely terrifying momentum, they were all forbearing. Can't help feeling a trace of palpitations.

"Yu'er, if my Lin family can stand in the world, it shouldn't depend on strength, but credibility, and fame! As a Patriarch, you should keep this in mind. After all, your mother cannot be by your side forever!"

"Mother..." Lin Yu had tears in his eyes, and he dared not say more.

"Since Bai Chen has won, then my family Mengyao should marry him. After the marriage, everything will depend on the Phoenix Temple."

"Huh?" Chu Yuehanxue's eyebrows frowned slightly: "Grandmother Lin family, why don't I understand what you said? Is it possible that you want me to wait until Bai Chen and Lin Mengyao get married before you take him?"

"This is the truth. I also ask the elder Chu to think of my Lin family's loyalty to the dynasty for many years, and fulfill it!" Grandma Lin bowed her eyes and humbled to this point, making everyone present speechless. .

She moved out of the patron of the "Royal Family", even Chu Yuehan had to think about it, after all, the Phoenix Temple had always been sensitive to the topic of whether the Royal Family was loyal.

This old guy...!

With a scolding in his heart, Chu Yuehan's face was uncertain, and the atmosphere fell into silence again.

Facing this tense atmosphere, Bai Chen felt infinitely grateful to Grandma Lin again, but he couldn't just let the Lin family offend the Phoenix Temple like this.

Besides, Grandma Lin's body is obviously unable to hold it, it can be said to be precarious. If she drags on, she is afraid that she will...

Thinking of this, Bai Chen raised his head decisively and interrupted the continuous silence: "Grandma Lin, since the three-year agreement has been completed, shouldn't the matter of the marriage agreement be made by my Bai family?"


As soon as this remark came out, the Lin family was shocked.

Old Lin Lie couldn't help shaking, and almost squeezed a word from his teeth: "Bai Chen, your Bai family has no elders anymore, what can you do?"

"Lie'er, Hugh is so nonsense!" Grandma Lin yelled, and Lin Lie retracted her neck on the spot.

After retreating Lin Lie, Grandmother Lin looked at Bai Chen with complicated eyes, and said solemnly: "Bai Chen, your marriage with my granddaughter is related to two important matters, and as a man, your Bai family naturally has more say! But This marriage contract must be determined by the elders, and you, the Bai family, currently only have you and your little sister...It’s not that your grandmother doesn’t feel sorry for you, but that everything is reasonable and reasonable. , Yuli, are you right?"

"I know that the Lin family is upright, and naturally will not bully the big ones. That's why I dare to discuss with you. When it comes to the elders, our Bai family still has a person who is not lower than you."

"Oh?" Grandma Lin couldn't help raising her head, her eyes full of joy.

Bai Chen's family has always been in pain in her heart. If there are still survivors, then it would be better.

However, Lin Mengyao didn't understand a little bit. After having known Bai Chen for so long, she knew Bai Chen's family affairs well, besides Bai Zhixue, who else could there be?

Facing many doubtful gazes, Bai Chen gracefully raised his black robe, facing the direction outside the door, and bowed his hand: "Grandfather, it's time for you to come out."

grandfather? !

Everyone looked forward to the situation. With all eyes gathered, outside the spacious gate, an old man with a tall stature walked slowly. This old man was dressed in brocade and robe, looked extraordinary, and he was all over. They were all wrapped in Lao Tzu's greatest jealous breath under the sky, this mysterious and jealous breath, even Grandmother Lin and Chu Yuehan couldn't help being shocked.

However, his appearance made Lin Mengyao's pretty face instantly stiff.

She once met this old man in a restaurant, his name is...

Yes, Xia Daotian! Brother Bai calls him Lao Xia!

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