Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 949: : Desperate death group!

Everyone waited for a long while, and above the light curtain, one by one clearly appeared.

As the strongest representative of the Eastern Region, Bei Xuanzong is also the most prestigious team in this competition. Their four players are in Group A, Group B, Group G and Group Xin!

As the dust settled on the four names, these four groups were also recognized as veritable death groups by the world.

After all, any player who wants to fight against the strong in the East is under pressure.

"Is this Eastern Region really that strong?" Chu Junran frowned in confusion.

With a touch of complexity in Bai Chen's eyes, he said indifferently: "The strength of the Eastern Region is far superior to that of the other four regions. However, even if the first team is not in the Eastern Wilderness, it should not be this kind of person who has never heard of a name. The new school is right..."

Everyone looked at Bai Chen suspiciously. Since arriving at the Xinglan Temple, his performance has undoubtedly proved that he is familiar with the entire continent.

However, everyone is familiar with Bai Chen's temperament. He doesn't want to say that you can't pry open his mouth even if you come with an iron rod.

Therefore, all mysteries must be patiently waited for when he wants to speak!

"Next, it is the Dongyu No. 2 representative team-Gudaomen! Three players, please be ready."

Xiao An'an's words once again attracted countless lights.

Although it is the number two team, it is from the Eastern Region after all, and it is still not to be underestimated!

Soon, the names of those three people appeared in Group B, Group D, and Group O.

"Group B already has two Eastern Region powerhouses!" Guo Fatty said in a dazed voice, half-opened his mouth.

"Yeah." Bai Chen and Chu Junran looked at each other, hoping to be divided into a powerful group.

Without pressure, there is no fighting spirit!

"Next is the Dongyu No. 3 team-inclusive of all rivers!"

"Next is the Northern Territory team, the second-ranked team in all previous competitions, and the No. 1 seed team-Ryeyan Pavilion.

? !

Shouldn't it be Star Pavilion...?

Bai Chen became more and more unable to understand, what is going on?

Even if the Southern Territory has fallen, at least the No. 1 seed team is still the Phoenix Temple, but what is going on in these other regions? Could it be that the strongest forces are no longer interested in participating in the Shenwu Conference of the Star Lan Temple.

This can only be the only explanation, right?

If this is the case, I must take this time of the Valkyrie!

Bai Chen clenched his fist secretly. It seems that it is not impossible to win the championship in this competition. After all, he also defeated the Phoenix Temple and created a man who is not the world's most powerful family in the Southern Region!

"Next is the Zhongyu team, which scored third in previous competitions——"

As soon as this remark came out, the whole venue suddenly burst into voices. As the host, the audience showed the most enthusiastic picture.

"Zhongyu's first seed team-Extreme Emperor Palace!"

At this moment, 400,000 spectators all got up frantically and shouted.

"Soul Emperor! Soul Emperor! Soul Emperor—"

The shouts that were higher than the waves caused Bai Chen and the others to frown.

It seems that the soul emperor is not quiet in the domain name.

With the end of the lottery of the contestants, the two contestants of Jihuangdian won the first group at the same time.

The fighting between the same domain and the same door inevitably made the audience scream.

And the so-called "soul emperor" is also in this group A.

"Next is Zhongyu's No. 2 team-Sparrow Temple!"

"Temple of Sparrow?"

Bai Chen and the others couldn't help but raise their heads, and looked at the people in the Phoenix Temple opposite with a weird expression.

In this regard, Chu Junran disdainfully snorted, a second team wants to compete with her seeded team, it is idiotic.

Moreover, just because the name of the other party's sect is very similar to them, she must also go to the arena to teach the other party, let them know that the word temple is not qualified for everyone.

As the names of the Sparrow Temple appeared one by one, a name that appeared in the group once again attracted the attention of everyone in the Phoenix Temple.

Qiao Biran!

Chu Junran and Qiao Biran, not only the names of Zongmen are similar, but the names of the two are also very similar.

"It would be fun if Miss Tianfeng and that Qiao Biran were grouped together, hehe." Xia Daotian smiled maliciously.

Upon hearing this, Bai Chen said calmly: "It's just a group match, no one can threaten Jun Ran."

Bai Chen's words clearly fell into Chu Junran's ears. Although the latter kept his cold eyes staring at the God Eye Orb, her cheeks clearly showed a blush.

"Next is the second-to-last Western Region representative in previous competitions-the first seed team, the Heroes Guild!"

second last……

The name of this host instantly caused boos from the audience.

Even if he couldn't see it, Bai Chen could still think of the expressions of those people in the Western Regions at the moment.

However, in comparison, the faces of Bai Chen and the others are even more ugly.

Isn't their Southern Territory the last one?

Although I have known it for a long time, if the host still speaks so bluntly for a while to win the boo of the audience, then their southern faces will be severely trampled on again.

"I must rewrite history and revive the glory of the southern region of my mainland!" Chu Junran clenched his fists and shouted angrily.

At the same time, Zi Liuli, Lin Mengyao, Yang Qiuyu and others also showed a burning fighting spirit. Only Bai Chen and Shu Kexin were still lukewarm and indifferent.

At this moment, two familiar names appeared on the big screen, which made Bai Chen especially concerned.

The tyrant who had competed with him in wrist strength was placed in Group E, while the Blind Youth, who showed a mysterious aura from beginning to end, was placed in Group A.

"This Group A, with the Blind Youth of the Western Region Seed Team, the Soul Emperor and Xing Wuya of the Middle Region Seed Team, and the Phantom Feather of the Eastern Region Seed Team, is truly the strongest death group in the true sense. I hope I can With such a fortune to be classified into this group!" Chu Junran smiled happily, staring at the last place in Group A.

Her thoughts are also Bai Chen's thoughts.


Xiao An'an only spit out three words, and Chenyao Jianzong and Fengshen Temple were already unbearable.

Now that the domains have been divided into groups, of the remaining eight vacancies, only Group E has two remaining positions.

In other words, the possibility of them fighting each other only exists in Group E!

"Finally is the Southern Territory team that has always been the bottom of the previous competitions-the number one seed team, Phoenix Temple!"

"This bastard!"

Chu Junran couldn't help but scolded.

When there was a harsh sigh from the audience, the four people in the Phoenix Temple stepped forward with a calm face and placed their palms on the God Eye Orb.

Soon, the names of the four of them also appeared on the light curtain.

"No one is drawn to Group A!!"

Tang Qin couldn't help but sighed, and immediately when everyone in the Phoenix Temple breathed a sigh of relief, the people in Chenyao Sword Sect were also a little uneasy.

Now only the three of them Chenyao Jianzong and Shu Kexin from Shengtian Academy are left, no matter which group A is classified into the death group, it will make everyone feel uncomfortable.

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