Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 972: : The shocking quarterfinals first match

"In the next game, the red side is Eastern Region player Xian Xiaozhu, and the blue side is Western Region player Yiyi."

As the game continued, Bai Chen returned to the lounge and walked to the room with Guo Fatty again.

After arriving in the room and setting up the spiritual formation, Guo Fatzi took the trouble to guide Bai Chen to practice the spiritual fist.

After a few punches, the power is still not there. Bai Chen shook his arms and frowned, "No, your smart punch looks simple and rude, but it is actually very complicated. It not only requires the rotation angle of the waist and the arms to reach a perfect ratio, Moreover, the power of the spirit source and the spirit channel must keep up with the fit of the operation. I am afraid that in this world, no one can cultivate except you."

"Damn, so fierce?!" Fatty Guo couldn't help exclaiming when he heard Bai Chen's amazing description.

"Fatty, how did you research this trick?" Bai Chen was suddenly a little interested, because this smart fist, according to his feelings, was trained to the point, and the power is probably extremely amazing.

Its level is definitely not low!

However, can Guo Fatzi create this kind of stunt that is unique to the Wannian Sect?

Hearing this, Guo Fatty scratched his head: "Hey, I don't know, it was that day, thunder and lightning, heavy rain, black moon and high wind..."

"Does your house have a heavy rain and a moon?" Bai Chen was speechless: "To make a long story short!"

"Oh, good." Guo Fatty's face blushed: "In fact, one night I was dreaming, and then I dreamed that a book appeared in front of my eyes. When I woke up, I practiced according to the above, and then I practiced. The smart fist is here."


Bai Chen was a little surprised, is this okay?


How can the dream create such a high-level spiritual skill!

Bai Chen frowned, staring at Fatty Guo, "Fatty, did you live in the southern suburbs of the imperial capital before?"


"What about your family?"

Hearing this, Guo Fatty lowered his head somewhat disappointed: "I have been there since I was a child, and I have no family."

Seeing the sad state of Guo Fatty, the words Bai Chen wanted to ask more, Shengsheng was swallowed back, and finally faintly spit out a word: "Oh."

Since you can't ask, just leave it alone. The important thing is to cherish the present.

It's just that Bai Chen is a little confused now. Since he can't practice a smart fist, how can he deal with Wuxin?

What exactly Wuxin's strength is, he doesn't know at all now.

Confused and hesitated, he gradually fell into contemplation, while Fatty Guo sat aside bored and spent the whole day and night with him.

He wouldn't care about the situation of the game outside, anyway, Lin Mengyao couldn't lose to the seriously injured Qiao Biran, and Chu Junran's strength was far above the hegemon.

Bai Chen's sudden disappearance left everyone outside at a loss, but no one came to bother him, because they knew that the carelessness of the hero guild in the Western Regions had given him too much pressure.

The best way to release stress is to be quiet.

On the fourth day of the game, everyone got up very early. They talked and laughed with each other. Watching the auditorium in the venue gradually changed from a single figure to a crowd of people, the tension also enveloped the entire lounge.

In the first match, Blind Youth from the Western Regions played against Ye Beixuan from the Eastern Regions. Everyone was inexplicably looking forward to this contest between the kings.

However, Fatty Guo had already come out, but Bai Chen's figure was still missing.

"Brother Guo, third brother...?" Bai Zhixue asked worriedly.

"Boss, he is asleep, let him sleep a little longer."

"it is good."

Everyone sighed helplessly and looked at the venue again.

"Big Brother Bai is absent, and Chu Junran is also absent, these two guys..." Lin Mengyao was playing with a strand of blue silk silently, her pretty face full of unhappy.


"Ye Beixuan, Wuxin, Jun Ran...Who will be my opponent in the final?"

Bai Chen lay on the bed, looking directly at the star map on the ceiling, and sighed lightly.

He actually woke up a long time ago, but now he is a little confused. In the lounge, they can't feel the player's spiritual pressure, so he can only predict the opponent's strength by visual inspection.

Looking at it now, Ye Beixuan effortlessly abused his opponents in every competition. His reputation is also the highest in this competition, and his strength must be no weak.

As for Chu Junran's strength, he knew better, the peak of the Star Sea Realm!

It's just that he doesn't know what Wuxin's strength is.

"Forget it, let's go out and take a look, it should be close to me too!"

Bai Chen stood up, adjusted the black robe he was wearing in front of the bronze mirror, looked at the delicate and mature face in the bronze mirror, and smiled calmly: "Handsome!"


Opening the stone door, he had just walked out of the room, and the eyes that fell into his eyes were the horrified eyes.

"what's happenin?"

When Bai Chen was about to ask, Xiao An'an's roar almost uttered in the hall.

"Let us congratulate the Western Region players with the warmest applause and the highest emotions, the blind youth from the Heroes Guild, the first to enter the semifinals——"

"Blind Qing won." Bai Chen still didn't feel surprised that that mysterious man could reach the semifinals: "Who is his opponent?"

Looking at the oncoming Bai Chen, Lin Mengyao's face turned pale and unnatural.

"What's the matter?" Bai Chen frowned.

Soon, his eyes turned to the God Eye Orb, and he saw the green-robed man lying outside the ring.

"Ye Beixuan...!"

At this moment, Bai Chen froze as if struck by lightning.

Ye Beixuan, the strongest in the Eastern Region, was defeated by Blind Qing? !

"Three brothers, the four games of the quarterfinals are Blind Youth vs. Ye Beixuan, you vs. Xian Xiaozhu, Sister Mengyao vs. Chu Junran, and Emperor Yan vs. Wuxin." Bai Zhixue said concisely about the current schedule.

"Xian Xiaozhu?" Bai Chen is a little strange to this name. In the previous competition, he seemed to have never noticed such a person. I am afraid that he didn't shine very well, but Blind Qing eliminated Ye Beixuan, which really surprised him, and, What the **** is Mengyao to Chu Junran?

These two Nizis are about to collide in the quarterfinals...

"In the next game, the red player will be Southern Region player Bai Chen, and the blue player will be Eastern Region player Xian Xiaozhu——"

Xiao An'an's voice in the meeting room was violent.

"I'm going." Bai Chen smiled faintly, and walked towards the teleportation array.

From the group stage points to the weakest group, to the top 16 against Yang Qianxun, and the top eight, he was extremely disappointed.

He would rather be divided into the group of death as he did in Youzhou Star Martial Arts Conference, and then challenge the strong all the way, than he would always go boating along the water without making waves like he is now.

After Bai Chen's figure disappeared into the teleportation formation, everyone still failed to recover from the shock.

The entire lounge was silent for a long time before it was finally broken by a scream from a disciple of the Phoenix Temple.

"Ye Beixuan was eliminated in the quarterfinals, this is too ridiculous—"

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