Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 23: A Little Gadget

After returning to Chu City, it was already July 5th, and Lin Feng checked the accounts. The profit of last month has reached 327,600 yuan. Counting the 1,500 yuan profit of the bar and the 1,700 yuan profit of the coffee machine, the total gross profit of "Chufeng Net City" in June reached 330,800 yuan.

In addition to staff expenses of 8,000 yuan, various taxes of 1,200 yuan, "security management fee" of 2,925 yuan for the Lanzhai District Police Station in July, 2,000 yuan of corporate tax (no invoices), and 58,240 yuan of dividends for the owners of the eight Internet cafes, the total The expenditure is 72365 yuan.

However, starting from this month, "Chufeng Net City" will also bear the electricity and water bills. Lin Feng is not ignorant of this, and he was taken aback. 195 computers including air conditioners actually used 35,208 kilowatt-hours of electricity, which costs 1 yuan per kilowatt-hour, which is 35,208 yuan. The water bill is less than 40 yuan, which is much cheaper.

Including the "public security management fee" of 2,925 yuan in June, the 1,000 yuan sponsorship from the Lanlan District Neighborhood Committee, the 3,000 yuan firefighting training fee, and the cigarette money given to police officer Zhang and others, the total expenditure was 115,538 yuan. .

In the final settlement, the net profit in June was 215,265 yuan. According to the agreement, Lin Feng and Chu Zhixuan began to share dividends this month. Chu Zhixuan's 25% bonus can be distributed to 53,816.25 yuan. This income not only exceeds the money Chu Zhixuan earned in the two years he opened the bookstore, but also earned less than half of the electricity and water bills he paid in the past three months.

"Brother, let's continue to expand the computer." Seeing such a huge profit, Chu Zhixuan naturally wouldn't deposit the money in the bank, reinvesting is the wisest choice.

"Well, but this time we don't spend all the money on buying computers, we leave a small amount of money, and we add a small game room on the third floor." Lin Feng smiled mysteriously.

"Game room?" Chu Zhixuan was taken aback, he didn't understand why Lin Feng wanted the third floor. The third floor was used by him to store books before. The space is not very large, less than 20 square meters, and it has always been used as a warehouse.

"Hehe, brother, you will know when the time comes." Lin Feng didn't plan to reveal the answer first, he wanted to create a suspense.

After negotiating with Chu Zhixuan, Lin Feng kept the odds for later use, and the remaining 200,000 yuan was used to purchase computers, adding another 30 computers, and now "Chufeng Internet City" has a total of 225 computers . In order to ensure the ventilation and freshness of the air, Lin Feng only placed 200 computers on the first floor and 25 computers on the second floor. According to Lin Feng's estimate, under the premise of ensuring enough space, the two floors can accommodate up to 450 computers, but this number can basically absorb the surrounding tourists.

After purchasing the computer, Lin Feng also launched a membership system. As long as you deposit 50 yuan in advance, you can become a member of "Chufeng Wangcheng", you can enjoy a 15% discount, and you can regularly enjoy various activities launched by "Chufeng Wangcheng".

There are two goals for Lin Feng to launch this membership system: one is to build loyal customers. Although there are no other Internet cafes in the four weeks, they will appear again sooner or later, so Lin Feng wants to occupy the market first; the other is to launch for him in the future A series of plans to prepare.

Lin Feng's membership system was welcomed by all students once it was launched. After all, the fee of 3 yuan per hour is still relatively expensive for most students. Although it is only 0.5 yuan cheaper per hour, it will save more money over time up. In just three days, "Chufeng Net City" has 1,500 members, and this number is still growing rapidly every day.

Another unexpected discovery of Lin Feng's European trip this time is that during his absence, Liu Yishan managed the Internet cafe very well. Calmness can easily resolve the occasional contradictions and frictions in Wangcheng, which happens to be not what Lin Feng possesses.

Moreover, it is impossible for Lin Feng to devote all his time to "Chufeng Net City". His career has just started.

It will definitely continue to grow and develop, so he must also ask some helpers to help him, no matter how powerful the general is, it is impossible to win the battle alone.

After negotiating with Liu Yishan, Lin Feng decided to hire Liu Yishan as the official administrator of "Chufeng Net City", responsible for daily affairs, and Lin Feng himself was responsible for money. Lin Feng didn't want his mother to work too hard. Of course, although his mother's accounting would not cause problems, if Lin Feng wanted to invest, there would be many troubles. Therefore, at this stage, Lin Feng did not intend to transfer the financial power to others.

After all these were settled, Lin Feng finally freed up a lot of time. Now that I have 1 million cash in my hands, I can't let it depreciate in my hands. I have to use the money to make money to develop my own business.

Maybe when he was reborn, Lin Feng just wanted to earn a sum of money so that he and his family could live without illness or disaster. However, the development of his career during this period not only bulged up Lin Feng's wallet, but also gradually changed Lin Feng's thinking that if he is a little rich, he will be safe. Especially this trip to Europe not only earned 1 million, but also broadened Lin Feng's horizons.

Since I have the ability to make more money, why don't I make it? I want to be like Roman Abramovich (the owner of Premier League Chelsea Club, referred to as Abramovich in the media), and manipulate the real world as a game. ——Lin Feng made the greatest wish in his life.

This wish, Lin Feng believed that he would be able to realize it.

"Have you ever killed your own friend with your own hands?"

When everyone came to the game the next day, a huge poster was posted outside "Chufeng Wangcheng" - a dark room with several people standing inside. ——"Have you ever killed your friend with your own hands?" This sentence appeared in the most prominent place.

A sign was posted on the stairs leading to the third floor: Kill! ——Welcome to the killing game.

"Boss, what is this?" The students who had finally skipped class early in the morning to come to the game were immediately attracted by the posters outside, stopped playing the game, and ran to Lin Feng asking non-stop.

"Hehe, this is a deduction puzzle game invented in Europe and America called 'Killing Game'. It not only tests people's eloquence, but also tests people's ability to analyze and judge. He will definitely become a winner in the society." Lin Feng confused the game and the society together, which immediately aroused everyone's interest.

"Boss, boss, when will this game start? How do you play it?" The crowd surrounded Lin Feng in a hurry.

"Hehe, don't worry, it will open in three days, but it is only open to members for the first time, if you want to play this game, please register at the cashier." Lin Feng pointed to the cashier.

"Miss, I want to register, I want to register." Everyone cheered and surrounded the cashier counter, rushing to sign up, making the cashier lady flustered. There is no way, the poster outside is too tempting, and Lin Feng's explanation is half hidden and half revealed, which makes everyone's hearts itchy, so it's strange if they are not in a hurry.

Looking at the crowd rushing to sign up, Lin Feng knew that the "Murder Game" launched this time would definitely become popular. Lin Feng didn't know whether there were "killing games" in other parts of the country at this time, but Chu City launched the killing game in 2005, and Lin Feng launched it in 2000, which will definitely set off a round of "killing fever" in Chu City.

As for the opening of the "killing game" after three days, Lin Feng's first reason is to whet everyone's appetite; second, he is stepping up the training of referees in the past two days. It is impossible for Lin Feng to be a referee by himself, so it is really overkill to tie Lin Feng here like that. Third, Lin Feng wants to launch a "killing club" here, only members of "Chufeng Wangcheng" can enjoy this game, so as to stimulate the business of "Chufeng Wangcheng".

Internet cafes are definitely the easiest industry to make money now. Although there are no other Internet cafes in the Blue Zone to compete with "Chufeng Internet City", Lin Feng must plan ahead. And compared to urban areas, due to the successive opening of several large Internet cities, the price of Internet cafes has dropped to 2 yuan per hour. "Chufeng Wangcheng" still maintains the price of 3 yuan per hour, which makes most students complain. Launching such a free game that only members can enjoy can greatly reduce their resistance to the price.

Just when Lin Feng was about to fight, a phone call came.

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